Pengenalan Tentang Dokumen Proyek (Autosaved)

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Pengenalan tentang

Dokumen Proyek
By Sugeng Riyadi
Pengenalan tentang Dokumen Proyek :
 Drawing :
 Plot Plan, Arrangement Drawing, Detail Drawing, P&ID, Isomatric Drawing, Piping Arrangement Drawing.
 Specification project
 Standard & Code
 Piping List
 Procedure Installation
 ITP (Inspection & Test Plan)
 Progress Report
 Daily Report
 Master Schedule Project
 JSA Job Safety Analysis
 Permit
 Procedure Commissioning
 Test Package Piping
 Turn Of Package (TOP)
 Inspection report
 Document Contract
 Document Contract
Drawing :
Plot Plan, Arrangement Drawing, Detail Drawing, P&ID, Isomatric Drawing, Piping Arrangement Drawing.
Specification project
Standard & Code Mechanical
 Indonesia
 MIGAS Regulation : regulation pertaining to Oil & Gas sector, eg :
 MIGAS Regulation No 84.K/38/DJM/1998 : Pedoman dan Tata Cara Pemeriksaan Keselamatan Kerja atas Instalasi,
Peralatan dan Teknik yang Dipergunakan Dalam Usaha Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan Pengusahaan Sumber Daya
Panas Bumi
 Depnaker Regulation : regulation pertaining to Man Power sector, eg : Depnaker Regulation No. Per.02/MEN/1982
Tentang : Kwalifikasi Juru Las Ditempat Kerja
 Standard Nasional Indonesia (SNI)
 United States of America (USA)
 ASME (American Society for Mechanical Engineer), website :
 API (American Petroleum Institute), website :
 AWS (American Welding Society), website :
 AWWA (American Water Work Association), website :
Standard & Code Mechanical
Standard & Code Mechanical
Standard & Code Mechanical
Standard & Code Civil
Standard & Code Electrical
 IEC : International Electro Technical Commission National Standard
 NEMA : National Electrical Manufacturing Associatio Recommendation
 IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electrical Engineers
 NEC : National Electrical Code
Piping Designation List
Procedure Installation
ITP (Inspection & Test Plan)
Progress Report
Daily Report
Master Schedule Project
Job Safety Analysis
Procedure Commissioning
Test Package Piping
Turn Of Package (TOP)
Inspection report

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