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Lecture 1.: Power Systems Background
Lecturer: T. C. Njenda
Sunday, November 21, 2021 POWER SYSTEMS MODELLING MEPE502 2

Takawira Cuthbert Njenda

 lecturer UZ, ZNDU
 DPhil Electrical Engineering (Pending), MSc Power
Systems Engineering (IUT, Iran), BSc Electrical
Engineering (UZ, Zimbabwe).
 Certificate Cybersecurity, Remote Sensing, Persian
+263773420450/ +263719420450
Sunday, November 21, 2021 POWER SYSTEMS MODELLING MEPE502 3

1. General background
- General characteristics of modern power systems.
- Introduction to the power system stability problem.
2. Equipment characteristics and modelling.
- Synchronous machine theory and modelling.
- Synchronous machine representation in stability studies.
- Excitation systems.
- Prime movers and energy supply systems.
- Transmission line modelling.
- Synchronous machine parameters.
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3. System Stability
- Small signal stability.
- Sub-synchronous oscillations.
4. Computer modelling
- Power Systems Modelling and programming with
- Modelling in matlab (re-cap).
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Commercial use of electricity began in
The DC system by Thomas Edison was
Through the discoveries by Nikola Tesla
AC became popular.
First three phase system was in North
Carlifornia 1893.
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AC had some advantage over DC
1. AC voltages can be easily transformed between voltage
2. AC generators are much simpler than DC generators.
3. Ac motors are much simpler than DC motors.
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Structure of the Power System

Power Systems vary in size but generally comprise of
Three phase AC systems.
Synchronous generators.
Transmission lines.
Different loads (industrial, commercial, domestic),
(capacitive, inductive, resistive), (static, Voltage
dependent) etc.
Protection systems (relays, breakers) etc.
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Structure of the Power System

The power network consists of the generating stations
and transmission.
Transmission network is further classified into:
1. Transmission system (>230kV).
2. Sub-transmission system (>69kV, <138kV).
3. Distribution (4kV to 34.5kV) with sub distribution as low
as 220V.
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Structure of the Power System

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1. Power system must be continually changing load
demand for active and reactive power. Enough spinning
reserve for active and reactive power must be
2. Power system must supply energy at minimum cost and
ecological impact. (economic dispatch, unit
3. Power quality standards to be maintained (voltage,
frequency and reliability).
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Power System Operating States

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Power system control is highly distributed
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
provides information for system status.
For reliable and stable network the control system are
designed for normal contingencies (loss of a single
generator) and for extreme contingencies.
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Power System Control Hierarchy

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