Charts and Graphs: Ms.V. Webster

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Charts and Graphs

Ms.V. Webster
What is a Chart

•A chart is a graphical representation of

data that can be used to:
a) Show trends
b) Compare data
c) Emphasize mathematical or statistical
Types of charts include:

a) Column
b) Pie
c) Bar
d) Line
e) etc
How to generate a chart?

1. Select the data for the


2. Click on the insert tab

3. Select the chart of your

choice from the chart
• When you find the chart you like, click it > OK.

• Use the Chart Elements, Chart Styles, and Chart

Filters buttons, next to the upper-right corner of the
chart to add chart elements like axis titles or data
labels, customize the look of your chart, or change
the data that is shown in the chart.

• To access additional design and formatting features,

click anywhere in the chart to add the CHART
TOOLS to the ribbon, and then click the options you
want on the DESIGN and FORMAT tabs.
How to generate a chart?


1. When selecting non adjacent cells

a) Block the first set of cells,

b) Hold on to the ctrl key and select the next set

of cells
Class Activity
• Instructions: Enter the data below in your spreadsheet, start entering the data from A1

Languages Results for Academic Year 2011-2012

Subject Term 1
Spanish 67
English 78
French 66
Italian 89
Greek 57
Japanese 78
Chineese 15

Generate a column chart to display the languages results for Term 1

• Block from a2 to b9.
• Click on insert ribbon then select column, located in the chart group.
• Select the first chart option under the 2 or 3D column headings.
• Click in the title text box and type an appropriate title.
Chart Tools

• Chart tools are used to adjust the appearance of the chart.

• These adjustments include but are not limited to:

a) Chart layout
b) Chart style
c) Etc.
Class Activity
• Instructions: Enter the data below in your spreadsheet, start entering data from A1

Languages Results for Academic Year 2011-2012

Subject Term 1 Term 2 Yearly Average

Spanish 67 45 56
English 78 77 77.5
French 66 76 71
Italian 89 58 73.5
Greek 57 89 73
Japanese 78 67 72.5
Chineese 15 44 29.5

1. Generate a column chart to display the languages results for Term 1 and Term 2. (Check hints

previously given)

2. Generate a column chart to display the yearly average for all languages (see hints on next slide)

• In order to block non-adjacent cells.

• Click on the first set of cells, hold on the ctrl key and block the other
cells before.
• For this question:
• Block from A2 to a9.
• Hold on to the CTRL key on your keyboard and block from d2 to d9 before releasing.
• Follow the steps required to generate a column chart.
Class Activity
• Instructions: Enter the data below in your spreadsheet

10 Engineering 1 shoe preferences

Shoes Brand Amount of Students

Clarks 12
Adidas 5
Nike 4
Reebok 8
Timberland 10
Puma 3
Ecko Red 7

Generate a pie chart to compare the shoe preferences for 10 Engineering 1 students.
Research to be done in class.

1. Explain when it is most appropriate to use the

following charts to represent data:

a) Line graph
b) Column chart
c) Bar chart
d) Pie chart

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