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Hybrid Engines and Hybrid


Presented By:

GC Omer Ijaz
GC Abdullah
GC Bilal Orakzai
What is a Hybrid Engine ?

A hybrid engine isan engine that

uses two or more distinct power
sourcesto run.The term most
commonly refersto hybrid
electric engines which
combines an
internalcombustion engine and
one or more electric motors.

A vehicle that incorporates this

system is called a Hybrid
How do we power a hybrid vehicle

Power sourcesforhybrid vehicles include:

On-board or out-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS)

Petrol or Dieselfuel
Compressed air
Human powered e.g. pedaling or rowing
Hybridenginedesignstypicallycomein oneoftwotypes: aserieshybrid anda
parallel hybrid. Withtheseriesdesign, thesolepurposeforthegasoline
engineisto turn agenerator. Thegeneratorwilltheneitherpowerthe
electric motorwhichdrivesthe transmission, orchargethebatteries.
Paralleldesignsaresetupsothatboththegasolineengineand theelectric
motorareconnectedtothetransmission, meaningbothsourcespowerthe

gasoline-powered system, meaning lessweight, andsolessfuel
consumption. Lesscylindersarerequired topowerthevehiclewhich
reducesvehicleweight, aswell asrequiringlessgas astherearefewer
cylinders. As aresultofthesmallerengineandmoreefficient useofpower
andenergy, hybridcarsconsumelessgaspermiledriven.
Types of Hybrid Engine
 Hybridelectric-petroleumvehicles
 Continuouslyoutboard rechargedelectricvehicle (COREV)
 Hybridfuel (dualmode)
 Fluidpowerhybrid
Technology used by major Automobile
Toyota HybridTechnology:

Toyota Prius

ToyotadevelopedthePetroleumFuelEngineAssistancehybrid. Thismodel
ofusesitsinternalcombustionengineforhighwaywork, withtheelectric
motorbeingcapableofonlylowspeeds. Typically, thistechnologywilluse
theelectricmotorwhenidling, andthenuseittoaccelerateuptoabout 20 or 25
mph. Then, thegasoline-poweredenginewillbeautomaticallystartedand
Honda HybridTechnology

HondadevelopedtheElectricEngineAssistancehybrid. Hondacallsthis
"IntegratedMotorAssistance." Thismodelofhybridusesalowerpowerinternal
combustionengine, gearedaroundmaximumfuelefficiency. Inordertoachieve
extrapowerforthingslikeclimbinghillsorhardacceleration, thecarhasan
electricmotorwhich kicksintoprovidetheaddedpower.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Hybrid vehicles
 Hybrid carsare gaining in popularity as people become more and more
consciousabout the adverse effects of driving cars that run on fossilfuels .
  Hybrid cars are really environment friendly, especially when compared with
gas guzzling normalvehicles.
 Hybrid carsare much cheaper to run than conventionalgas engine cars .
 The mostprominentdisadvantage that you face when buying a hybrid car is that
a hybrid generally costs several thousand more than its regular gas version .
  Ahybridgivesalmostthesamemileageasaregulargasvehiclewhen
youdriveonhighways. Thisisbecausethebatterycutsinonlyatlow
speedsandwhilestoppinganddecelerating, somethingthatdoesnot
Thank You !!

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