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• Organizational skills are among the most desirable transferable
skills an employee can have. Why?
• They allow you to effectively and efficiently use such resources
as time, energy, or mental capacity to achieve the desired
“Organizational skills refer to your ability to stay focused
on different tasks, and how you use your time, energy,
strength, mental capacity, physical space, etc. effectively and
efficiently in order to achieve the desired outcome.”

• The sum of the efforts undertaken by each team member for the achievement
of the team’s objective is called team work. In other words, team work is the
backbone of any team.
• Every member in a team has to perform and contribute in his best possible
way to achieve a common predefined goal. Individual performances do not
count in a team and it is the collective performance of the team workers which
matters the most.
• Team work is actually the collective effort of each and every team member
to achieve their assigned goal. No member can afford to sit back and expect
the other member to perform on his behalf. The team members must be
committed towards their team as well as their organization to avoid conflicts.
Every member should adopt an adjusting and a flexible attitude. One should
consider his team members as a part of his extended family all working
together towards a common goal.


• Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by
which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and
• In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best
possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organisation they
represent). However, the principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and
maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful
• In any negotiation, the following three elements are important and likely to
affect the ultimate outcome of the negotiation:
Interpersonal Skills
• .” 6
Communication and
Interpersonal skills 7
Why do we need Interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skills are the skills we use every day when we communicate
and interact with other people .They include a wide range of skills, but
particularly communication skills such as listening and effective speaking.

It is no exaggeration to say that interpersonal skills are the substratum for

success in life. People with strong interpersonal skills veer towards
building out stronger bonds with other people, formally and informally.
They also tend to undertake responsibilities with such finesse.

In the course of our lives, we have to communicate with and interact with
other people on a daily if not hourly basis, and sometimes more often.
Good interpersonal skills tranquillize those awkward interactions, making
them smoother,pleasanter and a little less pain inducing for all those
involved. 8
Using your Initiative
How Are Undertaking Responsibilities Important?

When you show initiative, you do things without being told; you find
out what you need to know; you keep going when things get tough;
and you spot and take advantage of opportunities that others pass by.
You act, instead of reacting.

Initiative has become increasingly important in today's workplace.

Organizations want employees who can think on their feet and take
action without waiting for someone to tell them what to do. After all,
this type of flexibility and courage is what pushes teams and
organizations to innovate, and to overcome competition.

Self - motivation
Why does self motivation matter?

Motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, inturn making us

brim with fulfillment and improve our overall quality of life.
Understanding and developing your self-motivation can help you to
take control of many other aspects of your life.

There are four elements that make up motivation:

 Personal drive to achieve

 Commitment to personal or organisational goals
 Initiative
 Optimism

To improve self-motivation, it is therefore helpful to understand more about these individual


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