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Fertilitation, implantation-placentation,

organogenesis, fetal circulation

dr. Dini Sri Damayanti,MKes


• The tail of the sperm is used to maneuver for final penetration

of the ovum.
• To fertilize an ovum, a sperm must first pass through the corona
radiata and zona pellucida surrounding it.
• The sperm penetrates the corona radiata by means of
membrane-bound enzymes in the surface membrane that
surrounds the head
• Sperm can penetrate the zona pellucida
only aft er binding with specifi c ZP3
receptors on the surface of this layer. Only
sperm of the same species can bind to these
zona pellucida sites and pass through
Binding of sperm triggers the acrosome
reaction, in which the acrosomal membrane
disrupts and the acrosomal enzymes are
The acrosomal enzymes digest the zona
pellucida, enabling the sperm, with its tail still
beating, to tunnel a path through this protective
The first sperm to reach the ovum itself fuses with the
plasma membrane of the ovum (actually a secondary
oocyte), and its head (bearing its DNA) enters the ovum’s
cytoplasm. The sperm’s tail is frequently lost in this process,
but the head carries the crucial genetic information.
Sperm–egg fusion triggers the exocytosis of enzyme-filled
cortical granules that are located in the outermost, or
cortical, region of the egg into the space between the egg
membrane and the zona pellucida
These enzymes diffuse into the zona pellucida, where
they inactivate the ZP3 receptors so that other sperm
reaching the zona pellucida cannot bind with it.
The zona pellucida and seal off tunnels in progress to
keep other penetrating sperm from advancing. These
chemical changes in the ovum’s surrounding
membrane makes this outer layer impenetrable to the
entry of any more sperm, a phenomenon is known as
block to polyspermy (“many sperm”).
Sperm entry also triggers the second meiotic division of the
egg, which is now ready to unite with the sperm to complete
the fertilization process. Within an hour, the sperm and egg
nuclei fuse, thanks to a molecular complex provided by the
sperm that forms microtubules to bring the male and female
chromosome sets together for uniting. In addition to
contributing its half of the chromosomes to the fertilized
ovum, now called a zygote, the victorious sperm activates
ovum enzymes essential for the early embryonic
developmental program.

• Th e zygote rapidly undergoes a number of mitotic cell divisions to form a

solid ball of cells called the morula.
• During the first 6 to 8 days, while the developing embryo is in transit in the
oviduct and floating in the uterine lumen, the rising levels of progesterone
from the newly developed corpus luteum that formed after ovulation
stimulate release of glycogen from the endometrium into the reproductive
tract lumen for use as energy by the early embryo.
• Th e nutrients stored in the cytoplasm of the ovum can sustain the embryo
for less than a day. After that, the embryo relies on this secreted glycogen
until implantation takes place. Meanwhile, the uterine lining is
simultaneously being prepared for implantation under the influence of
luteal-phase progesterone. During this time, the uterus is in its secretory,
orprogestational phase, storing up glycogen and becoming richly vascularized.

• A blastocyst is a single-layer hollow ball of about 50 cells encircling a

fluid-filled cavity, with a dense mass of cells grouped together at one side.
This dense mass, known as the inner cell mass, becomes the embryo and then
fetus. The rest of the blastocyst is never incorporated into the fetus, instead
serving a supportive role during intrauterine life.
• The thin outermost layer, the trophoblast, accomplishes implantation,after
which it develops into the fetal portion of the placenta. When the blastocyst is
ready to implant, its surface becomes sticky. By this time, the endometrium
is ready to accept the early embryo and it too has become more adhesive
through increased formation of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) that help
“Velcro” the blastocyst when it first contacts the uterine lining. The blastocyst
adheres to the uterine lining on the side of its inner cell mass.
• Implantation begins when, on contact with the endometrium, the
trophoblastic cells overlying the inner cell mass release protein-
digesting enzymes.
• These enzymes digest pathways between the endometrial cells,
permitting fingerlike cords of trophoblastic cells to penetrate into the
depths of the endometrium, where they continue to digest uterine cells
• Through its cannibalistic actions, the trophoblast performs the dual
functions of accomplishing implantation as it carves out a hole in the
endometrium for the blastocyst and making metabolic fuel and raw
materials available for the developing embryo as the advancing
trophoblastic projections break down the nutrient-rich endometrial tissue.
• The plasma membranes of the advancing trophoblastic cells
degenerate, forming a multinucleated syncytium that will eventually
become the fetal portion of the placenta ascularization and enhanced
nutrient storage.
• The endometrial tissue so modified at the implantation site is called
the decidua. It is into this super-rich decidual tissue that the blastocyst
becomes embedded.
• After the blastocyst burrows into the decidua by means of trophoblastic
activity, a layer of endometrial cells covers over the surface of the hole,
completely burying the blastocyst within the uterine lining . The
trophoblastic layer continues to digest the surrounding decidual cells,
providing energy for the embryo until the placenta develops.
Placenta is composed of chorionic villi which provide a large contact area
between the maternal and fetal circulations. In the mature placenta maternal
blood enters the intervillous space by endometrial arteries and circulates
around the villi to allow the gas and nutrient exchange. Deoxygenated
blood leaves the intervillous space through endometrial veins.
• Deoxygenated fetal blood comes to the
chorionic villus by umbilical artery. Blood is
oxygenated in the chorionic villi which is in a
capillary structure. The oxygen and nutrient
diffusion occurs through the villous capillary
endothelial cells and thinned-out
syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast.
Then blood flows back to the fetus by a
single umbilical vein.
Fetal circulation

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