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There are several basic concepts, which must be established before
the analysis of electric machines can begin. The principle of
electromechanical energy conversion is perhaps the cornerstone of
machine analysis. This theory allows us to establish an expression of
electromagnetic torque in terms of machine variables, generally the
currents, and the displacement of the mechanical system. Other
principles, which must be established, are:

1) The derivation of equivalent circuit representations of magnetically
coupled circuits.
2) The concept of a sinusoidally distributed winding.
3) The concept of a rotating air-gap MMF.
4) The derivation of winding inductances.
The first one of the above-mentioned basic principles is only presented
in this chapter.


1) Introduction

This part will develop some basic tools for the analysis of magnetic
field systems and will provide a brief introduction to the properties of
practical magnetic materials.
The complete, detailed solution for magnetic fields in most situations
of practical engineering interest involves the solution of Maxwell's
equations along with various constitutive relationships which describe
material properties.

2) The governing equations
Since a good part of electromechanical energy conversion uses
magnetic fields it is important early on to learn (or review) how to
solve for the magnetic field quantities in simple geometries and under
certain assumptions. One such assumption is that the frequency of all
the variables is low enough to neglect all displacement currents.

We start with Maxwell’s equations, describing the characteristics of
the magnetic field at low frequencies. First we use

The first equation states that the line integral of the tangential
component of the magnetic field intensity H around a closed contour C
is equal to the total current passing through any surface S linking that
contour. From this equation we see that the source of H is the current
density J.
The second equation states that the magnetic flux density B is
conserved, i.e., that no net flux enters or leaves a closed surface.
Another is that the media (usually air, aluminum, copper, steel etc.)
are homogeneous and isotropic. We’ll list a few more assumptions as
we move along.

1 - 10
As applied to the magnetic circuit of last figure, the source of the
magnetic field in the core is the ampere-turn product N i. In magnetic
circuit terminology N i is the magnetomotive force (mmf) (A.T.) (Ā)
acting on the magnetic circuit. Although last figure shows only
a single coil, transformers and most rotating machines have at least
two windings, and N i must be replaced by the algebraic sum of the
ampere-turns of all the windings.

1 - 11
3) Magnetic flux

The magnetic flux (Φ) crossing a surface S is the surface integral of

the normal component of B; thus

φ = flux in core (webers)
Bc = flux density in core (webers / m2 ) also known as (teslas (T))

Ac = cross-sectional area of core (m2)

1 - 12
4) Magnetomotive force

From Maxwell’s equations, the relationship between the

magnetomotive force (mmf) acting on a magnetic circuit and the
magnetic field intensity (H) in that circuit is.

1 - 13
N = number of coil turn
I = current in coil (amp)
Hc = the magnetic field intensity (amperes per meter)

lc = the mean flux path length (m)

1 - 14
5) Magnetic permeability

The relationship between the magnetic field intensity H and the

magnetic flux density B is a property of the material in which the
field exists by used the magnetic permeability. It is common to
assume a linear relationship; thus

1 - 15
µ is known as the magnetic permeability. In SI units, H is measured in
units of amperes per meter, B is in webers per square meter, also
known as teslas (T), and µ is in webers per ampere-turn-meter, or
equivalently henrys per meter (h/m) .
µo = the permeability of free space. In SI units, it is measured by
henrys per meter
µr = the permeability of linear magnetic material (rang from 2000 to
80000 (h/m)).

1 - 16
6) Magnetic reluctance

The relationship between the magnetomotive force (mmf) acting on

a magnetic circuit and the magnetic flux (Φ) in that circuit can be
illustrated by magnetic reluctance (Rm). The Rm is measured by
1/henry (henry-1).
Deduce the relation of magnetic reluctance?

1 - 17
1 - 18
7) Comparison between electrical circuit and magnetic circuit

Electrical Circuit Magnetic Circuit

V, electromotive force mmf, magnetomotive force

“or” voltage (volt) (amp . t)
I, current (amp) Φ, magnetic flux (web)
R, resistance (Ω) (ohm) Rm, magnetic reluctance (henry-1)
J, current density (amp/m2) B, flux density (web/m2)(teslas)

1 - 19
8) Saturation (B-H) curve
 Although for free space a equation
is linear, in most ferrous materials this relationship is nonlinear.
Neglecting for the moment hysteresis, the relationship between H
and B ( )
can be described by a curve of the form shown in the following
figure. From this curve, for a given value of B or H we can find
the other one and calculate the permeability µ by used the
following equation

1 - 20
1 - 21
9) Induced voltage in the coil (e.m.f)

When flux through a coil changes for whatever reason (e.g. change
of the field or relative movement), a voltage is induced in this coil.
If a coil has more than one turns in series, we define as flux
linkages of the coil, λ, the sum of the flux through each turn,
λ = Flux linkage of the coil
vL(t) = Instantaneous value of induced phase voltage
E = rms value of induced phase voltage

1 - 22
1 - 23
Magnetically Coupled Circuits for
Single Phase Transformer

Magnetically coupled electric circuits are central to the operation of

transformers and electric machines. In the case of transformers,
stationary circuits are magnetically coupled for the purpose of
changing the voltage and current levels. In the case of electric
machines, circuits in relative motion are magnetically coupled for the
purpose of transferring energy between mechanical and electrical

1 - 24
Since magnetically coupled circuits play such an important role in power
transmission and conversion, it is important to establish the equations,
which describe their behavior, and to express these equations in a form
convenient for analysis. These goals may be achieved by starting with
two stationary electric circuits, which are magnetically coupled as shown
in following figure: -

1 - 25
1 - 26
The two coils consist of turns N1 and N2 respectively and they are
wound on a common core which is generally a ferromagnetic material
with a permeability large relative to that of air. The permeability of free
space, µo= 4 πx10 -7 H/m. The permeability of other materials is
expressed as µ=µ0µr where µr relative permeability. In the case of
transformer steel the relative permeability may be as high as 2000 to
In general, the flux produced by each coil can be separated into two
components. A leakage component denoted with an 1 subscript and
a magnetizing component denoted by an m subscript.

1 - 27
The flux linking each coil may be expressed as: -

1 - 28
The leakage φl1 is produced by current flowing in coil 1 and links
only the turns of coil 1. Similarly, the leakage flux p 22 is produced
by current flowing in coil 2 and links only the turns of coil 2. The
magnetizing fluxµm1is produced by current flowing in coil 1 and it
links all turns of coils1 and 2. Similarly, the magnetizing flux m2 is
produced by current flowing in coils 2 and it also links all turns of
coils 1 and 2.

1 - 29
With the selected positive direction of current flow and the manner in
which the coils are wound (Fig. 1), magnetizing flux produced by
positive current in one coil adds to the magnetizing flux by positive
current in the other coil. In other words, if both currents are actually
flowing in the same direction, the magnetizing fluxes produced by each
coil are in the same direction making the total magnetizing flux or the
total core flux the sum of the instantaneous magnitudes of the
individual magnetizing fluxes. If the actual currents are in opposite
directions, the magnetizing fluxes are in opposite directions. In this
case, one coil is said to be magnetizing the core, the other
1 - 30
Where: -

1 - 31
1 - 32
1 - 33
1 - 34
L11, L22 = Self Inductance

L21 = L12 = Mutual Inductance

Can be write the matric equation for flux linkage and inductance
(self and mutual) for the following:-

1 - 35
Write the voltage , the flux linkages, and the inductance (self and
mutual) equations in machine variables for:-
1- The single phase transformer
2- The three phase transformer.
3- The general cylindrical machine consists of two winding.
4- The synchronous machine.
5- The three phase induction machine.

1 - 36
1-Single Phase Transformer
1) The Flux Linkage Matric Equation

1 - 37
2) The Inductance (Self and Mutual) Matric Equation

1 - 38
3) The Voltage Equation and Matric Equation

1 - 39
1 - 40
2-The Three Phase Transformer
1) The Flux Linkage Matric Equation

1 - 41
2) The Inductance (Self and Mutual) Matric Equation

1 - 42
1 - 43
1 - 44
1 - 45
1 - 46
1 - 47
3) The Voltage Equation and Matric Equation

1 - 48
3- General Cylindrical Machine Consists of Two
It is helpful to formulate an expression for the electromagnetic torque
of the elementary rotational device shown in the following figures.
This device consists of two conductors. Conductor 1 is placed on the
stationary member (stator); conductor 2 is fixed on the rotating
member (rotor). The indicates that the assumed direction of positive
current flow is into the paper while O indicates positive current flow
in out of the paper. The length of the air gap between the stator and
rotor is shown exaggerated relative to the inside diameter of the
stator. 1 - 49
1 - 50
1 - 51
1) The Flux Linkage Matric Equation

1 - 52
2) The Inductance (Self and Mutual) Matric Equation

1 - 53
3) The Voltage Equation and Matric Equation

M12 The maximum mutual inductance between two winding

R1 , R2 The resistances of conductor 1 and conductor 2

1 - 54
4- The Synchronous Machine.
The winding arrangement of a 2-pole, 3-phase, star-connected non
salient pole synchronous machine is shown in the following figure.

1 - 55
1 - 56
1) The Flux Linkage Matric Equation

1 - 57
2) The Inductance (Self and Mutual) Matric Equation

1)Mss the maximum mutual inductance between stator phases
2) Msf the maximum mutual inductance between stator and rotor
3) Mss cos(120) = Mss cos(240)= -Mss /2

1 - 58
1 - 59
1 - 60
3) The Voltage Equation and Matric Equation

1 - 61
5- The Three Phase Induction Machine.
The winding arrangement of a 2-pole, 3-phase, star-connected
symmetrical induction machine is shown in following figure. The
stator windings are identical with equivalent turns Ns and resistance .

1 - 62
1 - 63
1) The Flux Linkage Matric Equation

1 - 64
2) The Inductance (Self and Mutual) Matric Equation

1 - 65
2) The Inductance (Self and Mutual) Matric Equation

1 - 66
1 - 67
3) The Voltage Equation and Matric Equation

1 - 68
We can see the complexity of the voltage equations due to the time-
varying mutual inductances between stator and rotor circuits. We will see
later that a change of variables eliminates the time-varying inductances
resulting in voltage equations which are still nonlinear but much more

1 - 69
Introduction to The Modeling of Electrical
The dynamic models of electrical machines are required for the
following two reasons;
 Dynamical machine models are used for the analysis of devices
 When the electric machines are a part of an electric drive, the
dynamic models are used for the control design.

1 - 70
The model should be able to represent the actual device as accurately as
it is required for the purposes of the analysis. This means that the model
has to react to the same inputs in the same way as the actual device
itself. A more complex model normally behaves more like the actual
device. Therefore, the modeling procedure is a search for the
compromise between complexity and applicability. There are two
different approaches to the modeling of electrical machines

1 - 71
 The field approach and
 The circuit approach
The circuit approach is chosen to represent the rotating electrical
machines in this course.
 The saturation of the iron core and hysteresis are neglected.
 The actually distributed windings in the machine are presented by
the lumped parameters

1 - 72
The Voltage and The Electromagnetic Torque for
General Cylindrical Machine Consists of Two
The basic two-winding electric machine is shown in following figure. Ɵr
is the angle between the axes fixed to the moving coil on the rotor and
the stationary coil on the stator.

1 - 73
1 - 74
1 - 75
1) Pd =The Dynamic Power 2) PR =The Resistance Power

3) Ps =The Stored Power 4) Pss =The Steady State Power

5) Pins = The Instantaneous Power

6) Te =The Steady State Torque =The Developed Torque

7) Td =The Dynamic Torque

8) L12 = L21 = M12 cos (Ɵr )

Then, the mutual inductance is a function of Ɵr and the self

inductance is not a function of Ɵr

9) P =The Electrical Power
1 - 76
1 - 77
1 - 78
1 - 79
1 - 80
1 - 81
Then, the mutual inductance is a function of Ɵr and the self

inductance and the resistance are not a function of Ɵr

1 - 82
1 - 83
1 - 84
The Summary of Voltage, Power and Torque

1 - 85
1 - 86
1 - 87
The Induced Voltage ( e )
2 ‫ عدد الملفات ضرب‬:‫عدد الترمات هيا‬
‫زائد جهد المقاومة‬
1) v1 , v2 = The Instantaneous Voltage

2) e1 , e2 = The Induced Voltage

3) vR =The Resistance Voltage

4) VS =The Self Voltage

5) VM =The Mutual Voltage

6) VG =The Generation Voltage =The Torque Voltage

7) VT =The Transformer Voltage

1 - 88
1 - 89
1 - 90
And so that

1 - 91
General Circuit Model of the Electrical Machine

((d-q) Axes Model of Electrical Machine)

The following specifications are very common for the general circuit
model of the electrical machine:
 The coil x is the element of the circuit with its resistance Rx, self-
inductance , coils are linked with the mutual inductances
 The idealized circuit model is magnetically linear (saturation and
hysteresis are neglected) and radially symmetrical Therefore, the
principle of superposition is applicable.

1 - 92
 The model coils are located in two axes (dq), which are chosen to be
 The model coils are chosen to be stationary. The fact that coils on the
physical machine may rotate is handled mathematically, where
necessary by a transformation of coordinates
 The model is always a two-pole machine.
 Higher harmonic components in the distribution of magneto - motive
forces (MMFs) are neglected.

1 - 93
The circuit model of the electric machine with four coils is shown in
following figure. Let us assume that rotor coils are stationary due to the
commutator with the two sets of brushes in the d- and the q- axis.
There can be no mutual flux between coils on the perpendicular axes,
because the axes are in quadrature.
The transformer-induced voltages exist between all coils on the same
axis, but they do not exist between the coils on the perpendicular axes.
The standard dot notation is used to mark the plus polarity of the induced
The stator coils, by definition, do not have any generated voltage due
to the rotation (speed voltage) of the rotor.
1 - 94
However, the rotor coils do have a speed voltage and are defined to
have a speed mutual voltage with respect to each coil on the perpdicular
axis, but not with respect to any other coil on the same axis.
The polarity of this voltage is indicated by a triangle mark A. The
mark is put to that side of the rotor coil which has the positive polarity
when Ɵr is oriented counterclockwise.

1 - 95
Write the voltage equations in (d-q) axes model for the
general cylindrical machine consists of four winding.
1) ɷds = ɷqs =0 (at Stator)

2) ɷdr = + and ɷqr = -

3) Ɵdsds = Ɵdrdr = Ɵqsqs = Ɵqrqr = Ɵdsdr = Ɵqsqr = 0

4) Ɵdsqs = Ɵdsqr = Ɵdrqs = Ɵdrqr = 90

1 - 96
1 - 97
1 - 98
1 - 99
1 - 100
Write the voltage equations in (d-q) axes model for the
general cylindrical machine consists of two winding.

1 - 101
1 - 102
1 - 103
Write the transformation equations for the general cylindrical
machine consists of two winding to (d-q) axes model machine.

1 - 104
1 - 105
1 - 106
Write the transformation equations for the synchronous
machine to (d-q) axes model machine.

1 - 107
1 - 108
1 - 109
Write the transformation equations for the three phase
induction machine to (d-q) axes model machine.

1 - 110
1 - 111
1 - 112
Thank You

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