Scientific Method

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The Steps to Success
The Scientific Method
What is the scientific
It is a process that
is used to find
answers to
questions about the
world around us.
 Is there only one “scientific method”?
 No, there are several versions of the scientific
 Some versions have more steps, while others
may have only a few.
 However, they all begin with the identification
of a problem or a question to be answered
based on observations of the world around
They provide an
method for
conducting and
analyzing an
 What is a hypothesis?
 It is an educated
guess based on
observations and
your knowledge of
the topic.
 You state it as a
possible answer to
a question.
 Stated in the “If…..,
then….” format
 Example: IF I water
three plants with
different sodas,
THEN the plant that
receives Sprite will
grow the tallest.
What is data?
It is information
gathered during
an experiment.
It is organized
into a data table
and displayed
visually as a
 BAR GRAPHS: can be used to show
how something changes over time
or to compare items.
 have an x-axis (horizontal) and a
y-axis (vertical)
 the x-axis has time period or
what is being measured
 the y-axis has numbers for the
amount of stuff being measured.
 good when you're plotting data
that spans many years (or days,
weeks...), has really big changes
from year to year (or day to
day...), or when you are
comparing things.
 LINE GRAPHS: can be used to
show how something changes
over time
 x-axis has numbers for the
time period
 y-axis has numbers for what is
being measured.
 can be used when you're
plotting data that has peaks
(ups) and valleys (downs), or
that was collected in a short
time period.
 Used for two sets of numerical
data (ex: time and temp)
Steps of the Scientific Method

 1. Choose a problem: State the problem as a

 2. Research your problem: Read, get advice,
and make observations.
 3. Develop a hypothesis: Make a prediction
about what will happen.
 4. Design an experiment: Plan how you will
test your hypothesis.
 5. Test your hypothesis: Conduct the
experiment and record the data.
 6. Organize your data: Create a chart or
graph of your data.
 7. Draw conclusions: Analyze your data
and summarize your findings.
Independent Variables
Dependent Variables
Controlled Variables (Constants)
3 Kinds of Variables

Variable – something
that is changed by
the scientist
 What is tested
 What is
Dependent Variable – something that
might be affected by the change in the
independent variable
 What is observed
 What is measured
 The data collected during the investigation
 “the numbers”
 Example: how tall the plant grew, how far
the paper airplane flew
Controlled Variable – a variable that is
not changed
Also called CONSTANTS
Allow for a “fair test”
Everything in the experiment except
for the IV should be kept constant
 Give a detailed explanation of how you will
conduct the experiment to test your hypothesis
 Be clear about the variables (elements you
change) versus your constants (elements that do
not change)
 A control is the group that you use as a
comparison to see if change has occurred.
 Example: In a medicine study, the group of
people who don’t get the medicine are the
control group
 Be very specific about how you
will measure results to prove or
disprove your hypothesis. You
should include a regular timetable
for measuring results or
observing the projects (such as
every hour, every day, every

 Conclusion: your results or findings based on

data collected during the experiment
 Answer your problem/purpose statement
 What does it all add up to? What is the value of
your project?
 What further study do you recommend given the
results of your experiment? What would be the
next question to ask?
 If you repeat this project, what would you
For Example:

Students of different ages were

given a jigsaw puzzle to put
together. The scientist wanted to
see if the students’ ages affected
how long it took to put the puzzle
Identify the Variables in this

 Independent Variable (IV):

 Ages of the students
 Different ages were tested by the scientist
 Dependent Variable (DV):
 The time it took to put the puzzle
 The time was observed and measured by
the scientist
What were the constants?
 (1) Same puzzle
 All of the participants were tested with the
same puzzle.
 It would not have been a fair test if some
had an easy 30 piece puzzle and some had a
harder 500 piece puzzle.
 Other constants: (2) same location, (3) same
stopwatch, (4) same person timing the
Another Example:
 An investigation was done with an
electromagnetic system made from a battery
and wire wrapped around a nail. Different sizes
of nails were used. The number of paper clips
the electromagnet could pick up was measured.
What are the Variables?

IV: Sizes of nails

These were changed by the scientist
DV: Number of paper clips picked up
The number of paper clips observed and
counted (measured)
Constants: Battery, wire, type of nail
None of these items were changed
Let’s Practice!
If I use a heavier bowling
ball, then the ball will travel
faster down the lane.
IV: weight of bowling ball
DV: speed it traveled down
 2) If I use different brands of
paper towels, then Bounty
will absorb more water per
minute than Sparkle or
 IV: brand of paper towel
 DV: amount of water
absorbed per minute
3) If I put 3 spider plants in
different locations, then the
plant in the sunlight will grow
taller in a one-week period than
the plants in the closet and
IV: location of the plants
 DV: height of plants

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