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Study Skills: Essay and Exams

OUMH1103 – Learning Skills for Open Distance Learners

Topic 2 – Study Skills: Essay and Exams
2.1 Essay writing skills
2.1.1 Steps for writing essay
2.1.2 Structure of an essay
2.1.3 Avoid plagiarism
2.1.4 APA referencing style
2.1.5 Common faults in essay
2.2 Strategies for exams
2.2.1 Preparing for exams
2.2.2 Memorising for exams
2.2.3 Types of exam questions
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Apply essay writing skills; and
2. Apply the tips and strategies of studying for examinations.
2.1.1 Steps in ESSAY WRITING
Step 1: Select a topic

Step 2: Analyse the topic

Step 3: Prepare an outli

Step 4: Search for information

Step 5: Read and make notes

Step 6: Write the essay

Step 7: Review and edit

2.1.2 Structure in an Essay
Overview/brief background
INTRODUCTION Purpose of the essay
Scope of the essay

Discussions on issues (1) (2) (3)

In-text citations
Solutions on issues (1) (2) (3)
In-text citations
Your argument supported with facts

Summary on all key points (issues & solutions) discussed

Concluding remarks or your stand on the issue

List of all resources used to write the essay

APA citation style
2.1.3 Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism can be avoided by:
a) Paraphrasing - use your own words in writing
b) Using quotation – use quotations marks (“..”)
when taking ideas from sources
c) Acknowledging the author – do a reference
list following the APA citation style
2.1.4 APA Referencing Style
APA citation style is the way you acknowledge
the sources that you use for your essay – to
avoid plagiarism.

Watch the video in page 25 in your module to

know more about APA referencing and pages 26-
27 for samples of citations. You may also search
in the internet for APA citation samples.
2.1.5 Common Faults in Essay
Avoid the following mistakes in your essay:
a) The essay is out of topic
b) The essay content is too shallow – not addressing the issue
c) The badly organized and lacked flow – points are everywhere and
d) Poor fluency of language – check spelling, grammar, etc
e) Poorly written introduction – please take note of what to write for the intro
f) Poorly written main content – state issues/points clearly and provide
argument and solutions clearly
g) Poorly written conclusion – summarise the main content clearly and firmly
h) Lack of in-text citations and references – put in-text citation in your main
content and list the reference according to the APA citation style
i) Boring and dull essay – if you don’t know how to write, read tips on writing
good essay.

Prepare for your


Understand and memorise facts

- Use SQ3R techniques; mnemonics; vivid
association; visual memory; say out loud;
practice answering questions

Understand types of questions

- MCQ; Short essay; Essay

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