Fitness and Health

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1. a. Health and
 As a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
 The enjoyment of the highest standard of health
is one of the fundamental rights of every human
being without distinct of race, religion, and
political belief, economic or social condition.
b. Wellness
 Is a term referring to optimal health which
includes and enjoyable and positive approach to a
lifestyle that promotes a high level of well-being.
 The concept is based on the premise that
adopting health-enhancing behaviors will help
reduce potential disease risk factors.
Components of Health

 To enjoy life and challenges, all components

must work harmoniously and function as one.
 It involves emotional, intellectual, physical,
moral-spiritual, social, vocational,
environmental aspects.
Intellectual Health
 This component shows a positive response in
embracing reality for what it is and utilizes healthy
coping skills to deal with stress and conflicts.
 Intellectually healthy individuals believe in a
lifelong learning and that they make sound
judgments and decisions.
 To maintain a sound mind, one has to keep the mind
active and curious, acquire and evaluate information,
choose between alternatives and make decisions
about different types of issues including health.
Emotional Health
 No person has total control over their emotional
states (fear, anger, sadness, guilt, etc.).
 Emotionally healthy individual strive to maintain
psychological balance and know when to express
their emotions.
 It includes understanding one’s emotions and
knowing how to cope with everyday problems and
turning those problems into productive activities
which generate happiness and enjoyment.
Physical Health
 It refers to the condition of the body in response to
physical activities, damage, and diseases.
 Being physically fit is the ultimate goal one is
setting for them
 Threats to a healthy Physical Life :
› Excessive drinking alcohol
› Frequent smoking
› Not enough sleep
› Inactive living
Social Health
 It refers to the ability to perform one’s role
› Having satisfying,
› Trusting relationship
› Good interaction with others
 This entails fairness, love, appreciation of
individual’s uniqueness that paves the way to social
 A socially-well person feels connected with the
community he or she belongs.
Vocational Health
 This component refers to the finding of meaning and
satisfaction to any pursuit of endeavor a person is
involved with or in.
 Finding everyday life stimulating, challenging, and
rewarding turns a person into a high level of
vocational well-being, and that a person can work in
harmony with peers and other groups in
accomplishing the desired goal.
Environmental Health
 This component refers to the impact that this natural
world has on a person’s health.
 Human survival is greatly affected by air, water,
land and other environmental resources which
massive devastation also lies in human faults.
 Environmentally healthy individuals protect their
body from the hazardous effects of smoking and air
pollution, and contaminated waters that can
seriously affect their health.
Environmental Health
 This component also brings awareness to people to
become socially responsible with the environment;
› Clean-up drive
› Tree planting
› No plastic policy
› Clean as you go
 This are some respectable moves of most local and
national entities that give a big leap to
environmental preservation.
Moral-Spiritual Health
 This refers to a positive sense of whatever provides
meaning and purpose into our lives, this includes ;
› sense of awe at nature’s beauty
› A deeply held religious faith,
› Sense of inner peace as regard to one’s life
 It also fosters a feeling of connection with one’s
inner self, other people, and the universe.
2. Lifestyle
 Refers to an overall way of living; the attitudes,
habits and behaviors of a person in daily life.
 A healthy lifestyle is recurring pattern of health-
promoting and disease-preventing behaviors
undertaken to achieve wellness.
 It is a way of life, this depends on our choices
which lifestyle to live and promote.
Components of Lifestyle

 Lifestyle has different components that affect

peoples way of life.
 This is developed through trial and error
 People try to experiment and experience a
different style of action that would satisfy
them, and adopt those styles as a habit.
Working Style

 The ways in which people produce, create and

study constitute their working style.
 Some people are perfectionist who strive to
make every aspect of their work perfect.
 Others may be more concerned with the
quantity of work they produce than with the
Pleasuring Style

 The way a person gives pleasure to the

influential people connected to his or her life,
and in return, what pleasure this person
received from others.
 In addition, the things people do to make
themselves and others feel good and the ways
in which they receive pleasure from others.
Recreational Style
 This style affects so much the health and well-
being of a person.
 Spending time quality recreational activities
that provide exercise, healthy relationship
with other people, and nurture the mind
makes a person whole and balanced.
 There are also forms of recreational activities
that are detrimental to health like ; alcohol
consumption, drug addiction.
Communication Style
 People show their emotions, needs, wants
through communication. They use words
instead of body language to express their
feelings or even respond to the thoughts and
feelings of others.
Coping Style
 This style counteracts stress that creates
tensions and problems. This is the process in
which a person copes with stressful events;
positive or negative that is a threat to his or
her health.
Cognitive Style
 Refers to the ways in which people think,
seek knowledge, and make decisions.
Nutritional Style
 This style speaks to the attitude of a person
towards food and eating.
Consuming Style
 Another component which consists of
intelligent ways in which people select and
use products and services.
Ecological Style
 This style speaks of human interaction with
nature. People’s ecological style is reflected
on the level of concern in preserving mother
 The way people treat the environment
influences them through their physical health.

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