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Care e r D

Career Description Of Chemical


• Chemical engineering is a certain type of engineering which

deals with the study of operation and design of chemical
plants as well as methods of improving production. Chemical
engineers develop economical commercial processes to
convert raw material into useful products.
• Chemical engineering uses principles of chemistry, physics,
mathematics, biology, and economics to efficiently use,
produce, design, transport and transform energy and
• The work of chemical engineers can range from the
utilization of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the
laboratory to large-scale industrial processes that convert 2
chemicals, raw materials, living cells, microorganisms, and
energy into useful forms and products.
Per s o nal it y • Analytical skills. Chemical engineers must be able to figure out why a

particular design does not work as planned. They must be able to ask
the right questions and then find answers that work.
• Math skills. Chemical engineers use the principals of calculus and
other advanced topics in mathematics for analysis, design, and
troubleshooting in their work.
• Problem-solving skills. In designing equipment and processes for
manufacturing, these engineers strive to solve several problems at
Chemical engineers should also once, including such issues as workers’ safety and problems related to
possess the following specific manufacturing and environmental protection. They must also be able to
qualities: anticipate and identify problems to prevent losses for their employers,
safeguard workers’ health, and prevent environmental damage.
• Ingenuity. Chemical engineers learn the broad concepts of chemical
engineering, but their work requires them to apply those concepts to
specific production problems.

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Care er E

What is Chemical Engineer

Environment ?

• Chemical engineers plan the manufacture of products

through chemical techniques. Even when working on
more mundane consumer products they devise
manufacturing processes that require less energy.
• They also help make them as environmentally safe as
possible, and eliminate as much waste as they can.
• Chemical engineers work mostly in offices or
laboratories. They may spend time at industrial plants,
refineries, and other locations, where they monitor or
direct operations or solve onsite problems. Nearly all
chemical engineers work full time.

Academic Qualifications Of
Chemical Engineering

• We need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree to be a

chemical engineer.
• It may be in chemical engineering, or some colleges
now offer a degree in chemical and biomolecular
• Extensive math and science courses in high school
will help us to prepare for the more intensive and in-
depth math and science in college, such as organic
and physical chemistry.

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