Pathologic Process That Can Be Mistaken For Normal Aging Process

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Pathologic process that can be

mistaken for normal Aging


Rica Bacani
- Difficulty falling asleep is another change you may
experience as a normal part of aging, but if it’s recurring
or it takes you exceptionally long to fall asleep, it may be
insomnia. Insomnia can include a variety of symptoms,
including extreme difficulty falling or staying asleep, and
not feeling rested during the day.

- Insomnia is usually results of stress, life events or

habits that disrupt sleep and or sometimes because of
the medications including antidepressants, medicines to
treat high blood pressure, or nasal decongestants.
- Is an exaggerated, forward rounding of the
back. It can occur at any age but is most common
in older women. Age-related kyphosis is often due
to weakness in the spinal bones that causes them
to compress or crack. 

- The common cause of kyphosis in adults is

from vertebral fracture due to osteoporosis.
- Is not normal part of aging. It includes the loss of
cognitive functioning such as thinking, remembering,
learning and reasoning and behavioral abilities to the
extent that it interferes with a person’s quality of life
and activities.

- Dementia is caused by damage to or lose of

nerve cells and their connections in the brain.
Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia.
- is a serious mood disorder. It can affect the way
you feel, act, and think. Depression is a common
problem among older adults, but clinical depression
is not a normal part of aging.
- Diabetes is a serious disease, and it affects
many older adults. People get diabetes when their
blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high.
The good news is that you can take steps to delay
or prevent type 2 diabetes, which is the most
common form of the disease to develop in older

- Older adult are at high risk for the

development of type 2 diabetes due to the
combined effects of increasing insulin resistance
and impaired pancreatic islet function with aging.
- are a common result of aging and occur
frequently in older people. About one in five adults
over the age of 65 has a cataract. Cataracts are a
clouding and darkening of the eye lens, which
blocks vision.

- most cataracts develop when aging or injury

changes the tissue that makes up the eye’s lens.
Proteins and fibers in the lens begin to break down,
causing vision to become hazy or cloudy.
- is a disease that affects your joints (areas
where your bones meet and move). Arthritis usually
involves inflammation or degeneration (breakdown)
of your joints.
- The chances of developing osteoarthritis
increases with age. Putting too much stress on a
joint that has been previously injured, improper
alignment of joints, and excess weight all may
contribute to the development of osteoarthritis.
- is a complex disease involving an excessive
amount of body fat. Obesity isn’t just a cosmetic
concern. It’s medical problem that increases the risk of
other diseases and health problems, such as heart
disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain

- obesity is generally caused by eating too much

and moving too little. If you consume high amounts of
energy, particularly fat and sugars, but do not burn off
the energy through exercise and physical activity, much
of the surplus energy will be stored by the body as fat.

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