Misa Melayu English

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Raja chulan:

“Misa Melayu”
Real Name: Raja Chulan ibni Raja Hamid
ibni Yang Dipertuan Muda Sultan Mansur
Born : unknown exact date.
Nephew to Sultan Mahmud Iskandar Syah
He was a royal historian figure which
active in middle of 18th century.
He was once elected as Raja Bendahara
before being appointed as Raja Muda
which he hold the position until the
end of his life.
He also has served under Sultan Iskandar and
his highness was very fond of him so do were
the Perak people.
Received his education in the palace.
He was equipped with Islamic knowledge
under the tutelage of Imam Panjang.
According to R.O Winstedt, Raja Chulan has
produced a well-known historiography work
(Misa Melayu) before the end of 18th
R.O. Winstedt also claimed Raja Chulan was
brilliance in poetry and prose.
When did this
historian write?
Misa Melayu or Ikatan Raja Ke Laut was his
famous historiography composition after the
Sulalatus Salatin.
This composition was about the state of Perak
history from the earlier period until the 18th
However, it is highly possible that this
composition has been copied or added by other
historians which resulted in two different
dates in the book edited by R.O Winstedt.
1 date stated, “tamatlah Hikayat Misa Melayu
ini…1252” (1836M) and another stated,
“termaktub ini Hikayat Misa Melayu pada 25
Jamadilawal tahun 1326H” (1908M).
R.O Winstedt regard the word “Misa”
as an example or a story taken from
the Javanese language.
While Hj. Buyong Adil consider
“Misa” as “kerbau” (buffalo) which
the word represent bravery ie; Misa
Melayu as “The Bravery of Malay”.
What might their
motives or influences
have been?
The purpose of the writing of Misa Melayu
was to fulfilled Sultan Iskandar
Tuanku titahkan patik mengarang
Diperbuat juga sebarang-barang
Sajaknya janggal manisnya kurang
Haram tak sedap didengar orang. (page 185)

Raja Chulan also wanted to informed that

he was given the task to make this
composition by the Sultan is well explain
by looking at the below poetry;
Patik persembahkan satu sahifah
Ke bawah hadrat duli khalifah
Kebesaran daulat makin bertambah
Khabarnya masyhur yang amat limpah. (page 120)
Other than the above purpose, Misa
Melayu also intended for the future
generation reference to the situation
in Perak especially the royal
activities and the state
administrations in the 18th century.
Although this motive is not clearly
stated in the composition but it can be
concluded as one of the purpose
through looking at phrases in the
composition “supaya bolehlah akan zaman
kita disebut orang kelak”. (page 92)
• Raja Chulan has been instructed to compose an
original historiography regarding the history
of Perak with special focus on the ruler of the
18th century particularly Sultan Muzaffar Syah
(1756-1770) and Sultan Iskandar Syah (1770-
• His position as a royalty and a poet make him
the perfect candidate to be assigned to create
this piece due to his capability and
opportunity which allows him to get sources and
information kept in the palace.
• With the above motives and influences, Misa
Melayu was written mostly based on his own
experiences and observations of the state of
Perak and its ruler with additional information
from the palace.
Is their version of
history objective or
• According to the analysis made upon the Misa
Melayu, it is obvious that Raja Chulan was
more objective than subjective in his
• Objective concept is a concept which trying
to represent historiography as accurate as
it is without any additional fact or bias or
moral justification.
• Therefore, the writing of Misa Melayu was a
realistic history as it did not mix actual
fact with myth and folklore or in other word
it did not combining history fact with
• It is different from Sulalatus Salatin or
Hikayat Seri Kelantan, because they include
literature elements such as myth and legend.
• Thus, Misa Melayu was considered as one of
the royal historiography tradition as in
it also included the conversation or
dialogue between famous figures or
• For an example, he specifically refer to
his oral sources with the use of special
clauses such as “tersebutlah perkataan”,
“diceritakan oleh orang yang empunya
cerita” and “tersebutlah alkisah”. (page
32, 33, 60, 67, 76, 92, 96, 115 and 117).
• Although he did not make specific
reference as clear and accurate as Raja
Ali Haji in Tuhfat Al Nafis, but the basic
concept of references is clearly stated.
• The dates which has been used in the book were
clear and accurate. For example, Raja Chulan
mentioned 12 Rabiulawal as celebration of
Maulud (date of Prophet Muhammad SAW was born)
and 7 Zulhijjah 1167H as the demised of Sultan
Muzaffar Shah.
• However, one of the book’s weakness is not all
dates were stated for the events mentioned in
the Misa Melayu as one wondered that these
dates were not important in his writing compare
to the writing of Raja Ali Haji in Tuhfat Al-
The Summary of
“Misa Melayu”
• Misa Melayu was a composition surrounding the Perak
Royal family tree as mentioned below;

Sultan Ala’ud-din
Sultan Mahmud Shah
Almarhum Jalilullah (mangkat 1756, Mansur Shah
perintah 120 tahun) (perintah 20 tahun)

Sultan Iskandar Shah Sultan Mahmud Shah

Sultan Muzaffar Shah
(mangkat perintah 14 (perintah 8 tahun,
(mangkat 1756)
tahun, 1756-1770) 1770-1778)

Sultan Alau’ud-din
Mansur Shah (tamat)
• The royal family tree started by stating Almarhum
Jalilullah has several princes. After his demised the
throne has succeeded by Sultan Mahmud, who rules the
land for 120 years.
• After he demised, he bas been replaced by Sultan
Mahmud for 20 years and subsequently succeeded by
Sultan Muzaffar Shah.
• During Sultan Muzaffar Shah reigned, the state of
Perak has make trades relationship with Belanda.
Belanda monopolised the tin market in Perak. Belanda
bought the tin for $30.000 sebahara and the sultan
received tax for $2.00 each bahara. This trading
system have brought prosperity to the state of Perak.
• After the demised of Sultan Muzaffar Shah, he has
been replace by Sultan Iskandar Shah. During his
administration, Raja Chulan has return in details in
his book, Misa Melayu.
• During his reigned another tin’s trades
agreement has been signed between Perak and
• Also in the book, Raja Chulan has described
many events happened such as the celebrations
of his highness catching fish at Sungai Budiman
and Sungai Timah.
• Other than that, the book also mentioned Malay
traditional customs such as; melenggang perut
and mandi-manda in honour of the queen 7 months
pregnancy which includes several traditional
shows and games for a duration of 7 days 7
• Sultan Iskandar Shah rules Perak for 14 years
and has been replaced by Sultan Mahmud Shah
after he demised.
• However, not many events were recorded by Raja
Chulan during Sultan Mahmud Shah reigned.
• Among the event mention in the book visited by
Raja Selangor and his marriage to Sultan Mahmud
Shah cousin.
• After rules for about 8 years, he has been
replaced by his brother, Sultan Alauddin who
continued to rules Perak as fair as his
• The end..
How has this person
contributed to our
understanding of
Malaysia history?
• Trough Misa Melayu, the researchers or public
can get information or knowledge regarding the
history of Perak especially related to the royal
• This book included many events which really
happened and enlighten us to the government
political structure, who has absolute power,
economical activities, and state regulations;
all centralised in the hand of Sultan and his
• Misa Melayu also give us the understanding with
regard to state and society structure,
traditional customs, and the artistry that has
been existed in the 18th century.
• For example, the book mention the customs of
melenggang perut and mandi-manda for 7 month pregnant
ladies, which practiced until today.
• Beside this, several traditional games also have been
mentioned in this book such as joget Melayu, bunyi-
bunyian cara Melayu, cara Kedah, Acheh include
• In addition to Chinese (kuntau and lion dance) and
Indian traditional shows, the book also mentioned a
show by Dutch soldier marching using istinggar and
• Also, several water and land sports were described by
Raja Chulan in Misa Melayu.
• The above has give us the picture of the
existence of multicultural of many cultures from
different races in the 18th century which has to
be preserved by our generation.
• Looking the other angel, many places that be
appeared in Misa Melayu were really existed in
Perak. Among them are Pulau Tiga, Sungai Kinta,
Sayong, Kuala Kangsar, Kuala Bidor, Sungai
Budiman, Bukit Gantang and Tanjung Putus which
located in Teluk Intan town.
• Misa Melayu can be categories as a
historiography which have high value.
• One of the specialty, it did not contain myth
and legend like others book or composition.
• Although the book has it own weakness but the it
also give us understanding
• Mempunyai kefahaman tentang kepentingan sejarah
yang wujud pada abad ke-18.
• Therefore, it can be concluded that Misa Melayu
have a high value from history perspective and

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