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Alondra Irene Martínez
Once upon a time, there was a dog who
used to spend his leisure hours on the
doorstep of his owners' house. He loved
being there for hours as it was a cool place
and he enjoyed watching people come and
go from the market. The afternoon was his
favorite moment because he was lying on a
mat, resting his head on his legs and
enjoying a well deserved and placid nap.
Once he was fast asleep when a wolf
came out of the darkness and pounced
on him, ready to take a good bite. The
dog woke up on time and very scared,
he begged him not to do it.

–Wait a minute, wolf friend! -he yelled

jumping back- Have you seen me
The wolf stopped short and looked him
up and down blankly.

-Yes, whats up?- Look at me carefully!

As you can see, I am in the bones, so I
am little food for you.

-I do not mind! I plan to eat you right

now! -The wolf threatened, wrinkling
his snout and showing the poor victim
his pointed fangs.
-Wait, I propose a deal! My owners are
about to get married and they will have a
great feast. Of course I am invited and I will
take the opportunity to eat and drink until I

-What does that matter to me? Your life ends

here and now!

-Of course it matters! I will eat so many

delicacies that I will get fat and then you can
eat me. Or is it that you just want to eat my
The wolf thought that it was not a bad idea
and that also, the dog seemed very sincere.
Driven by gluttony, he allowed himself to be
convinced and accepted the deal.

-It's okay! I will wait for the wedding day to

pass and in the afternoon at this time I will
come to look for you.

-Don't worry, wolf friend! Here in the portal

you will find me!
The day of the party arrived and of course
the dog, much loved by the whole family,
participated in the wedding meal. He ate,
drank, and danced until he was the last
guest. When he finished the candy, he was
so exhausted that he had no more strength
than to sleep for a while and rest, but
knowing that the wolf would appear there,
he decided not to go down to the portal but
to sleep in the cool on the windowsill.
From on high, he saw the wolf arrive.
- Hey, skinny dog! What are you doing up there?
Get down to fulfill the agreement!

- Oh wolf, you missed your chance! I will not be

the one to enjoy my long naps in the portal again.
From now on, I will spend the afternoons lying at
the window, looking up at the treetops and listening
to the singing of the birds. Learning from mistakes
is wise!
And with that said, he snuggled quietly and the
wolf walked away with his head bowed for being
so stupid and trusting.

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