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Peak Oil: Implications for

Sustainable Natural Resources

David L. Trauger
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
J. Edward Gates
University of Maryland Center for Environmental

USDA Forest Service Sustainable Operations

November 18-20, 2008
 Contemporary natural resources management
is highly dependent on cheap, abundant
 A critical evaluation of implications of Peak Oil
is needed in order to anticipate and plan for a
range of “futures”
 We will face great challenges as well as
opportunities in different biogeographic
regions as we adjust to new realities during
the coming decades
Global Peak Oil
 Energy governs how we do our jobs
– Powering facilities, computers, generators,
or motor vehicles
– Consuming food energy hiking to the next
observation or sampling point
– Manufacturing some useful field or
laboratory device or tool

 Much of what we describe here will

be influenced by future economic
conditions and whether we can avoid
Management Implications
of Peak Oil

 Impacts on Budgets

 Impacts on Operations

 Impacts on Maintenance

 Impacts on Personnel
Impacts on Budgets
 Expensive, increasingly scarce oil
will not only affect our ability to drive
our cars and trucks, but…

 Costs of everything will go up

– Effects will ripple throughout our national economy
– Significantly impact institutional and agency
Major Budgetary Implications
 Greater justification of expenditures and a
sharper focus on setting program priorities

 Mandated high efficiency in both

operations and equipment

 Curtailment or elimination of obsolete or

inefficient programs or operations

 Sharing of resources and responsibilities

among personnel and different agencies
Impacts on Operations
 Operations may be focused within
autonomous administrative regions
- Movement of personnel around the
country or state or province may be too costly

 Greater reliance on electronic

communications using renewable
energy sources
- Brownouts and blackouts may affect the
electrical grid’s dependability
Forests, Refuges, Parks, and
other Public Lands
 Lack of disposable income may mean
fewer visitations by the public
– Declines in ecotourism leading to economic

 Pressure to privatize or open public lands

for needed revenues to operate
– Directly for income to support operations
– Indirectly for metals, minerals, hydrocarbons,
geothermal, wood, biomass, etc.
Species Management
 Recreational hunting, fishing, and camping likely
will decline
– Increase in poaching and timber theft for subsistence

 Rare, threatened, and endangered species

– Increase in extirpation and extinction

 Greater emphasis on law enforcement

 Exotic and invasive species

– Control may be too expensive

 Habitat and landscape restoration

– Let’s work with nature!
Inventories, Monitoring, and
 Research activities
– Greatly reduced capability
– Focus on rigorous and integrated adaptive
resource management

 Activities dependent on extensive use of

manned, motorized craft
– Severely compromised, e.g. Routine patrols,
Fire fighting, Breeding Waterfowl Surveys,
Big Game Surveys
 Surveys using volunteers
– Breeding Bird Survey, etc., may become
difficult to maintain

 Remotely accessed or automated

monitoring systems
– Expansion of their application
– Role in law enforcement
 Increased costs will mean that there
will be even fewer incentives to travel
long distances to meetings,
particularly via jet planes
– International
– National
– Regional
– State
Impacts on Maintenance
 Reduction of many types of
maintenance and repair
– Road maintenance and other access points
– Non-essential infrastructure, e.g., visitor

 Recovery from catastrophic events

will be problematic
– Wind storms, wild fires, tornadoes, floods,
hurricanes, etc.
 Maintaining levees, dikes, and other
impoundments will be expensive
- Especially in coastal areas where sea
level rise is predicted

 Retrofit, Repair, and Recycling will

be new watchwords
Impacts on Personnel
 Adjustment in types of positions
– Less centralization or hierarchical organization
– Greater decision-making autonomy by regional or
local managers
– Flexibility and adaptability in the workplace with
emphasis on re-training and less specialization

 Fewer researchers and more personnel

involved with law enforcement
 Fewer volunteers
 More “public works” programs
– Similar to old Civilian Conservation Corps
– But, will governments have the revenues?
 Sustainable approaches will be an
overriding goal

 Demand for personnel with particular

– Law enforcement
– Adaptive resource management
– Remote sensing and GIS
– Information technology and electronic
– Equipment maintenance and repair
– Care of livestock, i.e., pack animals and horses!
 Universities — declining budgets, declining
student enrollments, declining research
dollars, and downsizing faculty
– Fewer students going into forestry, wildlife, fisheries, and
other conservation fields due to costs and lack of jobs
– Emphasis on training fewer post-graduates
– Major universities will undergo contraction in many disciplines
– Smaller colleges and universities nearer to home may
weather the storm better

 Approaches to education and training will

change and evolve
– Alternatives to attending university
» Distance learning and training technologies, e.g., CDs, DVDs,
web, interactive video network
» Scattered faculty offer a coherent program of specialized training
to a wider audience
 Will we be able to react quickly enough?
 Duplication and waste will be less tolerated
due to high costs and focus on
 Decision making will be streamlined and
entrusted to those on the “front lines”
– Innovative, logical, multi-taskes, risk takers
– Initiative and success rewarded

 Employees will be challenged by a dynamic

work environment
– Novel situations and conditions
– Need for adaptability and innovation
Can We be Proactive?
 Most budget adjustments and expenditures
must be made early while energy is still
relatively cheap and abundant and before
other costs rise…the future is NOW!

 However, could be a difficult task given flat

or declining budgets and inflationary

 Doing more with less will surely take on new

meaning for all
Efficiency and Conservation
 History shows that savings due to
increased fuel-efficiency can easily be
wiped out by “increased population
(number of drivers) and energy use
 Not a strategy to enable “business as
usual,” but one to effect a net reduction in
oil consumption
 Must be coupled with the eventual
elimination of greenhouse gas emissions
from the burning of fossil fuels
Solar and Wind
 Retrofitting
existing facilities
and operating field
– Example: Eastern
Neck National
Wildlife Refuge on
Maryland’s upper
Eastern Shore
 Prediction:Budget pressures will force consolidation of
natural resources agencies across the U.S. Government
in the next 5 years.

 Flash:
Creation of a Earth Systems Science Agency
proposed by merging National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Geological

 Question: Can the USDA Forest Service, U. S. Fish and

Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and
National Park Service be far behind? Hummm… Natural
Resources Management Agency has a certain ring to it!
 Peak Oil will force drastic changes in natural
resource management programs and
 Major challenge to protect and manage the
integrity of our forests and other biotic
 Greater emphasis on REAL sustainable
resource management strategies
 Whether we leave a natural heritage for our
descendents and future generations will
depend on the pathway we take now!

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