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•   1. Boundness of a function
Definition 1. 2  A function defined on some set
X is called bounded if there exists a real number  suc
h that

for all  in . 
2. Monotonicity of a Function

3. Symmetry of a function

4.Periodicity of a Function
Definition 1.4 A function is periodic if there is a positive
number such that

for every number in its domain The smallest such value of is

the period of
•   1.Find the domain of the following functions
(2) ;
(3) ;
(4) ;
(5) ;
(6) .
 Solution.Domain : {} .
Since the denominator of function is not equal to 0, that is, ≠0, ⇒ 2/5, the
domain is {}.
. Domain : [−3, 3].
Since ≥0 ⇒ -3t≤3, the domain is [−3, 3]
. Domain : (, ∞).
Since >0 ⇒ >3/4 , the domain is (, ∞)

•  4 ) ;
• Solution . Domain is [2, 4].
Since ⇒ 2t≤4, the domain is [2, 4].
(5) ;
• Solution . Domain is {}.
Since≥0 ⇒ -1x≤1, and the denominator  , the domain i
s {}.
(6) .
• Solution. Domain : {}.
• Since the denominator of function is not equal to 0,
that is,
2≠0, ⇒ 2, the domain is {}.
1.3 The Operations of Functions
1.The Arithmetic of Functions

•  The sum, difference functions and the product are defined as follows

If the domain of is and the domain of is then the domain of an

d is the intersection because both and have to be defined.
 • Similarly , At any point of at which g(x) ≠ 0, we can also define
the function by the formula

while the domain of is since we can’t divide by 0.

  For example,

the domain of is and the domain of is

So the domain of is

the domain of is
The following table summarizes the formulas and domains for the various
algebraic combinations of the two functions.
•   2.Composition of function
Composition is another method for combining functio
Definition 1.5 If and are functions , the compos
ite function is defined by

The definition of the composite function implies that

can be formed when the range of lies in the domain of
 Ifx lies in the domain of g and g(x)
lies in the domain of ƒ, then the
functions ƒ and g can be composed
to form .
  A composite function uses the output g(x) of the first function
g as the input for the second function ƒ.

 To find the composite function first find and second find .To
evaluate the composite function , we find first and then .
The domain of is the set of numbers in the domain of such that
lies in the domain of .
The functions and are usually quite different.


  To see why the domain of is [-1, ∞), notice that g(x) = x + 1 is defined
for all real x but g(x) belongs to the domain of ƒ only if
x + 1 0, that is to say, when x -1.
•   It also can take the composition of three or more function
s. For example , the composite function is found by first ap
plying , then , and then as follows:

Example 2 Find if

3.Transformations of Functions
By applying certain transformations to the graphs
of a given function , we can obtain the graphs of cer
tain related functions. This will give us the ability
to sketch the graphs of many functions quickly by han
d. It will also enable us to write equations for give
n graphs.
Let’s firstly consider translations.
•   Suppose that . To obtain the graph of

shift the graph of a distance units upward;

To obtain the graph of

shift the graph of a distance units


(a) Adding 1 to the right-hand side of the

formula y = x ² to get y = x ² + 1 shifts the
graph up 1 unit
(b) Adding -2 to the right-hand side of the
formula y = x ² to get y = x ² - 2 shifts the graph
down 2 units (Figure a1 ).
•   Suppose that .
To obtain the graph of

shift the graph of a distance units right;

To obtain the graph of

shift the graph of a distance units left.


(c) Adding 3 to x in y = x ² to get y = (x + 3) ²

shifts the graph 3 units to the left, while
adding -2 shifts the graph 2 units to the right
(Figure a2).
•   Now let’s consider the stretching and reflecti
ng transformations.
The Vertical and Horizontal Stretching and the
Suppose that .
To obtain the graph of

stretch the graph of vertically by a factor of ;

To obtain the graph of

compress the graph of vertically by a factor of


•Vertical Stretching :

To get the graph of y = 3 s

tretch the graph of y = vertic

ally by a factor of 3.
To get the graph of y = ,
compress the graph of y = vert

ically by a factor of 1/3.

•   Horizontal Stretching
Suppose that .
To obtain the graph of

compress the graph of horizontally by a factor of ;

To obtain the graph of

stretch the graph of horizontally by a factor of ;

• Horizontal Stretching:
The graph of y = is a horizont
al compression of the graph of
y = by a factor of 1/3, and y
= is a horizontal stretching b
y a factor of 3.
Note that y = = so a horizon
tal compression may correspond
to a vertical stretching by a d
ifferent scaling factor. Likewi
se, a horizontal stretching may
correspond to a vertical compre
ssion by a different scaling fa
ctor. (Figure b2).
•   Reflecting To obtain the graph of

reflect the graph of about the axis;

To obtain the graph of

reflect the graph of about the axis;

•EXAMPLE : Reflection

•The graph of y = is a reflection

of y = across the x-axis, and y =

is a reflection across the y-axis

Exercises 1Check the translation formula.
Exercises 2
1.4 Elementary Functions

•  1.Basic Elementary Function

 ( 5 ) Trigonometric functions:
( 1 ) Constant functions:
( 2 ) Power functions:
( 3 ) Exponential functions: Here
( 4 ) Logarithmic functions:

•  6 ) Inverse trigonometric functions:

Domain:[-1,1], range:[, ].

Domain:[-1,1], range:[].
Domain:(-,+), range:(, ).

Domain:(-,+), range:().
2. Elementary Functions
A function which is composed by basic elementary fu
nction through finite arithmetic and compositions ,and
can be expressed only by one formula is called an eleme
ntary function.
 For instance, the functions , are elementary functions,
the function

is not elementary function because it is not expressed by one formula.

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