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My Presentation topics are –

• Mail Questionnaire
Md Asrafur
• Interview Method of Data
Collection Rahman Ashiq
• Telephone Interview Roll:Fh-022-017
• Personal Interview
• Experimental Method
• Database
Mail Questionnaire
Where a set of question is sent to the
respondents via mail
• Less expensive. • Works only when the
• Suitable for questions are simple.
embarrassing questions. • May arise dependency
• Suitable when the while answering questions.
question is about several • Uncertainty about the
answers whether they are
members of the
from the right respondent
or not.
Some ways of interviewing are :
1. Telephone Interview
2. Indirect Inquiry
3. Personal Interview Interviewing
Here information is gained by
a conversation between the
interviewer and the
Advantages & Disadvantages Interview
• Easier & comparatively cheap Here the Interview is
method. taken by phone
• Necessary for every responbdent to
have telephone.
• Number of questions should be less
& no chance of asking depth
Personal Interview
Here the respondent answers all the
questions in front of the interviewer

• Does not matter whether

the question is simple or
• Expensive method
• The interviewer should be
• Suitable for illiterate
• Chance of having wrong
information is less.
Experimental Method
A way of data collection where the researcher changes
some variables and observe their effect on other variables.

• It can creates artificial

situations that don’t always
• Repeatable,so results can be represent real-life
checked and verified. situations.
• Can be applied across a • Human error plays a key
variety of disciplines. role in the validity of
1.Physical Database

A collection of information
that is organized so that in
2.Electronic Database can be easily
accessed,managed and

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