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UNIT 1. “Hello”.


 Asking about jobs. Describing jobs.

 Talking about families.

1. Check homework: a short conversation
similar to the one studied in class.
2. Introduce new communicative functions.
- Asking about jobs.
-- What’s your job?
-- What do you do?
-- What do you do for a living?
--What’s your occupation?
 Giving informations about jobs.
- I’m a mechanic.
- I’m a police officer.
- I’m a dentist.
 Describing jobs.

- My job is interesting/ important/ excellent/

boring/ lovely, etc
Mini dialogues
 What’s your job?
-I’m a mechanic.
 And what’s your job?
 I’m a police officer.

 What do you do?
 I’m a nurse and my brother is a computer

programmer and what about you?

 I’m a dentist.
 What do you do for a living?
◦ I’m a mason. And you?
 I’m a welder and what about your friend?
- She is a nurse.
 Oh, really! Is her job interesting?

- Yes, of course her job is very interesting

and very important.
What’s your I’ m an engineer.
job/occupation? Qual e a Sou engenheiro/a)
tua ocupacao a sua/tua
professicao, oficio?

What do you do? I’ m a social worker.

O que faz?
Sou trabathador/a
1. Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate question and the correct article.
A: “ _____________________________________________________________ ?”
B: “ I am _______ English teacher.”
A: “_____________________________________________________________ ?”
B: “ I’m _______ bus driver”.

A: “ _____________________________________________________________ ?”
B: “ I’m _______ lawyer.”

A: “_____________________________________________________________ ?”
B: “ I am_____ accountant.”
3- Answer these questions about people in
your family:
 What’s your mother’s name?
 How old is your father?
 Are your parents alive?
 Are you married? How old is your wife /
 What’s your job?
 Are you Brazilian?
 What nationality are you?
4- Write questions:
 _________________________________________? I’m 42 years old.

 __________________________________________? I’m a dentist.

 ___________________________________________? I’m single.

 ___________________________________________? 70 29 45.

 _________________________________________? Very well thank you.

 __________________________________________? I’m from Cuba.

 _________________________________________? She is a teacher.

 _________________________________________? I’m from Angola.

6- Complete the following dialogue
* Good_____________. I _____ Frank Wong. What
 ___________________. My name ___ Alina.

How ___________________?
* Fine, _______. ____________________ ?
 Very well, thank you.

* Thank you. Nice to meet you.

 ______________________________.
5- Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate
communicative function.
Thomas: ___________.
Alfred: Hello. How are you?
Thomas: _____________________. Alfred this is my friend Alice.
Alfred: ______________________________ Alice.
Alice: I am from Jamaica, Alfred you are very young.
Alfred: I am 19 years old like Thomas, but
Alice: I am student but sometimes I work as a waitress at my
father’s restaurant “The super fork”. Oh I have to leave now.
Alfred: It is 52 49 70 21.
Alice: See you.
Thomas: ___________ my friends.
Alfred: Bye.
7- Answer the following personal information
questions forming a paragraph.
- What’s your full name?
- How old are you?
 What’s your occupation?
 Where do you live?
 What’s your favourite colour?
 Where are you from?

- What´s your nationality?

- How is your English course?
8- Read the following text carefully:
My name is Mario. I am 45 years old. I am American. I am a
policeman. I am married with a beautiful woman. Her name is
Laura. She is 40 years old. She is from Ecuador. She is a
secretary at the Science Medicine Faculty. We have three
children. My family loves to share all weekends together, but
when Laura stays at the office for a longer time, she phones
me to know about the kids. I explain her that they are in their
bedrooms. German, as usual, is listening to very loud music
and Monica is studying in the garden, also listening to that
music I can’t understand, while Alex is playing in the
computer. “This is really crazy”, he says.
 1. Say True (T), False (F) or I don’t know (IdK) according to the

reading. In the case of False explain

 ___ Mario is an electrician.
 ___ He is single.
 ___ Laura is a middle age woman.
 ___ She is from South America.
 -----It’s a lovely family.

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