Kwesiga Julius: (HONS) Olericulture Crop Sciences (Agronomy)

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Crop Sciences (Agronomy)
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Geographical Distribution
Food Based strategies
Recommended dietary intake

The word vitamin was originally derived
from Funk's term "vital amine.
 In 1912, he was referring to Christian Eijkman's
discovery of an amine extracted from rice
polishings that could prevent Beriberi. (ADEK)
B and C

Vitamin A was the first fat-soluble vitamin to

be discovered.

Vitamin A (Retinol) is required for normal
metabolism, general health and growth.

It is important to note that this vitamin is not

synthesized in the human body and needs to be
obtained from the diet.
This vitamin can be obtained from either
vegetable or animal sources.
Importance of Vitamin

Vitamin A is essential for night vision and for
maintaining a healthy skin.

It helps humans to taste besides guarding the

body against cancer formation and pollution.

This vitamin is essential in bone formation

and synthesis of glycogen and protein.

 Carrots
 Fish
 Milk
 Pineapple
 Bananas
 Tomatoes
 Parsley
 Hot pepper
 Sweet potatoes
 Green Beans

 Maintains health of
specialized tissues such as
the retina
 Aids in growth and health of
the skin and mucous
 Promotes normal
development of teeth, soft
and skeletal tissue
Recommended dietary intake

1 yr below 430 mcg/day Men
8 yrs below  400 18 yrs above 900
mcg/day mcg/day
Boys Pregnancy 
9-18 yrs  600- 900 800 mcg/day
mcg/day Lactation
Girls and women 19-30 yr 1,100
9-18 yrs    700 mcg/day mcg/day

Abnormal visual adaptation to darkness,

 dry skin,

 dry hair,

broken fingernails,

and decreased resistance to infections

Can lead to dryness of

the conjunctiva, night
blindness, and poor
body growth.
Can also result in acne,
boils, and respiratory
Poor skins that are dry
and flaky
Geographical distribution

Geographical distribution….

On a global basis, 251 million children of preschool
In Africa 52 million children are at risk of VAD, and
an estimated 1.04 million of these have clinical signs
of the deficiency..
Every year, 250 000 to 500 000 children.
Ten to 20 times more - are at risk in terms of health
and survival because VAD impairs resistance to
Food based strategies

 School gardens, FFS, mixed farming systems,
higher-yielding vitamin A-rich varieties, fruit
and vegetable cultivation.
Education and training
 Train nutrition or agricultural extension workers,
community workers, health personnel, religious
leaders, schoolteachers, students, women and
family members on the following topics:
Food based strategies……

 local markets.
 Improve the local infrastructure.
 Provide economic credits to women's groups.
 Micronutrient-rich foods, including traditional foods in
local markets.
 Consumption patterns of different age groups and reasons
why and when certain foods are not eaten.
 developing plant varieties with higher vitamin A and
other micronutrient values.
Food based strategies……

Food industry, trade and commerce
 Fortify appropriate foods eg.
 OFSP, Some cereals like maize etc to specific groups
that lack access to high-quality, nutritious foods.
 Institute food regulatory systems to enable
nutritionally appropriate fortification.
 Train food inspectors.
Special considerations
 Involve NGOs in providing technical support and
Over dosage

The dosage of Vitamin A must not be exceeded
beyond 15,000 IU per day unless supported by a
qualified medical advice.

Extremely high doses (>9000 mg) can cause dry, scaly

skin, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, bone and joint
pains and headaches
How to use Vit. A

It is recommended to use Vitamin A with
essential fatty acids, zinc, phosphorus, B-group
Vitamins, and Vitamins C and D

Vitamin A has been found to fight aging and

make skin more elastic and younger looking.
By actually applying the fruits in their law form

By the use of creams like tretinoin


 Vitamin A is an essential micro nutrient in our
diets we should treat it equal attention just like
any other Food nutrient.
Be aware that our children, brothers sisters
mothers fathers and Grand parents have high
chances of Vitamin A deficiency. What have
your done to Help them.
Government policies should be put in place to
end this Clinical deficiency
Thank Your for the

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