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 Meaning
 Definition
 Characteristics
 Need for curriculum
 Process of curriculum
 Curriculum planning
 Curriculum framework
 Syllabus
 Evaluation
 Textbook
 Derived from latin word “Currere” meaning is
"to run"
 It is a runway(one runs to reach the goal) or a
race course referring to the course of deeds and
experiences through which children grow and
mature in becoming adults for success in
adult society.
 It is totality of all the learning to which
students are exposed during their study in the
 It is content, programme of planned activities,
intended learning outcomes, cultural
preservation, experience, agenda for social
 For student – It is the thing the teacher
make us learn.
 For teacher – The courses of study
provided us to follow.
 For principal – The courses for which units
of credit are given.
 For parent – The facts that are in
the textbook.
 Curriculum is the heart of
 It is totality of all the learning to which
students are exposed during their study
in the school.
 “It is a tool in the hands of the artist(the
teacher) to mould his material(the pupil) in
accordance with his ideal in his studio(the
 “The curriculum is all of the experiences
that individual learners have in a
programme of education whose purpose is
to achieve broad goals and related specific
objectives, which are planned in terms of a
framework of theory and research or past
and professional practice.”
 Fulfillment of objectives
 Determined by factors - social, human
development, nature of learning and
nature of knowledge
 Cater individual differences
 Pre- planned but can be changed
 It is a blue print
 It is a tool in hands of a teacher
 More than teaching and learning
 Describe environment in motion
 All learning inside and outside school
 National development
 Developing democratic life
 Raising standard of living
 National integration
 Modernizing the society
 Personal development
 Education of whole man


 “it is a process in which participants at many
levels make decisions about what the purpose
of learning ought to be, how these purposes
might be carried out through teaching learning
situations and whether the purposes and means
are both appropriate and effective.”

 CP is the process of gathering, sorting,

selecting, balancing and synthesizing relevant
information from many sources in order to
design those experiences that will assist
learners in attaining goals of the curriculum.
 CP is ultimately concerned with
experiences of learners
 CP Involves decisions about both context
and methods
 CP Involves decisions about a
variety of issues.
 CP Involves many groups
 CP Takes place at many levels.

CP Is a continuous process

to William M. Alexander of university
of Florida, “the school curriculum has a
framework or structure commonly called
"design", just as a building, a dress or an
automobile has. Although less
tangible(perceptible) and hopefully less fixed,
the curriculum design provides a basis for
classifying and organizing the curriculum
opportunities offered by the school.”
 It is the pattern or structure of a
curriculum. CD is arrangement or
organisation of the components of
Syllabus refers to the content, the
list of topics/concepts to be

A syllabus is simply an outline

and time line of particular course.
 It is a process of delineating, obtaining and
providing information useful for making
decisions about curriculum development
and implementation.
 The process of evaluation is undertaken
in order to determine the strengths and
weaknesses of an existing or an under
construction curriculum so that
improvements can be made.
 It is not one shot affair
 It is dynamic and cyclic process.
 It means –
 Assessment of students to find how much
of the intended curriculum has been
 What actually happens in classroom as
experienced by students when they are
learning and can include hidden
It is of two types-
* formative – takes place during the formative
year of students
* summative – used at the end of term course
or programme of grading certification, for
effectiveness of curriculum.
 Textbook are the materials used in absence of
 Textbook content should be very much effective.
 It should fit into teaching learning process.
 Textbook should help students to think critically,
creatively and divergently.
 Multi author textbooks and multitude of
textbooks gives more perspectives to the same
 Textbook and print materials must give learner’s
thoughts its worth and cannot dominate the
learners performance.
Thank you!!!

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