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1. What are the 3 elements of PSI Package?


• Hazards of Materials
• Process Design Basis
• Equipment Design Basis

2. RAGAGEP stands for _______________ ?


Recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices

3. What is the primary source of information for Hazards of

- Material Safety Data Sheet

4. Process design basis include ___________ ( at least 3) ?


Process Flow Diagrams

Process Description
Maximum intended inventories of hazardous substances
Operating guidelines and standard operating condition
5. What does ERPG stand for?

- Emergency Response Planning Guidelines

6. What are cyclic PHA frequencies for HHP and LHO ?


HHP = 5 LHO =10

7. State true or false: PHA exercise may be carried out for a

Laboratory as well?

8. The minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor in sufficient
concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid
within the vessel as specified by appropri­ate test procedures and apparatus described
in NFPA 30
a. Dew Point
b. Boiling Point Correct : d
c. Melting Point
d. Flash Point

9. Describe 05 things that should be part of the safety orientation?

• Cardinal Rules
• PPEs
• Dress Code
• Emergency Response Procedure/Statements
• Work Permit
• Access to Clinic
10. Approving Authority for Subtle change is

• Operations UM and Concerned Area In charge

11. State True or False: As per FFL norms, Warehouse receives and
inspects the material on its own without involving the department
which ordered the material.


12. State True or False: Shipping requirements are covered during

the PSSR of modification.

False ( Quality Assurance)

13. Workers supervised by one of FFL employees are sometimes
called ______________
a. Project Contractor
b. Technical Assistant
Correct : c
c. Daily Contractor

14. Referring to Mechanical Integrity give any three examples of Non

Destructive Techniques:

• Radiography
• Eddy Current
15. State True or False: Preventive Maintenance is a time driven and
calendar based maintenance?

16. The frequency of problematic safety critical devices should be reviewed

at a frequency not to exceed _________ years for device PM plan

2 years

17. It is legal requirement to inspect all boilers at a frequency of


1 year
18. What are the two basic category of motivation?
Internal Motivation
External Motivation

19. Referring to PSM module Progressive Motivation, give the full form of

Verbal Correction Contact

20. Referring to PSM module Progressive Motivation, give the full form of

Verbal Recorded Contact
21. Referring to PSM “Safety as Line Management” list any 02
responsibilities associated with employee
-Is responsible for his own safety and health
-Should attend D-Level meeting
-Must know his emergency response statement

22. State true or false: Area In charges (Section Head/Unit Manager) should
attend D-Level meeting of every committee of his unit once per quarter.

False ( Once a month)

23. State true or false: Hydrogen flame is not visible in the sunlight or
bright artificial light?

24. LEL Stands for ?


Lower Explosivity Limit

25. Incident reports without formation of investigation team should reach

Safety Section within ----------- of occurrence of the incident.

72 hrs.

26. A decision regarding classification of the injury will be made by

______ and _____________

HSE Manager and CMO
27. Any changes in Safety critical top level document must be reviewed by

Sub-HSE Process

28. State True or False; Vendor manuals should be used to augment the
corrective maintenance program.

29. CAER stands for ________________________

community awareness and emergency response
30. The maximum airborne concentration be­low which it is believed that
nearly all individuals could be exposed for up to I hour without experienc­
ing or developing life-threatening health effects is called as
a. ERPG 1
Correct : c
b. ERPG2
c. ERPG 3
d. Major Release
 ____________________may be used as an added layer to provide
tracking and reporting of ranges / values which do not require the strict
compliance or the immediate response of Standard Operating
a. Operating guidelines
b. TLV Correct : a
c. None of the above

 Any changes in Safety critical top level document must be approved by


Executive HSE Committee

• PSSR shall include both :
a. PSM elements assessment and Facility sitting
b. Physical inspection of the facility and facility sitting Correct : d
c. Team formation and physical inspection of the facility
d. Physical Inspection of the facility and PSM elements assessment

• There are total ________________________major classification of

changes in the MOC-F and MOC-T.

• Equipment design basis documentation of all process equipment
A. Protective Safety Systems
B. Electrical Classification
C. Laboratory ventilation systems Correct : D
D. All of the above
E. Both B &C

• Describe any 02 objectives of a safety award system:


- Provides external motivation for productive desirable actions

- Publically recognizes the exceptional contribution
• Which of the following does not require a PSSR?
a. Introduction of new process or chemicals
b. Facilities / plant startup after turnaround Correct : b
c. New installation of a piping system or extensive modifications to an
existing piping system.
d. New installation of process equipment.
e. Startup of new facility
• To show that the area has considered all the chemicals it handles, a
_______________table or equivalent must be developed.
a. Chemical classification index
b. Hazards Classification Index Correct : a
c. PSI
d. None of the above
 Newly assigned line supervision must demonstrate a minimum degree of
proficiency within--------------.
a. One year Correct : b
b. 03 months
c. 04 months
d. 06 months

 A benchmarking against the minimum defined criteria for Competence

Index (job specific experience and KI) to be done for each section once
in __________by ________________.
a. 05 years by DM Correct : c
b. Six months by UM
c. 02 years by DM
d. 03 years by DM
 Full face mask with relevant cartridge should be used in case exposure to
ammonia is less than;
a. 3000 ppm Correct : d
b. 2500 ppm
c. 2000 ppm
d. 5000 ppm

• Main Unit procedures, emergency handling procedures, special

procedures, temporary procedures and safety critical procedures are all
types of:
a. Operating procedures
b. Maintenance procedures
Correct : a
c. I&E procedures
d. Lab procedures
 PSM guidelines defined regarding Calibration and testing equipment
used to calibrate/check safety critical devices/equipment must be tested:
a. At least once a month Correct : c
b. At least once a week
c. At least as frequently as the safety critical devices are tested
d. Once a year

 Fire Water Performance Test should be carried out by HSE Department ?


Process Engineering

 Identify two qualitative techniques of PHA?



 _____________ section shall establish procedures to ensure that all
pressure relief / vacuum breaker systems, vent systems, and devices are
in proper functioning condition and will reliably perform their function
when needed.
a. Operations Correct : b
b. Inspection
c. Maintenance
d. E & I

 When the plant emergency siren is sounded, the entire plant

becomes________________ until all clear siren has been sounded;
a. No Parking Area
b. Hazardous Area Zone 22 Correct : d
c. Hazardous Area Zone 0
d. No Smoking Area
• A formal decision to proceed with implementation of a change after all
criteria of the review procedure is found to be acceptable:
a. Approval Correct : a
b. Controlled Document
c. Evaluation
d. Assessment

• State True or False; Computer Hardware and Software (DCS hardware /

software, PLC hardware / software, Engineering Work Station
hardware / software, etc.).do not include in equipment design basis
documentation that is required for all safety critical components.

• Safety critical devices, equipment and system list shall be revalidated by
respective units after ­____years.


• Name at least 03 Management of changes as per Level-II Procedure


Operation Changes
Document Changes
Analytical Method Changes
Test run authorization
• _____________________, in conjunction with process engineering,
designates a team to review and document the components, equipment,
and systems and applies the guidelines to establish Safety Critical
designations or to confirm previously established designations.
a. Executive HSE Chairman Correct : c
c. Operations UM
d. Both a & b

• ___________ is responsible to ensure the preparation of PSI package for

all units and keep them evergreen.

Technical Services Manager
• Name 5 risk based elements
• Name 5 cultural based elements
• A ___________________________________Change is made to the
facilities configuration baseline which is performed to keep the facility
operational until it can be returned to its original configuration, or until a
formal change can be implemented. This may be to perform tests,
maintain operations or for improvements
a. Document Change
b. Temporary Change
c. Subtle Change
d. Temporary Repair Correct : e

e. Both b & d
f. Both c & d
 A PHA Follow up Coordinator is assigned who is also a member of Sub-
a. Operations UM
b. Sub HSE (P) Chairman Correct : c
c. UM HSE/HSE Engineer
d. Sub HSE (M) Chairman

 Competency Index= (4-Avg Knowledge Index) X Avg specific

experience. What is the maximum worthwhile value we can take for Avg
Specific Experience?
a. 05 years
Correct : c
b. 15 years
c. 10 years
d. 20 years
 Which score in a TNA sheet requires the most training
a. 03
b. 04 Correct : b

c. 01
d. 02
 Name any three types of Safety Awards:

Best D-Level Committee, best Housekeeping, Best Safety Slogan

 Narrate any two cardinals rule of FFL:


• It is mandatory to report all the job safety incidents

• Disabling of the safety critical equipments and devices is
strictly prohibited without proper written authorization
 Completed PHA recommendations are kept in a permanent file or on
digital database which is retained for _____________.
a. 3 years
b. 5 Years Correct : d
c. 10 Years
d. Till the end of facility
 Who is a gas tester ?
a. Anyone who affixes a lock/tag or who is involved in lockout
b. An employee who is empowered to implement the line/equipment break
c. Individual issuing or approving work permit Correct : d
d. A trained and qualified person who checks presence of gases such as,
CH4, H2, O2 etc. in open / confined spaces for hot jobs or confined space
 It is the responsibility of each work group first line supervisor to
determine the required staffing level for their work group on:
a. Daily Basis
b. Weekly Basis Correct : a
c. Monthly Basis
d. BI-Weekly Basis
 The water temperature at safety showers and eyewash facilities should be
in between ;
a. 45~ 90°F
Correct : c
b. 45 ~ 104 °C
c. 45 ~ 104 °F
d. 45 ~ 95 °F
• _____________ section shall; Document the PSSR findings, Compile
the deficiencies and recommendations or suggestions of the PSSR and
Circulate deficiencies and recommendations through electronic mail or
hard copies to relevant interfaces.

• Training Needs Analysis (TNA) shall be conducted by line managers /

supervisors on a frequency not to exceed --------years or on need basis to
identify the training needs.

• Which type of change is defined as “Changes to Process chemicals,
Technology, Equipment and facilities” ?
a. Operation Change
b. Facilities Change Correct : b
c. Document Change
d. Temporary Change

• The elements of effective training does not include :

a. Refresher Training
b. Class room training
Correct : a
c. Field Training
d. Hands on Demo
• As a minimum, ---------- of the population may be trained to be mentors.
Mentors %age can be increased based on requirement
a. 1/3rd of the population Correct : c

b. 1/4th of the population

c. 1/5th of the population
• The intent of _______________________ is to help understand the type,
severity and number of potential injuries, property damage and
significant environmental effect both on and off the site.
a. Consequence Analysis
b. Incident Analysis Correct : a
c. Risk Analysis
d. Emergency response
• The ________ shall track all the PSSR recommendations till their
a. Safety section Correct : c
b. Process
c. Area Owner
d. Production Manager

• State True or False; Facility Change are the changes that are replacement
in Kind
• PSVs, PRVs and Vent systems are the examples of __________.
a. Process design basis
b. Equipment design basis
Correct : b
c. Hazards of material
d. None of them.

• At plant if a new or modified product is to be manufactured for an

existing or new use ; __________________________________change
to be raised and approved.
a. Facilities Change
b. Test Run Authorization
Correct : b
c. Analytical Method Change
d. Operation Change
• _________________ is the final check point for new and modified
equipment and facilities to confirm that all appropriate elements of PSM
have been addressed satisfactorily.

• In MOC cycle if changes generated which deviate from the approved

design, a new design change called ______________ to the original
design specification must be initiated and completed;
a. Add-on
b. Addendum
Correct : b
c. Appendix
d. All of the above
• Minor instrument modifications which do not alter the PIDS and or go
outside the documented safe operating limits, require;
a. Facility change
b. Subtle Change
c. Temporary Repair Correct : e
d. Test Run Authorization
e. None of these

 All equipment must have ----------- and ---------- for equipment

handover, start-up and shutdown.
a. Log sheets and checklists
b. Procedures and checklists
Correct : b
c. Procedures and log sheets
d. Procedures, Checklists and log sheets
 Production Head shall review the whole safety critical defeats of his area
on ----------- basis.
a. Daily
b. Weekly
c. Monthly Correct : a

d. Fortnightly

 The incident reports of past --------- shall be maintained by Safety

a. 10 years
Correct : d
b. 03 years
c. 01 year
d. 05 years
 75 ppm Ammonia concentration on site roads/non-operating areas can be
termed as environmental incident ?
False (100 ppm)
 The suturing (stitching of the edges) of any wound will be classified as
a. MTC
b. FAC
c. RWC Correct : a
d. LWI

Violations of Cardinal Rules may initiate legal progress of charge sheeting and
holding an inquiry leading to punishment.

 Lost work day injury incident investigations should be lead by Unit
Manager Level.
False (Departmental Manager)
 At _____________ FFL supervision to ensure that suitable systems and
procedures are in place and the workplace is appropriately established.
a. Prequalification
b. Bid meeting
Correct : c
c. Contract startup
d. Contract awarding

 Give the full form of the following abbreviation:

• NEC :
• NEC : National Electric Code
 Fault Tree Analysis is a PHA technique in which “ all of the known
failure mode of components or features in a system or process are
analyzed in turn for undesired outcomes?
False (FMEA)

 Before ordering a safety critical equipment, Functional/Technical reviews

are performed by UM Inspection.
False (Cross Functional Team)
 The investigation process does not include
  a. Gathering people for investigation
b. Collect all the facts
c. Determine causes
Correct : e
d. Follow up
e. Hazard Identification
 It is the responsibility of each work group -----------------to ensure that
personnel work only jobs they are qualified for.
a. First line supervisor
b. Section Head
c. Department Manager Correct : a
d. Plant Manager

 Procedures having an estimated required frequency of more than one

year, should be segregated from routine procedures and added in
__________________ manual folder.
a. Non-Routine Procedures
b. Special Procedures
c. Main Unit Procedures Correct : b
d. Temporary Procedures
• Once all the Safety Critical Equipment / Systems are listed, and lists are
approved , these lists shall go to various sections e.g., Operations,
Maintenance, Inspection, Machinery, Instrument and Electrical sections
for the development of ___________&____________ part.
a. Mechanical Integrity & Quality Assurance
b. Mechanical Integrity & PSI
Correct : a
c. Operating & Maintenance Procedures
d. Management of change & PSSR

• Describe any two communication filters?


• Perception
• Biases
• Moods
• No PSV will be adjusted on-stream without formal approval of;
a. EHSE Chairman
b. Sub HSE (P) Chairman
c. Sub HSE (M) Chairman
d. Both b & c Correct : a

• FIRE is
a. A flame which requires a fire-extinguisher for extinguishment.
b. Any work involving electric or gas weld­ing, cutting, brazing or any flame
or spark producing operation.
c. An unplanned combustion with visible smoke, visible flame, visible
glowing or there is an evidence of combustion
d. The Predetermined set of steps (actions), taken in Reaction to Fulfillment
of certain Predefined Conditions
Correct : c
• ­___________ is responsible for considering a Chemical as Safety
Critical based on thresholds
a. Operations
b. HSE
c. Process Correct : a
d. Workshop

• Who is responsible for initiating and coordinating PSSR?

a. Area owner
b. Production Head
c. HSE advisor Correct : a
d. Plant Manager
 State true or False: If the only safety critical equipment on a P&ID is a
relief valve / rupture disc, however, it is mandatory that the area revises
the diagram to show the (SC) symbol

 State true or False: PSSR is done for all SUBTLE changes


 ------------------- are responsible for developing and implementing criteria and

guidelines regarding management of personnel change
a. Shift Supervisors
b. Unit Managers
c. Department Managers Correct : c
d. Section Heads
• ---------------------sections are responsible for underground piping and
cables drawings evergreen upkeep
a. Process Engineering and Production
b. Project Engineering and E&I
c. Maintenance and E&I Correct : b
d. Production and Project Engineering

• All eye wash spray heads connected to the potable water header shall be
disassembled and cleaned at least :
a. Weekly
b. Monthly Correct : d
c. Quarterly
d. Yearly
• All the safety critical process equipment design and installation must
comply with ____________
a. Quality Assurance
b. Safe Work Practices
c. Codes and Standards Correct : c
d. Operating Guidelines

• The area owner shall not allow operation of new or modified equipment
a. Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) is held as per procedure
b. The recommendations listed as required before startup have been
c. The equipment is accepted for operation. Correct : d
d. All of the above
e. Both a & b
 Define Risk:
Consequence * Likelihood

• State true or False: Pre Authorization PHA primarily focuses on P&IDs

and detailed equipment drawings.
False (Design is only 10-40% complete)

• Enlist at least 04 criteria points while selecting a contractor?

• Safety record
• Technical Capability
• Past Performance
• Economic Stability
• At least ________ years updating cycle should be in place for the ER

• State true or False: Addition or modification of control logics, interlocks,

instrument or electrical devices requires a PSSR?

• FFL has a very comprehensive vendor and contractor selection system

available in the form of PSI package present with Planning Section?
False (Purchasing Manual &Contractor Selection Guidelines)
• ---------------------can be defined as any disorder not resulting from an
injury that is caused by environmental factors associated with
a. Process Safety Incident
b. An MTC Correct : c
c. Occupational illness
d. LWI

• A formal work permit training and qualification testing program, with

periodic refreshers, should be provided by ------------ to all site personnel
who are involved in the work permit system.
a. Respective area owner
b. Production Manager
c. Safety section
Correct : c
d. Outside consultants
• Equipment or systems whose failure could result in , allow or contribute
to the release of or exposure to sufficient quantities of hazardous or their
energy is called ____________________ .
Safety Critical

• State true or False: All the changes or transfers should be planned in

such a way that the minimum competency level of each section or
department does not go below the approved level
• For more than one month defeat of a safety critical device or system, the
security defeat authorization shall be authorized by……

EHSE Chairman
• State true or false: Quality Assurance ensures that process equipment
and systems are fabricated in accordance to RAGAGEP specifications,
assembled and Commissioned properly.
False (Design & Installed)

• State true or False: Specifications listed in approved MOC can be

different from the ones being mentioned in Purchase Requisition?

• Civil Authorities should also be involved in the simulated exercises at least
___________ ( Define frequency)

• To assure that the product meets the Purchase Requisition and Purchase
Order requirements by monitoring the vendors activities that are related
to the quality of product is the responsibility of:
a. Inspection
b. Maintenance Correct : a
c. Purchase/Admin
d. Projects

• Which of the following is NOT the critical element which is to be looked

into before calling up a PSSR team?
a. P&IDs updated
b. Safety Critical List updated for new/modified equipment
c. Startup, shutdown, changeover procedures in place Correct : e
d. Butt list prepared by operations and points removed
e. None of the above
• OSHA stands for:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration

• State true or False: Cyclic PHA is a revalidation PHA and is based upon
review of baseline PHA and subsequent PHAs?

• An emergency squad is required to donn scot air pack in-----------------


40 sec
• Confined space entry standard requirements include
a. Lock out / tag out and try for powered equipment
b. Disconnection of power leads / cable or mechanical coupling for
equipment having internal moving parts e.g., agitators, scrappers,
tower fans etc. Correct : e
c. Blinding of vessel
d. Tests for sufficient oxygen level, explosivity (LEL) and toxic material
e. All of the above
• Which of the following is not the objective of a Job cycle check
a. Safer Operations.
Correct : d
b. Review of standard practice.
c. Discovery of hidden hazards, due to usage of wrong practices.
d. Quality assurance
e. Improvement of efficiency.
• _______________ will keep the record of safety critical system audit for
sufficient duration to analyze safety critical system recurring
a. Safety Section
b. Production Manager
c. Executive HSE Committee chairman Correct : b
d. Both A&B
• State true or False: A PSI package is required for equipment that is
normally attached to a process during shutdowns / cleanings.

• Safety policy would be developed by the Middle Management of

organization to ensure alignment and applicability throughout the
• To ensure that procurement, shipping, receiving , storage, fabrication,
installation are done correctly as specified what document is to be
a. Quality Assurance Checklists
b. Quality Charts
c. Purchase Order Correct : a
d. Data Sheets

• Current and up-to-date PSI package is of utmost importance to conduct a

quality ____________.
b. PHA
c. Audit Correct : b
d. None of the above
• Which of the following is not a SAFE WORK PRACTICE?
a. Cranes lift to and entry in process areas.
b. Excavation, trenching and shoring procedure.
c. Scaffolding installation and dismantlement operation
d. Rigging
Correct : e
e. None

• Welders with lesser skills but adequate for structural steel, non-critical
piping, gas and arc cutting called as;
a. Class A welder
b. Class C welder
c. Class B & C welder Correct : c
• Safety critical devices can be by-passed for:
a. Preventive Maintenance
b. Startup, Shutdown or Load Reduction
c. Routine changeovers etc.
d. All of above
Correct : d
e. Both a & c

• PSI package shall be audited both internally (by the site) and externally
(by 2nd party) at a frequency ___________________.
a. Not to exceed 5 years
b. Not to exceed 3 years
c. Annually Correct : b
d. 6 monthly
• Fill in the blanks in the training cycle above
a. Conduct Skill Survey—Diminished capacity
b. Deliver Training----Measure Performance
c. Present Training---Conduct TNA Correct : d

d. Conduct Skill survey---Deliver Training

• A skill certification may expire or may be cancelled under which of the
following circumstances?
a. If a skill certified operator has not worked on that specific post for
more than six months.
b. If maintenance or I&E or any other technician has not performed that
particular task or job (welding, PSV calibration etc.) for more than 1
c. If an individual is found to be inadequate for that particular job, not
performing as per requirement or other disciplinary problems. Correct : d
d. Any of the above

• State true or False: Communities and Civil authorities should not be

involved in emergency response plans.

• Which of the following need not be present in the work permit
a. The type of work Correct : d
b. Specify time limits of the permit
c. Provide space for signatures / initials of the responsible parties
d. Common permits for more than one jobs shall be clearly explained
• Management Safety Audit can serve as a tool for analyzing the
performance of contractor in field?

• State true or False: Contractor bidding the lowest price should ideally be
awarded a contractor?

• State true or False: HSE Department is responsible to review safety award

program after every two years:

False ( On annual basis)
• Systematic and comprehensive study of the hazardous events that could
occur in the process, using a multi disciplined team and a combination of
methodologies is
a. PHA
b. Audit
c. PSSR Correct : a
d. PSM Audit

• What are the two types of methods used for quantifying the result of

Time weighted index
Unsafe acts index
• ________________ noise level will be considered as standard for
declaring an area as a high noise zone.
85 dba

• Who is the Co- chairman of EHSE Committee?

GM Technical Services

• ___________ Committee’s responsibility is to ensure that quality incident

investigation reports are developed by different interfaces.

Incident Report Review Committee
• The maximum airborne concentration be­low which it is believed that
nearly all individuals could be exposed for up to I hour without
experienc­ing other than mild transient adverse health effects or
perceiving a clearly defined objectionable odour is called as
a. ERPG 1 Correct : a
b. ERPG2
c. ERPG3
d. Major Release

• The outcome of PSSR is two types of recommendations which are

_________ & _____________

Before Start-up and After start-up
• What does it mean when it is shown that Logistics has 110% manning
but 78% competency index (Use the chart below)
a. Status is GOOD
b. Status is ACCEPTABLE with plans to rectify in 6 months
c. Status is UNACCEPTABLE and requires immediate attention.
d. None of the above
Correct : a
• Change of operation and maintenance procedures falls under
a. Operation Change
b. Facilities Change
c. Document Change Correct : c

d. Temporary Change

• Identify any three causes that can lead to performance impairment.


• Use of drugs, alcohol

• Sleep deprivation
• Physical Limitations
• Sickness etc.
• Safety Critical Equipment include:
a. Any plant equipment (vessels, pipelines, valves etc.) which contains
hazardous material in sufficient amounts
b. Systems, instrument and controls, interlocks etc. that prevent loss of
containment of hazardous material
c. Equipment to respond to or mitigate the effects of a loss of
e.g., fire-fighting equipment, hydrants, hoses, safety showers, fire
suppression systems, emergency response communication equipment
etc. Correct : d
d. All of the above
• Give 3 methods of communication:

• Oral
• Written
• Non-Verbal

• In safety critical system, LTD stands for

Long term defeat

• State true or False: Each Operating Area and Support Section / Department
shall forecast, once in 02 years, any personnel changes (retirements,
moves, etc.) expected to occur over at least the next five years.

• Shift In charge (SI) shall not have the authority to keep the security
defeated for more than --------.

• 7 days

• Flushing for ------ minutes is recommended to reduce bacterial

3-5 min.

• Operating procedures shall be written by operations trained personnel in

consultation with technical personnel balancing the technical needs with
the operating needs of the process

• A board of _____________ color will be installed over each safety
shower for its identification.
a. Red
b. Yellow Correct : c
c. Green
d. Orange

• Fatalities, LWI, RWC and MTC are considered as recordable injuries?



• In Effective Communication, Feedback does not provide the assurity that

message has been received?


• Enlist at least 03 examples of temporary Changes


Box up of leaks
Temporary electrical connection
Equipment replacement or repair using non-conforming spares
Machinery adjustment or repair where there is deviation from standards.

• At times some of the PSSR recommendations might not prove to be

aligned with the standards or codes, such recommendations or
highlighted deficiencies shall be dropped by documenting the
justification and getting approval from -----------


EHSE Chairman
• Maintenance Administrative Procedures are written plans that address
specific program(s), plant personnel, group responsibilities, and control
of equipment and materials, Which of the following is not an
administrative procedure:
Correct : b
a. Lubrication Program
b. Job Plans
c. Lube Oil Analysis Program
d. Greasing Program / Schedules

• Which of the following is NOT a procedure writing guideline:

a. Use brief and precise language.
b. Use columnar format for writing procedures. Correct : d
c. Maintain consistency when multiple names of a single equipment are
being used, a single name to be selected and should be used in all places.
d. Once a procedure or manual is given a number, it shall be kept on
changing on each issue after every three years.
• At times to ensure a particular phenomenon or reasons, testing purposes,
trouble shooting purposes, or to establish increased production rates
which of the Change process as defined in Level-II document to be
a. Facilities Change Correct : c
b. Temporary Change
c. Test Run Authorization
d. Operation Change

• Procedures for the handover of redundant vessels, exchangers, lines etc.

for removal are called
a. Special Procedures
b. Temporary Procedures
c. Emergency Handling Procedures
d. Main Unit Procedures Correct : b
• The PSM audit report shall be retained for at least ______________ for
record purpose by____________
a. 02 years/ respective department manager
b. 02years/ Safety section Correct : c
c. 10 years/ safety section
d. 05 years/ respective department manager
• Changes of Material of Construction falls under __________________
a. Operation Change
Correct : d
b. Analytical Method Change
c. Temporary Change
d. Facilities Change
• In __________________________________ Change, the process Safety
Information documentation shall be controlled and kept Evergreen
(evergreen ; means up to date and accurate). It includes change, _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, addition or deletion to controlled documentation and
a. Document Change, Revision
b. Operation Change, Revision Correct : a
c. Facilities Change, Upgrade
d. Temporary Change, Upgrade
• The site emergency preparedness program should be presented to
Executive HSE at least:
a. Twice a year Correct : a
b. Quarterly
c. Monthly

• --------------------- program should be established for the upkeep and

maintenance of the emergency sirens
a. Emergency training
b. QA Correct : c
c. Mechanical Integrity
d. Public Affairs Plan
• 96% of the injuries are caused by --------------------
a. Unsafe conditions
b. Unsafe acts Correct : b

c. Untrained personnel

• Incident recommendations categorized under “Simple jobs” should be

completed within:
a. 1 month
b. 2 months Correct : d
c. 3 months
d. 4 months
 Timeline for completing the procedural based recommendation is?
a. 03 months
b. 04 months Correct : c
c. 02 months
d. 06 months

 It is important to maintain a minimum level of job specific experience

and knowledge and skill in managing ---------------.
a. Personnel Transfers
b. Production Figures Correct : d
c. Occupational safety and Health
d. Process Safety
 A product of no. of years in terms of Job Specific (process) Experience
(of an individual or a group) and knowledge and skills (qualification)
possessed by that individual or group is called
a. Knowledge Index
Correct : b
b. Competency index
c. Process Safety Experience
d. Key position

 Timeline for completing an engineering based recommendation is?

a. 24 Months
b. 12 Months
c. 18 Months Correct : a
d. 04 Months
 Train newly assigned personnel in
a. Principles and features of process safety
b. PSI for their process area Correct : c
c. Both A & B
d. Neither A nor B
 All showers and eyewash facilities connected to the site potable water
header shall be tested at least __________________ by the Operations
and Area Owners, to insure proper operation.
a. Once a day
b. Once a week Correct : a
c. Once a month
d. Fortnightly
 First aid case is also known as medical treatment case since both involves
a physician.

False (MTC is Recordable and FAC is Reportable)

 Describe 04 distinct steps of listening??
• Sensing
• Interpreting
• Evaluating
• Responding

 The audit technique to check procedure with the field practice is called:

Job Cycle Check

 Incidents have been classified into how many categories?.

 In inspection , PMI is the abbreviation of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. Positive Material Inspection
b. Positive Material Identification Correct : b
c. Position Material Identification

 NFPA stands for

a. National Fire-Protection Agency
b. New york Fire-Protection Association
Correct : d
c. Nuclear Fire protection Agency
d. National Fire Protection Association

 What is the formula for calculating TRIR ?


TRIR= No. of recordable injuries X 200,000

 Which of the following rules is NOT explained explicitly in the work
permit procedure?
a. All the jobs and activities for which work permit is required.
b. List of all persons entering the vessel Correct : b
c. Work permit validity timing and delay in job which will make the permit
d. Plant chemicals, electrical circuits, voltages etc. to be specified on which
no job shall be done on line.
e. None of the above

 Injuries are classified into ____________categories.

05 (Fatality, LTI, MTC, RWC, FAC)
• The PSSR team can challenge the design basis if it has a direct impact
on personnel or process safety but not to provide a solution.
a. Yes
Correct : a
b. No
c. Depends on the scope of change
d. Depends on HSE Manager

• Replacement of Type of Belt, Type of Valve is an example of

a. Operation Change
b. Facilities Change
Correct : d
c. Analytical Method Change
d. Subtle Change
• The time interval between two safety critical systems audits shall not be
more than _____________.

1 year

• State True or False; Subtle Change are the changes that are not
replacement in Kind

• HAZOP stands for ________________________

Hazard and Operability Study
• _________________ of the area alarms and interlocks shall be included
which indicates the instrument number, variable, interlock classification,
reason for interlock and the interlock action and filed in the area
a. Checklist Correct : c
b. Data Sheet
c. Summery Sheet
d. None of the above

• The authorization for the start of the facility at the end of PSSR is
obtained from
a. Area owner
b. HSE Engineer Correct : a
c. The Plant manager
d. Project Engineer

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