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The Impact Of Mobile Technology Usage

On The Academic Performance Of A

Senior High School Students
Background of the Study
Mobile technology is a type of technology that is mostly employed in cellular
communication and associated applications. The smartphone, which is its most visible form, is so
adaptable and hardwired to the bulk of the people that many believe it to be the most popular
product. It employs a platform in which multiple transmitters can broadcast data at the same time
on a single channel entry; data connection such as 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi; which can be used to access
the Internet. Apart from accessing the internet and sending e-mails, the technology is widely used
for social networking and gaming. Students today spend so much time utilizing mobile
technology in both their personal and academic lives that it is nearly impossible for an average
student to go "offline" for even a day. There are assertions that this technology helps pupils
enhance their overall performance at school, while some argue that the advancement of mobile
technology has a negative impact on the intellectual output of students.
The average of students' grades on their school projects is used to assess their academic success. The learning
of students is assessed by a variety of exams and the results are recorded in percentile form. A higher percentile
rating indicates outstanding to good academic performance. Otherwise, you'll get a bad to middling result.

Prior to the development of mobile and Internet technology, books were the primary source of knowledge
and information. In the past, students had to learn their school library's index card catalog. Today, less and fewer
students read every word of a book, and even fewer went to libraries to research and learn. Some parents and
instructors believe that today's students are significantly less resourceful than prior generations. Students today
are thought to cease learning if they don't have access to the Internet. On the other hand, the so-called
"Millennial" generation believes that mobile technology is a gift from God.
Statement of the Problem

The overall goal of this research is to evaluate and explore all aspects of mobile
technology's impact on senior high school pupils. It is vital to obtain input from students in
order to comprehend how to increase academic performance.

1. What is a senior high school student's demographic profile in terms of:

a. Name
b. Age
c. Gender
2. What impact does mobile technology have on senior high students in terms

a. Low Grades 
b. b. High Grades
c. c. Average Grades
3. What are the most important uses of mobile technology for students,
according to the participants?
Theoretical Framework

This study focused mainly in the impact/effect of mobile technology on senior high school
students in their academic performance. The researcher’s desire is to have a definite answer upon
the effect of mobile technology usage.
Cognitive Development Theory

He rejected the assumption that intelligence was a fixed trait, instead seeing cognitive
development as a result of bodily maturation and interaction with the environment. Describe the
process through which a youngster creates a mental model of the world. Piaget (1936) was the
first psychologist to explore cognitive development in depth. A stage theory of infant cognitive
development, thorough observational studies of child cognition, and a series of simple but
innovative tests to reveal varied cognitive capacities are among his accomplishments.
Significant of the Study

This research will provide essential information to schools, universities, academics,

researchers, and students regarding the impact of mobile technology usage on academic
performance of a senior high school student. To be more specific, this will serve as a
foundational step in addressing, prioritizing, and implementing potential initiatives in
response to the issue of poor internet connectivity.
This study will assist students, instructors, government agencies, researchers and future
researchers, non-governmental organizations, and the field of community development.
This will provide crucial information and enable interventions and remedies to solve
academic performance concerns brought on by mobile technologies.

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