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Pertemuan ke-3
“The States of Wars”
and “Nuclear

Dosen Pengampu:
I Wayan Aditya Harikesa, S. IP., M. Si.
Table of Contents

Hobbessian and Morgentahauian

Perubahan Lingkungan dalam Politik Dalam
dan Luar Negeri
Problematika dari Konflik
The Politics of Nuclear Proliferation
Hobbessian dan Morgentahuian

• Social Contract • The Tenets

Theory • The Realism
• State of Nature • Six Principles of
• Human Nature International Politics
• The Laws of Nature • The Branches of Realism
• Leviathan • Criticism
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
Wrote Leviathan – argued that people
were “naturally cruel, greedy, and
Life in the state of nature would be
“solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.”
To escape that fate, people entered into a
social contract – an agreement by which
they gave up their freedom for an
organized society.
Only a powerful government could
ensure an orderly society.
Absolute Monarchy
Authoritarian Regime (who the leader
is very strong)
Social Contract
Theory (Hobbes)

 Political theory
concerning political
authority and legitimacy
 Speaks of the basis for
and scope of political
 Key elements: the state
of nature (and thereby,
the nature of man)
State of Nature
(Keadaan Alamiah)
 “Homo Hominis
 The state of nature
is a state of war:
the war of every
man against every
 Hence, life is
“solitary, poor,
nasty , brutish, and
Human Nature
(Sifat Manusia)
Man possesses natural
desires and aversions
(memiliki keinginan dan
keengganan alami)
Man lives to satisfy his
desires, which are insatiable
In particular, man desire
Desire for power is the
PRINCIPAL cause of difference
among man
The Laws of
 Man is naturally averse to
destroying his life (secara
alami menolak untuk
menghancurkan hidupnya)
 Man will be willing to lay
down his right to all things
if others do the same
 Man perform the
covenants they make with
their fellows
 Embodiment of the greatest political power
 Arises when:
 Individuals voluntary renounce their right to
all things
 Individuals bestow power upon an
individual/group of individuals to exercise
authority over them
 Leviathan: The commonwealth possesses
sovereign authority
 The sovereign is the author of all law and the
basis of all justice
 Subjects are bound to abide by the law
Hans J. Morghenthau (1904 – 1980)
Morgenthau dikenal dengan Realis versi
“systemizing classical realism”
Classical Realism menjadi dasar dari
perspektif sistem Morgenthau
INGAT: Thucydides (Thucydides Trap);
Machiavelli (Machiavelli Realism – “The
Fox and The Lion”)
Apriori Morgenthau di implemantasikan
dalam Enam Prinsip Realis dalam Politik
The Tenets of Morgenthau
The notion of state defined through power: states are about
pursuit and maximization of power: acquiring it, increasing
it, projecting it.
National interest: acquisition of power; objective national
interest in terms of optimization of political influence of a
country in the international political environment.
Self-help system: refers to the ultimate dependence of state
on its own resources to promote its interests and protect
itself Anarchy Zero-sum competition.
Balance of power is everything.
Six Principles of Morgenthau’s Realism
IR is governed by laws that have States are the only actors in
their roots in human nature; International Relations;
States have particular interests, There is no universal code of
i.e. to maximize power; ethics or morality;
Interests of states are Politics is autonomous. It has its
permanent; own rules and principles which
are different from ethics and
The Branches of Realism
Criticism of Morgenthau
The theory of Realism is critized on the following points:
Does not talk about change and its status quo oriented
It gives a lot of importance to military power and ignores other
forces, e.g Ethics, Economic Power, etc.
Considers states as the only actor and does not recognize other
important actors
Talks about IR in terms of maximizing power, non cooperation and
Focuses on already constructed realities and doesn’t think critically
Perubahan Lingkungan: Politik Dalam
Negeri dan Politik Luar Negeri
Problematika dalam Konflik
You can get more
information about
conflicts scheme through
this site:
The Politics of Nuclear Proliferation

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