Fortunes of Mankind: Welcome Back To The Final Day of Our Pilot Program!

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Fortunes of Mankind

Welcome back to the final Day of our Pilot


"Work” in the Spirit of Service and Social Action

Ice Breaker (15 minutes)

Break out by Age

Topic: Youth Challenges and “Questing Questions”

Final Session: 5-630pm

Program Vision & Tool for Unity Building: Consultation Skills

Break out (Geography)

Co Creation Template (Group Work)

Breakout (Way Forward – 3 Groups with Consultation Skills)

Wrap Up: Share Takeaways from Discussion

Objective: Accompaniment in Work/Service

“when study and service are joined and carried out concurrently” there, in the
field of service, knowledge is tested, questions arise out of practice, and new
levels of understanding are achieved.” (Universal house of Justice)

“. . . the courses of the institute are intended to set the individual on a path in
which qualities and attitudes, skills and abilities, are gradually acquired
through service—service intended to quell the insistent self, helping to lift the
individual out of its confines and placing him or her in a dynamic process of
community building.”

In the young people of the world, then, lies a reservoir of capacity to

transform society waiting to be tapped. and the release of this capacity
should be regarded by every institute as a sacred charge.”
Facilitating Discourses on Ethics, Business & Society
Combining Professional Work
with Spirit of Service to Humanity Over 200 events with 500+ participants

Mission: Founded in 2018, toAccompany is a Baha’I inspired initiative that invites professionals of
diverse backgrounds and ages to share their knowledge to tackle social challenges for advancement
of civilization

• break free of established patterns of behavior-> navigate energy to spiritual, social, intellectual
development of a new world order
• Those engaged in same are activity reflect on their experience together, share resources, access
to connections, and build bonds based on common values
• Achieve Value Creation beyond the maximizing opportunity within a set of pre determined
Our Design Principles:
• Investigate and identify Social and Economic barriers to positive Change
• Exchanging know-how with a non- partisan mindset to foster higher degrees of unity of thought
and action
• Cross-Industry
• Inter-generational
• Inter-disciplinary
• Full participation, yet personalized, Engaging heart and mind
• State of the Art Design-thinking methods

Available Formats:
• 70+ Person Discourses & Roundtables
• Programs with deep Small-Group work, applied learning and progress based on current reality
and shared vision
• Commitment and Follow Through Monthly Breakfast Meetings, Mentoring Circles, Industry-
Our Themes
Knowledge. Action. Reflection.  
Technology for Good (2/19)
Technology • How AI/Technology impacting
Workforce Mobility, Automotive,
Mobility Social Investment, Youth

Future Skills Outcome: 70 participants across
generations defining lines of
Digitalization action
Video: Tech for Good  (Feb 2019)
Food & Agricultural Future of Food (5/19)
Local Communities How to reduce Waste in the Food Value
Financial Systems •  Featuring Vegan Catering from
Local Farmers/Producers
Ethics & Human Potential • Outcome: Award-Winning
Data Privacy & Security Demonstrations, Personal Pledges
Video: Future of Food (June 2019)
Artificial Intelligence
Integrity in Hiring/Promotions Money & Investment for Good (5/2020)
• Can Conscious Capital and ESG drive
a new Economy
Gender Equality • The role of EU regulation in driving
Sustainable Investment Criteria
• Are we going far enough?
Feminine Leadership Money as a Force for Good
New Team Paradigms for Resilience
Consultation: a Growth Process

Conditions for
• Task
description • Task
• Task description
description • Task

Patience, Sacrifice, Discipline, Care, Desire to Improve, Subjugation of Ego, Candidness, Courtesy,
Open Mind, Strength without Force, Expression of Views in search for truth over opinion
The basics: Consultation 101 Prime Requisites

Purity of Motive
- Striving for clarity of intention, freedom from corrupting elements and/or ego
- Curiosity and interest in progress of humanity (human spirit)

Radiance of Spirit
- Showing pleasure, love and well being, genuine interest and sensitivity; doing away with
pessimistic attitude
- Not as much as what one knows as much as one Cares

- Ability to be impartial; not indifference

- One does not exalt oneself over the other; no superiority or false modesty
- Use of talents and capacities for service

- Calm and perseverance when waiting for results; maintain self control and perspective
Consultation Skills on 1 Page Necessary Skills for New
To Emerge
Speaks to the Point
- Clear, Logical, Simple and Concise Comments to the Topic

In Being Authentic, Feelings Matter

- If you don’t know why, express misgivings

- Share experience and examples that inform and expressed opinion
- If the spirit of fellowship is fading, discover and resolve why it may be so

- Listening (for intended purpose) to everyone and speaking to everyone with love and
concern and acceptance

- Begin and end with moment of silence, reading in spirit of thankfulness and gratitude to be of
An Idea was born..Platform for Youth

3 Part Dialogue
ethical business building
the future Pilot: Accompany 25+
“Animators” making Senior Legacy + Youth
career/professional Energy

+ Pilot Program for youth

Ages 18-25
Accompaniment Training

Professional Program:
Work in the spirit of
GenY Voices

• “What kind of work can I do that is meaningful, allows me to be of
services, uses my strengths so I can be of most impact in my
service endeavors?”

• “How can I navigate on my own, and formalize a support network

as we learn about carving out a meaningful career path

• “Youth are challenged to find their motivation for study and work,
many are not sure how to move forward…

• “We get mixed signals on the path to “success”, and what happens
when I want to carve out a different path from the prevailing pattern
of thought from society

• How to prepare for the next 9 year cycle when prestige is based on
working a lot “I was told to be successful, work has to be my only
Other Questions?

Source: Dual Moral Purpose

Spiritual Social Action Lab
Professional Impulses

Session 1: Introduction to Spiritual Social Action Lab

Session 2: Professional Exchange 1, International Development
Session 3: Professional Exchange 2, Race, Gender Equality & Social Action
Session 4: Professional Exchange 3, Finance & Investing
Session 5: Professional Exchange 4, Business & Entrepreneurship/ Clean Energy
Session 6: Group Work
Session 7: Applied Spirituality & the Standards of the Faith
Session 8: Change Makers Presentations, Positive Pressure in Activating Change
Session 9: Personal introspection & planning

Post Program Opportunities

Source: toAccompany
Your Mission & Community
The implications for the life of the individual who yearns to contribute to advancing
civilization are significant.

A person strives to acquire the qualities, attitude and abilities of an effective

contributor to progress and endows the various aspects of his or her life – education,
work, marriage, family life- with a strong sense of mission.

In “efforts to achieve personal growth and to uphold Baha’i ideals” one is immersed in a
purposeful community , and environment in which true unity impels friends of all ages to
assist one another attain higher and higher levels for spiritual, moral and intellectual
Contemplation & Feedback
FoM Program Evaluation Form
Break Out: Way Forward

Breakout (3 Groups) 10 minutes

- Speakers
- Peer Support
- Platform

Together: Share Takeaways from Discussion

Fortunes of Mankind: Platform Resources

toAccompany Linkedin Page

Subscribe for Replay: ToAccompany / Fortunes of Mankind

Free admission to Ebbf annual Conference (May 14-16)

Thank you!
Solidarity for Systemic Change

Sponsor. Contributor. Protagonist.

Choose a Level of Participation

Host an Experience Innovate & Engage Learning & Application

Program Participant + Develop

Host a Program Contribute to the your Voice in for a Sustainable
+ Location/ Space (10+ Discourse or Design Future or a Social Endeavor
Participants) + Fire-starter / Speaker
+ Exclusive or in a Network + Share Research/ Case Study + Lead a Peer Accompaniment Group
+ Share Professional or
+ Join an accompaniment platform to
Focus: Talent, Leadership Experience, or a Story of
support each other in a common
Social Action Courageous Contribution process of Social Change
- 1x1 session
*Grow Nextgen talent, Wisdom of all - Small Groups (4 meetings/program)
* Community building experiences to build
relationship and common vision Ages in reciprocal exchange

Catalyst Role Models Peer Accompaniment

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