Electrical Engineering Department: EE 202: Electric Circuits I Second Semester, 2015 - 2016

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Electrical Engineering Department

EE 202: Electric Circuits I
Second Semester, 2015 – 2016 (152)

Lecture (24)
Chapter 7: Response of First-Order
RL and RC Circuits

Dr. Hussein Attia

Not covered in exam
Practical Perspective
Artificial Pacemaker ‫جهاز ت نظيم ض رباتا لقلب‬
⮚ The frequency of the heart rate (beats) is controlled by
natural pacemaker cells.
⮚ In adults, the pacemaker cells establish a heart rate of about
72 beats per minutes.
⮚ But sometimes the pacemaker cells are damaged and may
produce a very low or high heart rate.
⮚ A normal heart rhythm can be restored by implanting an
artificial pacemaker that delivers electrical impulses to the
heart, mimicking the pacemaker cells.
⮚ An example of an artificial pacemaker both outside and
inside the body is shown in the figure.
⮚ Artificial pacemakers are very small and lightweight. They
have a programmable microprocessor that monitors a few
parameters and adjusts the heart rate, an efficient battery
with a life of up to 15 years, and circuitry that generates the
⮚ The simplest circuit consists of a resistor and a capacitor.
⮚ Once we have introduced the first-order RC circuit, we will
look at an RC circuit design for artificial pacemakers. 3
Not covered in exam
Practical Perspective
Artificial Pacemaker ‫جهاز ت نظيم ض رباتا لقلب‬

Chapter 7
In chapter 6, we noted that an important attribute of inductors and capacitors
is their ability to store energy

In this chapter, we are going to determine the currents and voltages that arise when energy
is either released or acquired by an inductor or capacitor in response to an abrupt change
in a dc voltage or current

Energy acquired by a capacitor Energy released by a capacitor

In this chapter, we will focuses on circuits that consist only of sources, resistors, and
either (but not both) inductors or capacitors

5 Such configurations are called RL (resistor-inductor) and RC (resistor-capacitor)

:Our analysis of the RL and RC circuits will be divided into three phases

First Phase (natural response)

we consider the currents and voltages that arise when stored energy in an inductor or
capacitor is suddenly released to a resistive network
This happens when the inductor or capacitor is abruptly disconnected from its dc source and
allowed to discharge through a resistor

The currents and voltages that arise in this

configuration are referred to as the
natural response of the circuit to
emphasize that the nature of the circuit
itself , not external sources excitation
determine its behavior

you can think of this as when a tank of

water is opened suddenly , will the water
in the tank disappear instantaneously in
zero second or will it takes some time no
matter how small to empty the tank
2nd Phase (Step response)
we consider the currents and voltages that arise when energy is being acquired by an inductor
or capacitor due to the sudden application to a dc voltage or current source

This response is referred to as the step


you can think of this as when a tank of

water is being filled suddenly , will the
water in the tank rise instantaneously in zero
second or will it takes some time no
matter how small for the water to rise in
the tank
Third Phase (A General Solution)

The process for finding both the natural response ( First Phase ) and step response
.is the same ) Second Phase(

So, in the third phase we will develop a general method that can be used to find the response
of RL and RC circuit to any abrupt change in a dc voltage or current

The Natural Response of an RL Circuits 7.1
Let the circuit shown which contain an inductor is

Suppose the switch has been in a closed position for a long

For the time being long time
All currents and voltages have reached a constant value

Only constant or DC currents can exist in the circuit just prior to the
switch’s being opened

The inductor appears as a short circuit

Because the voltage across the inductive branch is zero

There can be no current in either R0 or R

All the source current IS appears in the inductive branch

Finding the natural response requires finding the voltages and currents at any branch in the
.circuit after the switch has been opened

To evaluate the current in the inductor for t
< 0, close the switch and replace the
inductor with a short circuit. The current
from bottom to top in the short circuit is
A. −IS
B. RIS /(R + R0)
RL Natural Response
If we let t = 0 denote the instant when the switch is opened

For t ≥ 0 the circuit become

The problem become one of finding v(t) and i(t) ( or i and v) for t ≥ 0

Deriving the Expression for the current

KVL around the loop

This is a first order differential equation because it contains terms involving the
.ordinary derivative of the unknown di/dt

.The highest order derivative appearing in the equation is 1 Hence the first
.We can still describe the equation further

Since the coefficients in the equation R and L are constant that is not functions of either
the dependent variable i or the independent variable t
Thus the equation can also be described as an ordinary differential equation with constant
:To solve the differential equation we processed as follows

Integrating both side to obtain explicit expression for i as a function of

Here t0 = 0

Based on the definition of the natural

 Since the current through an indicator can not change abruptly or instanteously

Were I0 is the initial current on the inductor just before the switch opened
)or in some cases closed (

In the circuit above I0 = Is

Which shows that the current start from initial value I0
and decreases exponentially toward zero as t increases
We derive the voltage across the resistor form direct
application of Ohm’s law

Note the voltage v(t) here is defined for t > 0 because the voltage across the resistor R is
zero for t < 0 ( all the current Is was going through L and zero current through R)

Note the voltage v(t) across the resistor and across the indicator can change instantinousley
or have a jump
We derive the power dissipated in the resistor


Whichever form is used, the resulting expression can be reduce to

Note the current i(t) through the resistor is zero for t < 0

We derive the energy delivered to the resistor

The energy deliver to the resistor is after the switch is opened because before that there was
no current passing through the resistor and the voltage across it was zero

Note from above Equation that as t becomes infinite, the energy dissipated in the resistor
approaches the initial energy stored in the inductor (see next page).
Note that just before the switch is opened the current on the indicator is IS = I0

The initial energy stored in the indictor


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