Optical Neuritis: By: Antia Ayudika Supervisor M. Diana Rahim, MD

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Optical Neuritis

By: Antia Ayudika

M. Diana Rahim, MD
Patient Identity
• Name : Mr. MH
• Age : 11 years old
• Gender : Male
• No. RM : 168214
• Admission Date : July 5th 2021
History Taking
Chief Complain: Blurry Eyes
The patient came to emergency unit of Guntur Hospital with
complaint of blurry eyes since 4 days before admission. His
eyes got blurry day by days until he can not see anything
but light. Fever, cough, runny nose, and diarrhea are denied
by the patient. Out-of-town travel history (-), contact history
with confirmed covid-19 (-).
Physical Examination
 General condition : moderate pain
 Awareness : composmentis
 GCS : E4M6V5
 TTV :

● Pulse Rate : 102 bpm

● Respiratory Rate : 18 bpm
● Temperature : 36,5 oC
● SpO2 : 98% free air
● Head : normochepal
● Eyes : sclera icteric (-/-), conjunctiva anemic (-/-), VOD 0, VOS
● Nose : septum deviation (-), secret (-)
● Ears : secret (-), edema (-)
● Mouth : wet oral mucosa

● Neck : lymph node enlargement (-)

● Thorax : symmetrical chest movements

● Cor : S1S2 regular, gallop (-), murmur (-)
● Pulmo : VBS right/left, crackle (-/-), wheezing (-/-)

● Abdomen : flat, supple, Bowel sounds (+) normal, epigastrium

tenderness (-)
● Liver : within normal limits
● Spleen : within normal limits

● Extremities : warm, CRT < 2 sec

Supporting Examination
○Blood Routine:
○ Immunology :
• Hemoglobin : 15.7 gr/dl
• Rapid antigen Covid-19 : Negative
• Leucocyte :11.600 /mm 3

• Hematocrite : 42,4 %
• Thrombocyte : 362.000/mm3
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• IVFD RL 10-20 tpm
• Inj. Methylprednisolone 125mg/6 hours 12 times iv
• Inj. Mecobalamine 3x1 iv
• Inj. Ranitidine 2x1 iv

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