MEPE502 - The Stability Problem - 2

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Lecture 2.: Power Systems Stability
Lecturer: T. C. Njenda
Sunday, November 21, 2021 Power Systems Modelling (MEPE502) 2

Power system Stability refers to the ability of a power
system to remain in a state of equilibrium under normal
conditions and to regain equilibrium after being subjected
to a disturbance.
Can also be defined as the ability of generating units to
remain in synchronism or in step however voltage
collapse can also lead to instability.
Stability is concerned with generator rotor angles and
power angle relationships.
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Rotor angle stability – the ability of machines to remain in
Synchronous machine consists of the field on the rotor
and the armature on the stator.
The frequency of the stator variable is synchronized with
the rotor speed.
When 2 or more sysnchronous machines are connected
the stator voltages and currents must have the same
frequency and rotors must have same speed.
Rotors must be in synchronism
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Three phase stator current produce a rotating field which
rotates at the same speed as the rotor.
The interaction of the two field (stator and rotor) produces
an electromagnetic torque which opposes rotation.
Therefore a mechanical torque must be applied through
the prime mover to sustain rotation.
Changing input mechanical torque changes the rotor
position relative the stator rotating magnetic field.
Under steady state rotor and stator magnetic field rotates
at the same speed but with an angular separation
depending on torque or power output of the generator.
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Power angle relationship

Consider the diagram below
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Power angle relationship

• Inductive reactance XL, negligible resistance and
Synchronous generator 1 feeds synchronous motor 2.
Power transfer is a function of (angular separation
between rotors of two machines).
 angular separation of generator and motor voltages
(stator revolving magnetic field of the generator leads that
of the motor).
 angle by which generator rotor leads revolving field of the
generator stator.
 motor internal angle (angle by which rotor lags the
revolving stator field).
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Power angle relationship

• Power transfer is given by.

When is zero no power is transferred.

Increasing increases power transfer up to .
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Phasor diagram
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Power angle curve

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Small signal stability

The slip between stator and rotor fields results in power
With electrical power systems the change in electrical
torque of a synchronous machine following a disturbance
can be resolved into two components
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Small signal stability

Both synchronizing and damping torques are required to
maintain synchronism.
Lack of enough synchronizing torque results in instability
through aperiodic drift in the rotor angle.
Lack of enough damping torque results in oscillatory
instability in the rotor angle.
Rotor angle stability can be characterized into:
1. Small signal stability (small disturbance). Ability of the
power system to maintain stability after a small
disturbance (small load or generation changes).
• Instabillity can be in two forms
Sunday, November 21, 2021 Power Systems Modelling (MEPE502) 12

Small signal stability

i. Steady increase in rotor angle due to lack of sufficient
synchronizing torque.
ii. Rotor oscillation of increasing amplitude due to lack of
sufficient damping torque.
System response to small disturbances depends on
i. Initial operating conditions.
ii. Transmission system strength.
iii. Type of generator excitation controls.
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 Radially connected generator to a large power system and no automatic

voltage control.
 Lack of synchronizing torque.
 Non oscillatory instability.
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 With automatic voltage regulator in place oscillatory instability usually

 Enough synchronizing torque but lack of damping torque.
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Small signal stability

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Transient stability
Transient stability is the ability of a power system to
maintain stability in the presence of a large disturbance.
System is usually altered such that the post disturbance
state is different from the prior state.
Disturbances include short circuits (phase to ground,
2phase to ground, 3phase) on transmission lines.
Bus or transformer faults can be considered in some
Fault is cleared by opening of breakers and isolation of
faulted equipment.
High speed auto-recloser can be considered.
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Rotor angle response to transient stability

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Rotor angle response to transient stability

In case 1, the rotor angle increases to a maximum and
gradually decreases until steady state.
In case 2, the rotor angle continues to increase steadily
until synchronism is lost (first swing instability due to lack
of synchronizing torque).
In case 3, the system is stable in the first swing but
becomes unstable due to growing oscillations.
Usually a post fault steady state instability.
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Classification of Stability
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