Writing The Plan of Investigation: Presenter: Mrs. C. Simmonds-Ward

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Writing the Plan of

Presenter: Mrs. C. Simmonds-Ward
• It is a 100- 120 word summary that outlines how you
plan to proceed with your S.B.A
• It is worth five marks and is first graded out of 10
and then divided by 2
• Each area of the plan has a separate score:

What is the Plan Title and reason- 3mrks

of Benefits- 3mrks
Materials and resources- 2mks
Investigation? Skills- 2mks
Title and reason

The first part of your Plan of Investigation must state the

theme and title of your SBA.

You must also include an insightful reason for choosing this

topic. You must state why you are personally interested in
the topic selected.
Reason continued

• Your reason must state that you are

interested in the topic because of a future
career interest, present hobby or perhaps a
personal observation of something prevalent
in your community or social circle.
• How will you benefit as a student of English?
• What skills will you develop or be enhanced as a
result of doing this SBA?
• Will your research skills improve?
Benefits • Will your vocabulary and critical thinking skills be
• What about your summary writing and oracy skills?
• You must be able to state clearly how the process of
completing the SBA will improve your overall
abilities as a student of English
• The research will help me as a student to:
• Develop/enhance the ability to use Standard Jamaican
Here are some English.

possible options • Develop/enhance my writing skills.

• Develop the capacity to assess the reliability of
for this sources, especially those found on the internet.
Try to include at least three ways in which you will
benefit as a student from doing this SBA.
Materials and Resources

You are required to include three (3) artefacts.

In your plan of investigation you must state the kind of artefacts that will be used in your

You may choose to use two(2) articles and these can be taken from newspapers or magazines.

Your third artefact may be a poem, a short video, a cartoon, painting or photo with words
included in it.

Also state the sources for the artefacts that were selected.
What skills will you use to analyze your

• Your plan also requires you to state the skills you will use to analyze
your artefacts.
• These may include but not be limited to :
1. Analyzing the writer’s tone, diction, word Choice, appeal to
emotions/ logic.
2. Analyzing the use of various figurative devices.
Plan of Investigation (Sample)

This SBA will focus on the topic,  ”The negative effects of skin bleaching” which was derived from my groups
theme: Skin Bleaching. This topic appealed to me because I have observed that skin bleaching is quite common in
my community and I have seen how it has changed the appearance of people close to me. I would like to know more
about its negative effects, so that I can educate my friends and family about the dangers of this practice.
Engaging in this research will enhance my competence as a student of English. It will build my vocabulary and
improve my written expression and reading comprehension skill.
I intend to gather information for my topic by browsing the internet for articles, poems, and pictures and
YouTube for potential videos. I aim to use an online article, a picture and a YouTube video that show the effects of
skin bleaching. These pieces will be further analyzed by identifying the writer’s techniques, devices and evaluating
how these are used to achieve the purpose of the pieces selected.

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