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Functional Properties of Eggs

 Objectives

 Observe factors which influence the thickening

ability of egg proteins

 Become familiar with a variety of foods which

employ egg protein thickeners

 Become familiar with the use of egg substitutes

Functional Properties of Eggs
 Functions of Eggs in Foods
 Emulsification
 Color

 Structure

 Thickening

 Binding

 Focus in lab will be on thickening and binding

Functional Properties of Eggs
 Tests for Doneness
 Coated Spoon Test—for liquid foods
 Insert metal spoon into liquid and draw back out

 Done when coats spoon like chocolate syrup

 Inserted Knife Test—for solid foods

 Insert between center and edge

 Done when knife comes out clean

 Standing time allows center to cook through

Functional Properties of Eggs
 Demonstrations for Lab

 Double Boiler—prevents scalding

 Add water but leave room for steam to develop

 Temp. in top pan is always less than 100°C

 Water Baths—insulates egg proteins

 Use 9”x13”x2” pans

 Fill pan to 2/3 height of custard cups

Functional Properties of Eggs
 Egg Candling

 Measures quality or freshness without breaking

 Characteristics of older, low quality eggs:

 Larger air cell

 Yolk off center

 Speckled appearance
Functional Properties of Eggs
 Aging of egg results in:
 Thinner whites
 Inner membrane separation from shell

 All saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium

resides in yolk

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