Session 2 - Self - Exploration Process

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To find out what you are

 How to differentiate between right and wrong?

 Is it based on social norms, traditional sayings, scriptures, great people


 There is a popular assumption that right and wrong are always relative
and situation dependent.

 Is it possible to absolutely differentiate between right and wrong on

your own right?
Benefits of Self-Exploration process

It helps you heal.  

Being on a personal growth path requires that you deal with the
issues you have within that hold you back from utilizing your true
potential. It encourages you to become aware of your fears,
emotional pains, childhood issues, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy
patterns so that you can process them, let them go, and find true
peace within.  Personal growth is the path to healing.  
It helps you to never feel alone.

When you're constantly learning about yourself, you CONNECT with who
you truly are.  This connection allows you to feel comfortable with
yourself, and you naturally start to enjoy your own company and never
truly feel alone.
It gives your life meaning. 
Once you embark on a path of personal growth and decide that everything in
life is here to teach you something and is an invitation for you to learn and
grow as a person, then everything that happens to you HAS MEANING.  All
of a sudden, the things you experience aren't just random events happening
to annoy you or make your life hard, but are rather here to teach you
something.  Maybe it's patience, maybe it's presence, maybe it's letting go,
maybe it's forgiveness, or maybe it's self-love, but the point is, there is a
purpose to everything. 
It helps you become confident in who you are. 
Self-confidence comes firstly from knowing who you are which comes
from constantly engaging in self-discovery. Your personal growth journey
teaches you that your uniqueness is exactly what makes you special,
dynamic, and "perfect."  Therefore, you naturally start to love yourself and
you become more and more secure and confident in who you are. 
It helps you create your own reality.  
Personal growth and self-discovery will help you connect to who you are
at your core.  When you're connected to your true self, you realize that YOU
create your own reality and that you're not a victim of your circumstances. 
This helps you to live an empowered life where you're able to shift your
thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and overall energy to align with what you desire.

Finally, You can identify for your self what is right and what is wrong for you.
How can we start the self exploration process?

What I am What is Naturally Acceptable to Me

Desire, Thought… Natural Acceptance


Relationship Relationship
Natural Acceptance

· Natural Acceptance does not change with time.

· It does not depend on the place

· It does not depend on our beliefs or past conditionings

· This Natural Acceptance is ‘constantly there’, something we can refer to

· Natural Acceptance is the same for all of us: it is part and parcel of every human being, it is
part of humanness.

· We can refer Natural Acceptance, access it to know what is right for us. We only have to
start referring to it.

· Each proposal is to be evaluated on the basis of your Natural Acceptance.

Whatever is said is a Proposal
Do not accept it just because it is – written in some book
– a reading from some instrument
– stated by some person
Verify Experiental Validation
on the basis Live according to it
Acceptance Behaviour with Work with
Human Beings the rest of Nature

Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity



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