Shahadat: Submitted By: M. Hamza Ummar and Abdul Rafay Khan

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Wording of Shahadat
Parts of this declaration:

1. Oneness of Allah Almighty

2. Prophethood of Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH)
Declaration of faith
”I bear witness there is no god but
Allah, Who is One, Who has no
partners, and I bear witness that
Muhammad is His servant and
Shahadat or Declaration of Faith is the first
pillar of Islam without which the basic format
and structure of Islam remains incomplete.
The declaration is the foundation and essence
of Islam.
It is the expression of this belief which
differentiates a believer from an atheist.
Unity of Allah in Person
The first part tells us about Allah Oneness.
As he is the All-Knowing, All-Powerful and All Wise.
He is infinite with no ends or beginnings.
He is the First and the Last.
He has no sons or parents.
He has no partners in the Lordship, Sovereignty and
Authority of the universe.
He alone is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.
Surah Ikhlas says, ”He is Allah, The One and Only, Allah
the Eternal, Absolute, He begetteth not, Nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him” .
Unity of Allah in His qualities
 Allah is Omniscient as He knows everything.
 He is Omnipotent and All-Powerful.
 He has no weakness and no similarities with his creatures
 He is truly Unique in Person, Attributes and action.
 For example, man may attain the degree of perfection in
the quality of kindness, but only Allah Almighty
possesses the perfection of the attribute of kindness.
 The Holy Quran says, “There is nothing whatever like
unto Him and He is the one that hears and sees (all
Unity of Allah in His worship
Referring to the above mentioned parts it is rightly understood:
The believers are required to offer prayers, prostrate, fast in
Ramadan as well as perform pilgrimage only with the
objective to achieve the righteousness of Allah Almighty.
To conclude it is rightly understood Allah is the only One
worthy of being worshiped as no one can be or is equal to
Allah in Attributes and no one can do the works that Allah has
done or may do
The Holy Quran says, “Thee do we worship and thine aid we
Similarly Quran says, “Serve Allah and join not any partners
with Him”
The History of Islam
 The second part of Shahadat asks Muslims to declare
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as the Messenger of Allah.
 The sentence considering the second part of faith refers
to a constant theme of Holy Quran.
 Allah Almighty had sent His 124,000 Messengers for
the guidance of humanity.
 Allthe Prophets were male, they were mortal, they had
families, were pious and humble.
 They all preached the same core beliefs like Tauhid,
avoidance of sin and the belief in the Day of Judgement.
The Seal of the Prophets
Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Divine message is distinguished in ways
1. The teachings which he preached were relevant to the entire mankind.
2. The Divine law which he brought was perfect in all respects as the
distinction was not enjoyed by any particular group.
3. Similarly his Prophethood is eternal which means that it will exist
With reference to such features Allah has declared the Holy Prophet as
the Role Model for every human being.
By believing in the Messenger means to accept his authority as the
representative of Allah and to follow his example
Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) distinguishing features from other Prophets
was that he was the “Seal of the Prophets” which means with him the
long chain of Prophets come to an end
The Holy Quran says, “This day
have I perfected your religion for
you, completed My favour upon
you, and have chosen for you
Islam as your religion.”
The Conclusion
 In short Muslims are required to declare Oneness
of Allah and His Unique Attributes and that He
has no partners
 Similarly a believer is required to declare Hazrat
Muhammad(PBUH) as the Prophet and that he
was a slave and apostle of Allah Almighty.

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