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OHM401: Groups Dynamics for

Teams -Prof. Arvind


Team Aces:
1. Nakul Gupta-
2. Nikita Gupta-
3. Raghav Gupta-
4. Sajal Ganjewala-
5. Shivansh Gupta-
6. Tanish Gandhi-
● Group dynamics is a system of behaviors and psychological
processes occurring within a social group (intragroup dynamics),
or between social groups (intergroup dynamics).
● Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioral patterns
of a group. It can be used as a means for problem-solving,
teamwork, and to become more innovative and productive as an

Step1: Choose a group to observe
Each team member select a group they wish to
Step2: Chosen Groups are observed
Selected groups are observed by the members
Step3: 10 observations and
recommendations are reported
Each team member select a group they wish to
It was observed that asking for feedback contributed to performance
and productivity. This also contributed to stronger contact between
the members and thus strengthened the group's cohesion. The
feedback must be given and taken constructively, as doing the
opposite can lead to grudges between the members.

There should be a positive feedback session after completion of
intermediate tasks which leads to better quality of work
-Shivansh Gupta
It was observed that regular meetings resulted in more ideas being
brought to the table. Each member was encouraged to discuss each
and every idea he had, no matter how good or bad it was, resulting
in a healthy discussion and productivity.

There should be regular meetings which results in more ideas being
brought to the table.

-Shivansh Gupta
It was observed that if all the members of the group try to put their
ideas and feedback together on a given work, the group
automatically starts functioning very well and this way the group
starts doing any given job with ease .

Ideas and feedback should be put together.

-Nakul Gupta
It was observed that the more you will be responsive to others, starts
respecting and considering others decisions and also praising them
for their efforts, the other group members also start giving their
valuable contribution to the group and try to put extra efforts for the

Being friendly, warm, responsive to others, praising others and their
ideas, agreeing with and accepting contributions of others.

-Nakul Gupta
We had observed this wonderful quality amongst our Group
members that they were planning the work, which was scheduled for
completion. Total work was divided in tabular form and was
distributed to the respective days. Everyday, a selective task was
assigned to everyone present on the topic and it reduced the
workload and the chances of last minute submission. Furthermore,
every group member submitted their work on time.
Time Management should always be given a priority so that work
can be submitted prior to the deadline.

-Raghav Gupta
At times, there were some members who did not contribute much. So
instead of complaining about it and demotivating the person, the
members used to support each other by telling them “We know you
can do this” or “ I/we know that you can contribute much more to
this group”. This helped the group evenly.

No one should become dominant over the other group members and
superiority should never be a part of a group.

-Raghav Gupta
It was seen that not everyone was active during the Work in progress. No
one took an initiative to proceed with the work and the team had one
member who was taking the responsibility of initiating the work and
trying to assign tasks to each member. 2 out of 5 members hardly
attended meetings and so I feel that our team couldn't complete the
project the way it was planned initially in the draft.

certain norms such as fixed meeting slot, frequency of meetings
should be decided beforehand so that everyone attends them. Also,
norms such as compulsory participation and what is the contribution
of each member should be made clear on the day of presentation.
-Nikita Gupta
Three out of 5 members in the group took the initiative with the goal of
presenting a great project rather than who contributes in the project.
Main task, that was making a video, was done by one member
completely and he was big-hearted to share the entire work and present
it as a work done by the entire group and not by himself.

It is recommended that there should be equitable distribution of
work. This is because a person has a single way of doing work. Thus,
distribution of work allows creativity and thinking out of the box by
every member of the group. It also allows diversity in terms of
opinions and views of each member on a particular matter.
-Nikita Gupta
It was observed that due to lack of coordination among the members
happening because the members come from different walks of life and to
avoid any sorts of insults or blame we started to procrastinate conveying
facts and figures to each other which had the potential to affect or work.

Better Coordination and honesty among team members

-Tanish Gandhi
This group saw four who were well versed in the area they choose to
work on for this app. This although resulted in less conflicts but more
technical problems that needed to be solved. Each member of the group
worked on their individual tasks and shared updates with a reasoning as
to why they chose to do it in a certain way.

New ideas that can strike a mind during conversations are restricted
to minimum. The team should distribute newer and easier tasks to
other members as well for them to learn new things. This can be
used to append creative ideas into the project through small
session of brainstorming about the common topic.
The group had divided work based on the expertise a person had for the
app development. This restricts the formation learning environment by
discussion, therefore, most of the members learn new things by
themselves. New ideas were always welcomed in the group and were
accepted based on feasibility and the value that it would add to the final

There was sometimes a lack of communication between the members
due to them not being in the meeting or joining late. Although given
the team has a relaxed way of having meetings, if it were to be made
more work focused, it would result in higher productivity.

-Sajal Ganjewala
The observations drawn by each member in the
group helped us in knowing the impact of the
behaviour on the project. These observations were
brainstormed and recommendations were discussed
which yielded for proper functioning of groups and
group dynamics in teams.


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