Keywords Research and Analysis

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■ SWOT Analysis of Website,
■ Target segmentation,
■ Keyword Research , Competitor Analysis,
■ Finding Right Appropriate Keywords.
■ Online Reputation Management,
■ Social Media Marketing,
■ Website Monetization
SWOT Analysis of Website
■ Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors which are under the control of an
■ Opportunities and threats are the external factors which are beyond the control of an
■ The SWOT analysis starts with setting specific goals and objectives for your website.
These objectives or goals should be measurable and realistic, i.e. increasing profit by
10% in the coming year, increasing click-through rate by 15%, decreasing shopping cart
dropping rate by 5%, etc.
■ After you identify your objectives and goals you can start with the following steps of
SWOT analysis.
■ Strengths
■ It refers to the advantages that are not present in the sites of your competitors. These are
competitive advantages that help your website gain a competitive edge over other
similar sites, e.g. relevant and unique content, user-friendly design and quick sign up
and check out process, etc. can be the strengths of your website.
■ Weaknesses
■ It refers to the features of your website that slow down your progress or prevent you
from achieving your objectives and goals. To identify your website weaknesses you can
compare a feature of your website with the same feature of competitor website. If your
competitor executes this feature better than you then consider this feature as your
weakness which should be improved.
■ Opportunities
■ It refers to the external elements which can help you improve your website performance
and popularity. These elements are beyond your control and if exploited wisely can help
you achieve your objectives and goals. Some of the common opportunities for the
websites are new technology to improve visitor experience, web 2.0 trend focused on
social networking, internet on mobile phones, online transactions, innovative marketing
strategies, etc.
■ Threats
■ It refers to external factors that may prevent a site from achieving its objectives and
goals. These factors are beyond your control and if you ignore these threats your
website can't make progress. Some of the common threats to a website include new
entrants (websites), software piracy, unfavorable government regulations, changing
customer needs, competitors imitating your ideas and features, fraudulent activities, etc.
How to Choose Best Keywords
■ Keywords are the words or phrases used by people in search engines to find the desired
information. Relevant keyword and phrases help increase profitable traffic to your
■ So, keep the following points in mind if you are looking for best keywords and phrases.
■ 1) Long-tail keywords: It usually refers to 3 to 5 words phrases. Such keywords are
considered ideal for SEO as people in purchase stage of buying cycle tend to use longer
phrases to search products or services. The long phrases are also found to be less
competitive than shorter keywords and help you attract targeted traffic.
■ 2) Latent semantic indexing: It is also known as LSI. In this method, we incorporate
related terms along with main key phrases, e.g. if a page contains information about cars
then search engine tends to see related terms like models, makes, car parts, etc. So, if
the search engine finds more semantic words on your page they will assume you more
relevant and authentic.
■ 3) Recent trends: If you want to create popular keywords then keep an eye on recent
trends. You will get to know what is popular on search engines and if you find any
trending search query related to your niche then you can effectively news jack it to
increase traffic to your site.
■ 4) Location based keywords: You can add country, state or city name to your main
keyword to stand out from the crowd. It will help you achieve higher ranking in local
search results.
■ 5) Identify competitors' keyword: You can use some of the popular keywords of your
competitors to pull some of their traffic to your site. You can take the help of online
services such as Keyword Spy to identify their keywords.
Keyword Research and Analysis

■ Keyword Research and Analysis is a high return activity and an important part of the SEO.
Right keywords can place your website on the first page of search results and irrelevant
keywords can increase the gap between users and your website.
■ Keyword Research and Analysis enables you identify the information your target audience is
searching and the keywords they are using for their queries. After researching and analyzing the
keyword demand you not only get the relevant terms and phrases for SEO but also understand
the users in a better way. It helps you build a better website with relevant keywords and phrases.
■ Your webpage has to compete with millions of webpages to achieve the higher ranking. So,
optimizing your content by incorporating the right keywords in the pages is a necessary SEO
practice. If you are not using the right keywords your website might never be on the first page
of search results.
Competitors' Website Analysis

■ Analysis of competitors' website is an important part of SEO search and analysis. By

analyzing competitors' websites you can get ideas to improve your own web marketing
■ There are various competitor-analysis tools designed to compare the search friendliness
of a website against the websites of its competitors. These tools are based on various
SEO metrics and are quite easy to use, i.e. some tools require you to enter your webpage
URL, the competitor URL and the targeted keyword and the tool will tell you how well
you are ranked against your competitors for that keyword.
■ 1) Find out your SEO competitors
■ Generally, the sites which are in your niche or rank well for your keywords are your
competitors. The other simple way to find out your competitors is to search your
keywords with Google and look for the sites that pop high in search result page.
■ 2) Visit competitors' site
■ After you have made a list of your competitors the next step is to visit their sites. There
are many things to be noticed in their sites like the quality and quantity of content,
keywords or phrases, type of website (dynamic or static), etc. This analysis will tell you
how professional your competitors' sites are and how much efforts you need to put into
your site to surpass them.
■ 3) Check competitors' backlinks
■ In this step, you will examine the backlinks of your competitors. You need to find their
number, origin and anchor text, etc. If there are backlinks from some popular sites you
can contact their webmasters to get backlinks from them. Some of the popular tools for
backlink analysis are Backlink Anchor Text Analysis and Backlink Summary.
■ 4) Analyze competitors' presence on Social Media
■ Social Medias are extensively used to increase traffic on a site. Visit some of the popular
social bookmarking sites to see the posts of your competitors; check the quality and
popularity of their posts. Twitter and Facebook are two popular social networking sites
where you can check if your competitors are active or not.
■ What Is Social Media Marketing (SMM)
■ The term social media marketing (SMM) refers to the use of social media and 
social networks to market a company’s products and services. Social media marketing
 provides companies with a way to engage with existing customers and reach new ones
while allowing them to promote their desired culture, mission, or tone. Social media
marketing has purpose-built data analytics tools that allow marketers to track the
success of their efforts.
Online reputation management

■ Online reputation management (ORM) is about monitoring and improving how your
business is viewed online.
■ It means looking and analyzing what a potential customer, reporter, or partner will
discover about your brand, your people, or your product/service when they perform a
Google search.
■ Before they ever land on your website or pick up the phone to call you — what will
they find when they look for you? And will they like it?
■ Said simpler: Is your online presence working for or against you?
■ This is the idea behind online reputation management.
■ Online reputation management involves a combination of marketing, public relations,
legal and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to promote, protect and defend
your online image or business reputation.
■ The purpose of online reputation management is to create balance, counteract
misleading trends, and allow you to put your best foot forward.
■ By actively managing your reputation, you can minimize negative customer feedback
and keep your online presence as positive as possible.
Website Monetization

■ Website monetization is the process of earning money from a particular website or

blog by using it as an advertising platform for companies with content and offers
relative to that site.
Why is website monetization important?
■ Increases revenue. A decision to implement website monetization is crucial because it
allows more opportunities for earning. Depending on how much traffic a website has,
website monetization can be a part-time job, or something more significant. 
■ Gives a chance for passive income. There are different options for website
monetization, which requires setting it up once, such as display advertising and web
push ads. After setting this up, the traffic on a website will result in revenue.
■ Allows earning from the blog. Bloggers can monetize, too. They often focus on
monetization methods like donations and affiliate marketing, but they are not limited to
that.(As an affiliate marketer, you earn a commission from every referral you make to
another business.)
■ It gives you options. You can monetize a website or blog in different ways. Choosing
adequate types of website monetization for your situation is essential. For instance, if
you are a vegetarian blogger, it’s a good idea to advertise vegetarian shops and
restaurants. If you’re a speech coach, it’s appropriate to suggest microphones and
clothes for sounding and looking ideally in public.
Types and Examples of Website Monetization
■ Display advertising
■ Google Adsense
■ Web push ads
■ Affiliate marketing
■ Membership site
■ Sponsored content
■ Donations

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