Answer Completely The Unit

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Blank 1: What is the ideal size of the antimicrobial disks used in this test?

(Answer completely the unit)

Blank 2: What is the optical density of the standard solution used to

standardized the inoculum used in this test? (Indicate the unit in this
format: "n" X 10 raised to the power "n" and the unit in abbreviation)

Blank 3: What is the unit of measurement to determine the susceptibility

or resistance of the organism to the antimicrobial disks in this test?
(Answer completely the unit)

 Blank 4: The thickness of the agar used in this test affects the formation of
the zone of inhibition. What will be the expected size of the inhibition zone
if the agar is too thick? (Smaller or larger)

  Blank 5: What content of the culture medium used in this test is added to
a minimum amount in order to increase the sensitivity of sulfonamides and
trimethoprim to the test organism?

What is the effect of the technical errors on result interpretation to this


Blank 1: Use of heavy inoculum

Blank 2: Thin medium

Blank 1: Identify the morphology pointed at. >

 Blank 2: What is the gram-staining reaction

of this organism?

 Blank 2: Identify the representative

organism of the morphology pointed at.
Blank 1: What substance present in the medium is responsible
for the eminent appearance of the "control" and
"5 minutes" tubes?
 Blank 2: What is responsible present in the medium for
detecting the hydrogen gas in this test?
 Blank 3-5: What are the three (3) evidences of bacterial growth
in this test? (Arrange the answer in alphabetical order. Answer
individually in each blank)
Blank 1: What is the characteristic of the culture medium used in
this test?
•  Blank 1: What is the culture medium used in this test?

•  Blank 2: What is the factor used in the calculation of the

colony forming units for this test?

•  Blank 3: This method of the test is quantitative or


Blank 1: Identify the method of isolating pure culture.

Blank 2: Identify equipment labeled B used in this test.

Blank 1: Identify the organism.
> Group B beta-hemolytic Streptococci Strptococcus
 Blank 2: What is the presumptive test in the identification of
this organism? (Answer completely)
> Christie Atkins Munch Peterson test
 Blank 1: Identify the organism.
 Blank 2: Identify the test and result labeled "X". (Answer in
this format: Name of test, result. Separate the answers with a
comma followed by a space)

Blank 1: The characteristic pigment of this organism is best

demonstrated using what culture medium?
Blank 2: What is detected in the test labeled "X"?

Blank 1: What discoloration in the blood agar will this organism

Blank 2: The pigment produced by this organism is best
stimulated at what temperature?
 Blank 1: What organism is diagnosed by this smear?
 Blank 2: What general name of staining test is employed to
this smear?
 Blank 3: What specimen is used in this smear?
Blank 1: Identify the culture medium.

Blank 2: What is the correct pH of this medium?

Blank 3: What is most likely the interpretation of the result in

the test?

Blank 1: What can be a substitute to the main culture medium

used in this test?

Blank 2: What is impregnated with a defined concentration of

antimicrobial agent used in this test to determine sensitivity or
resistance of organism?
 Blank 1: What is culture medium used in this test?

 Blank 2: Identify the method used in isolating pure culture.

Blank 1: Identify the morphology pointed at.

Blank 2: What is the culture medium of choice for the isolation of

this organism?

  Blank 3: What is used as a presumptive test for the identification

of this organism?

  Blank 4: Name the specific infection that this organism produce

to humans.

  Blank 5: How can the newborn infection by this organism passed

on during delivery be prevented?

Blank 6 : What test differentiates this organism from the other

specie of the genus?
 Blank 1: Identify the organism.
 Blank 2: What is used to standardized the bacterial
suspension in the supporting test shown?
Blank 2: What can be the morphology of this organism? (If
there is more than 1 answer, arrange answers in alphabetical
order following the 1st letter. Also, separate the answers with a
comma then a space. EXAMPLE: Morphology A, Morphology B)
•  Blank 1: Identify the organism.
  Blank 2: What is the composition of the bacterial structure
demonstrated by this organism?
•  Blank 3: Aside from the supporting test shown, what other
biochemical test identifies this organism?
Blank 2: What is the rapid test used to identify the serotypes of
this organism?This test makes use of the special structure
present in the organism.
• Blank 1: Identify the test.
  Blank 2: What component of the medium used in this test is
responsible for the eminent appearance of "glucose" and
"maltose" tubes? (Indicate the name of the component)
•  Blank 3: Identify the culture medium.
• Blanks 1 and 2: Name the two (2) routinely done differential staining
in the clinical laboratory.
Blank 1: What smearing technique is routinely used
in this test?
 Blank 2: What part of the cell is stained by this
Blank 1: What large molecule is formed in the cell
wall of gram- positive organisms responsible for its
color appearance under the microscope?
Blank 1: Identify the representative organism.
 Blank 2: Identify the bacterial structure pointed at.
 Blank 3: What is the virulence mechanism of this
structure? (Use a one-word term)

 Blank 2: What is the composition of this special

Blank 1: Interpret the result of the test. (If there is
more than one agent to be reported, arrange the
agents in the same order shown. Separate the
agents with a comma followed by a space)
(Separate the numerical value and unit of

 Blank 2: Identify the representative organism.

ank 1: What physical agent/s of disinfection inhibited
the organism in this set up? (If there is more than 1
answer, arrange answers in order according to the
shown set-up. Also, separate the answers with a
comma then a space. EXAMPLE: Agent A or 1, Agent
B or 2)
Blanks 1-4: Name the steps and reagents used in the
test labeled in letters. Follow the alphabetical letters in
the set up to the corresponding blank numbers.
(Answer in this format: Name of step, name of
reagent. Separate the answers with a comma followed
by a space)

Blank 1: Arrange the steps in this test by using the

letters according to the use of reagent in this
procedure. (Separate the letters with a comma then a
space. EXAMPLE: 1st letter, 2nd letter, 3rd letter, 4th

Blank 2: The group of organisms that is colored by the

reagent labeled "D" has what composition in their cell
wall responsible for their affinity to such reagent?

Blank 5: What is the method employed in this test?

 Blank 1: What organism is diagnosed by this smear? >
 Blank 2: What general name of staining test is employed to
this smear?
 Blank 3: What specimen is used in this smear?

Blank 1: Identify smear.

Blank 2: What is the correct smearing method used in this test?
• The table is the zone of interpretative chart.
• Result of the following antimicrobials are as
follow: ampicillin - 15mm; ceftriaxone - 30mm; meropenem - 18mm;
co-trimoxazole - 18mm
• Blank 1: Which should the physician give to treat the patient?
• - Ceftriaxone
• Blank 2: With these information, identify the method used in this test.
• - Kirby-Bauer Disc/k Diffusion method
Blank 1: What group of streptococci organisms using the
Brown's classification is identified by this test?

 Blank 2: What is considered a positive result of this test?

(Use a one-word term)

Blank 1: Identify the test.

Blank 2: What is used to standardized the bacterial suspension

•  Blank 1: Identify the culture medium used in this test. > 
 Blank 2: Identify the test.
  Blank 3: Interpret result labeled "B". (Use a two-word term)
•  Blank 4: Interpret result labeled "C". (Use a two-word term)
•  Blank 5: Interpret result labeled "A". (Use a two-word term)

Blank 1: What is/are the characteristic/s of this culture

medium? (If there is more than 1 answer, arrange the answers
in alphabetical order following the 1st letter. Also, separate the
answers with a comma then a space. EXAMPLE: Characteristic
A, Characteristic B)
- Blank 2: Name the different hemolytic patterns seen in this
medium. (Arrange the answers in order based on the labeled
(in letter) hemolytic patterns. Also, separate the answers with a
comma then a space. EXAMPLE: Hemolytic pattern A,
Hemolytic p
Blank 1: Identify the organism.
Blank 2: What is the specimen used in the diagnosis
of this organism.
Blank 2: What component of the culture medium of
choice used to isolate this organism is used to inhibit
yeast cells and/or other fungal elements?
Blank 3: What specimen is used in the isolation of
this organism?
Blank 4: Considering the fastidious growth
requirement of this organism, when the culture
medium of choice is not readily available, what
culture medium can be an alternative?
Blank 5: What is the name of the infection this
organism produce?
Blank 1: Identify the organism.
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
Blank 2: What enzyme produced by this organism is responsible for the
result of the test show in the set- up?
- Amidase
Blank 2: What is the morphology of this organism?
> Diplococcus
Blank 1: In this method of isolating pure culture, identify the
area of streaking labeled B.
Blank 2: Which of the labeled areas of streaking is pure culture
obtained? (Answer in letter)
Blank 1: The method of isolating pure culture shown is a semi-
quantitative method. (True or False)
Blank 1: Identify the method used in this test.
Blank 2: What is the streaking used in this test?
Blank 2: What is/are the composition/s of the reagent used to
standardized the bacterial inoculum in this test? (If there is
more than one answer, arrange the answers in alphabetical
order following the 1st letter. Separate the answers with a
comma followed by a space. EXAMPLE: Composition A,
composition B) (Include only the concentration of the reagent)
> 1.175% barium chloride, 1% sulfuric acid
- ‘
Blank 1: What is measured to interpret the result of this test?
Blank 2: Interpret the result of penicillin (P) on this test.

Blank 1: Identify the test.

Blank 2: What is the culture medium used in this test?
Blank 1: Name the specific reagent necessary in the staining
and demonstration of the structure pointed at.
Blank 2: What is the composition of the structure pointed at?

Blank 1: Identify the structure pointed at.

Blank 2: What is/are the virulence mechanism/s of the
structure pointed at? (If there is more than one answer,
arrange the answers in alphabetical order following the first
letter. Separate the answers with a comma followed by a
space. EXAMPLE: Virulence mechanism A, virulence
mechanism B)
Blank 1: What substance is responsible for the characteristic
result of the test shown?
Blank 2: Interpret the result. (Use standard way of interpretation
as transcribed in the live discussion)

Blank 1: Identify the possible organism given the result shown in

the set up.
Blank 2: What is the culture medium used in this test?
Blank 3: What is the evidence of bacterial growth in this test?
Blank 4: What type of control is used in this test?
Bacitracin Susceptibility Testing
Blank 1: Identify the organism. (Indicate the correct way of
identifying it)

Blank 2: What is/are responsible for the beta-hemolysis

produced by this organism? (If there is more than 1 answer,
separate answers with a comma then a space. EXAMPLE:
Answer 1, Answer 2)
- \

Blank 2: What is the collective term of the toxins responsible

for the hemolytic property of this organism?
Blank 1: Identify the organism.
Blank 2: What hemolytic pattern in blood agar medium do this
organism produce?
Blank 2: What is responsible for the selectivity of the culture
medium in the set up?
Blank 1: What is used to standardized the approximate number
of bacteria in this test? 62.5
Blank 2: What is the culture medium of choice in this test?
Trypticase soy agar
Blank 1: What is responsible for the characteristic staining
reaction of the organisms taking up the reagent letter "A" in this
staining procedure? (Answer the name of the substance,
not its composition)

Blank 3: Name the reagent employed in step labeled "C“

Acetone alcohol
Blank 4: What bacteriologic material is submitted to this test?

Blank 5: What molecule is formed after the step labeled "B" is

Blank 1: Which of the labeled reagents in this test intensifies
the color of the primary stain to the cell wall of the organism?
(Answer in letter)
Blank 2: What is the test used to determine the
invasiveness of a certain serotype of this
organism? Serenty

Blank 1: Identify the organism.

Identify the organism.

Blank 2: What is responsible for the characteristic butt

reaction in the TSI result of this organism?

Blank 1: Identify the organism. Mycobacterium
Blank 2: What makes the culture medium in the set
up selective to this organism?
Malachite green
Blank 1: Identify the specific special structure
pointed at.
Central spore
Blank 2: What is the virulence mechanism of this
special structure?
Resist disinfection
Blank 1: What is/are the reaction/s seen in the
culture medium labeled "B"? (If there is more than
1 answer, arrange the answers in alphabetical order
following the 1st letter. Also, separate the
answers with a comma followed by a space. EXAMPLE:
Reaction A, Reaction B)
Hydrogen sulfide production,motility

Blank 2: Which of the labeled culture media shows

the complete reaction that can be detected in this
medium? (Answer in letter only)

Blank 1: Identify the most likely organism. > \
Enterobacter aergones
Blank 2: How are the colonies of this organism
typically described? (Answer the description only.
Do not include the word "colonies" or "colony") >
Blank 1: Identify the organism.

Blank 2: What is the primary clinical

significance associated with this
organism? Strep throat
Blank 1: Identify the organism. Streptococcus
Blank 2: What is the composition of the special
structure that is demonstrated by this organism? >
Blank 1: What is the principle of this test?
Lipid-barrier priniciple
Blank 2: What is the specimen used in this test?
Blank 3: What is the dimension of the smear used
in this test in terms of centimeters? (Indicate
the number and the word "by" to separate the
width and length measurement) 2 centimeter by 3
Blank 1: What method is used in this test?
Hucker’s method
Blank 2: Name the reagent labeled "B" and indicate
its function in this test. (Separate the answers
with a comma followed by a space. EXAMPLE: Name of
reagent, Function) Gram’s stain, mordant
Blank 1: Identify culture medium
Lactose broth with Durham’s fermentation tube
Blank 2: What is the pH indicator present in this
Andrade’s indicator
Blank 1: Identify the organism. Pseudomonas
Blank 2: The characteristic odor of the colonies
for this organism is best demonstrated in what
culture medium?

Cetrimide agaar
Blank 1: With this test, which result is correct
for the swarming, indole-negative Proteus organism?
(Answer in letter)
Blank 2: Identify the test.
Blank 1: Identify the organism.
Blank 2: What enzyme will positively identify this
organism from the rest of enteric organisms?
Blank 1: To identify this organism correctly, what
carbohydrate/s is/are hydrolyzed by this organism?
(If there is more than 1 answer, arrange the
answers in alphabetical order following the 1st
letter. Also, separate the answers with a comma
followed by a space. EXAMPLE: Carbohydrate A,
Carbohydrate B)
Glucose and Maltose

Blank 2: What is the primary clinical significance

associated with this organism?
If the culture medium labeled "A" is the uninoculated
appearance, answer the following tasks:
Blank 1: Identify the culture medium.
Triple sugar ion
Blank 2: Interpret the reaction of the culture medium
labeled "C".
Glucose is fermented, Lactose and/or Sucrose Is no f
Blank 3: Interpret the result of the culture medium
labeled "E".
Alkaline slant and acid butt, without gas, without
hydrogen sulfide

Blank 4: Describe the reaction of the culture medium

labeled "B".

Blank 5: Which of the labeled culture medium/media

is/are consistent with hydrogen and carbon dioxide gas
production? (If there is more than 1 answer, arrange
the answers in alphabetical order following the letters
as labels. Also, separate the answers with a comma
followed by a space)
Blank 1: Identify the test. Lysine decarboxylation
Blank 2: Interpret the result of culture medium
labeled "A". (Please write answer in this format:
Result of slant, result of butt) Alkaline butt and
acid butt, without hydrogen sulfide
Blank 3: Interpret the reaction of culture medium
labeled "C".
Blank 4: Describe the reaction in culture medium
labeled "B".
Blank 5: Which of the labeled culture media is
consistent with Enterobacter agglomerans?
Blank1: Identify the organism.
Blank 2: What is responsible for the characteristic
colonial morphology of this organism?
Blank 1: Identify the culture medium.
Blank 2: From the characteristics of this culture medium and the
colonies growing in it, identify the genus most probably is
Blank 2: What is/are the inhibitor/s present in this medium? (If
there is more than one answer, arrange the answers in
alphabetical order following the first letter. Separate the
answers with a comma followed by a space. EXAMPLE:
Inhibitor A, inhibitor B)
Blank 3: What is/are responsible for the differential property of
this culture medium? (If there is more than one answer,
arrange the answers in alphabetical order following the first
letter. Separate the answers with a comma followed by a
space. EXAMPLE: Answer A, answer B)

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