Microsoft Access: Prof. Shailesh Padgaonkar

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Prof. Shailesh Padgaonkar

What is MS Access
• Microsoft Access is a Database Management System (DBMS)
from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet
Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software
development tools.
• To use MS Access, the following steps need to be followed
– Database Creation - Create your Microsoft Access database
and specify what kind of data you will be storing
– Data Input - After your database is created, the data of
every business day can be entered into the Access
– Query - This is a fancy term to basically describe the
process of retrieving information from the database
– Report (optional) - Information from the database can be
printed in an Access Report
MS Access - Objects
• MS Access uses “objects" to help the user list and organize
information, as well as prepare specially designed reports.
When you create a database, Access offers you
– Table : Table is an object that is used to define and store data. When
you create a new table, Access asks you to define fields which is also
known as column headings
– Queries : An object that provides a custom view of data from one or
more tables. Queries are a way of searching for and compiling data
from one or more tables
– Form : Form is an object in a desktop database designed primarily for
data input or display or for control of application execution. You use
forms to customize the presentation of data that your application
extracts from queries or tables
– Report : Report is an object in desktop databases designed for
formatting, calculating, printing and summarizing selected data
Structured Query Language (SQL)
Type of SQL statement SQL keywords Function
Data Definition CREATE Used to define, change and drop
Language (DDL) ALTER the structure of a table. Used to
DROP remove all rows from a table

Data Manipulation INSERT INTO Used to enter, modify, delete

Language(DML) UPDATE and retrieve data from a table.

Data Control Language GRANT Used to control access to the

(DCL) REVOKE data in a database. Used to
COMMIT define the end of a transaction.
MS Access – Field Data Types
Data Type Description
Short Text (Text) Text or combinations of text and numbers. Maximum 255
Long Text (Memo) Lengthy text or combinations of text and numbers. Maximum
65,536 characters.
Number Numeric data used in mathematical calculations.
Date/Time Date and time values for the years 100 through 9999.
Currency Currency values and numeric data used in mathematical
calculations involving data with one to four decimal places.
AutoNumber A unique sequential number or random number assigned by
Microsoft Access whenever a new record is added to a table.
Yes/No Yes and No values and fields that contain only one of two values
(Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off).
Attachment Files, such as digital photos.
OLE objects Stores pictures, audio, video.
Text or combinations of text and numbers stored as text and
used as a hyperlink address.
Not actually a data type. Help to define either a simple or
Lookup Wizard complex lookup field.
MS Access – Field Properties
• Field Size: A text field can hold a maximum of 255 characters.
However, the size can be increased or decreased.
• Format: A format for text, numbers, dates and times.
• Decimal Places: For a number, user can select the number of digits
after the decimal.
• Input Mask: To control the manner in which the user provides the
input. E.g. Telephone number.
• Caption: Text entered here is used as field heading in the Form
• Default Value: Value that is automatically entered for new records.
• Validation Rule: An expression that limits the values that can be
entered in the field.
• Validation Text : The error message when a value prohibited by
validation rule is entered.
• Required: Indicates whether data entry is required in this field.
• Indexed: Specify if an index is required on this field. This speeds up
searching of data but slows down data updates. Also need to
indicate whether duplicate data is OK
Thank You
All the best

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