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Static Code analysis &


Shihab KB
 To share some thoughts about static code

 Introduce a tool, FindBugs, which is used to

do static code analysis (for java).
Common wisdom of bugs
 Programmers are smart.

 Smart people don’t make dump mistakes.

 We have good practices for finding bugs early. (Unit testing, pair
programming, code review etc)

 So, the bugs remaining in the production code must be difficult to

detect or describe ??
Why do these bug occur

 No body is perfect.

 Common types of bugs

 Misunderstood language features
 Some typing mistakes
 Misunderstood class or method
 Misunderstanding about the requirement and design
Static analysis
 Analyzes code without running it.

 Normally we have code review task in our project


 Static analysis typically finds mistakes/bugs

 Used effectively, static analysis is cheaper than other

techniques for catching the same bugs
Static analysis
 Programmers are humans. Humans may make mistakes.

 For example, a Null bug (from eclipse source code)

 if (adapters == null && adapters.length == 0)

 return;

(This code is from Eclipse)

 Clearly a mistake
 but in practice, adapters is probably never null

 Impact
 we would probably notice a null pointer exception
When should we perform
Static analysis
 Static analysis earlier is better

 Find mistakes detected by static analysis before that are

detected using more expensive techniques

 Get them to developers while the code is still fresh in

developers heads, before anyone else is depending on it
or using it
Bug Patterns/
Programming puzzles
All are syntactically valid
 Will show you some common bugs that programmers
create during the development.
Infinite recursive loop
/** Construct a WebSpider */
public Patient() {
Patient p = new Patient();
(The above is a student level bug, not a developer level )

public String foundType() {

return this.foundType();
(This one is written by Joshua Bloch, who led the design and implementation of
numerous Java platform features, including the Java Collections Framework, the
java.math package)
Actually there is a variable named foundType in the class.
 Smart people make dumb mistakes ;-)
Infinite Recursive
Loops: Sun JDK history
 These bugs are informed by findbug

 Cases when infinite recursive loop is

 when you are using patterns like decorator
 when you forgot to say who you want to delegate.
 In Java all are represented as objects and all object have a
base class Object.
 Java.lang.Object has methods called hashCode() and
 In some case these methods are overridden to perform
certain purpose.
 hashCode - This method provides the hashcode of an
 equals - This particular method is used to make equal
comparison between two objects.
 Equal objects must have equal hash codes
 Programmers sometimes override equals() but not hashCode()
 Or, override hashCode() but not equals()

 Objects violating the contract won’t work in hash tables,

maps, sets

 For Examples (53 bugs in JDK 1.6.0-b29)

 Example
Null Pointer
 Referencing a null value results in NullPointerException
 Examples

// Eclipse 3.0.0M8
Control c = getControl();
if (c == null && c.isDisposed())

// Eclipse 3.0.0M8
String sig = type.getSignature();
if (sig != null || sig.length() == 1) {
return sig;
More Null Pointers
// JDK 1.5 build 42
if (name != null || name.length > 0) {, 1.5b42
// flags is a parameter
// this.flags is a field
if (flags != null) {
if (flags.length >= NUM_FLAGS)
this.flags = ...
this.flags = ...
} else
this.flags = ...
Doomed Equals

.equals(UIManager.getLookAndFeel())) {


 UIManager.getLookAndFeel returns a class and we are

comparing it with string. This will cause an error.
Unintended regular expression

String[] valueSegments = value.split(".");

It should be given as below

String[] valueSegments = value.split(“\\.");

Field Self Assignment
public TagHelpItem(String name, String file,
String startText, int startOffset,
String endText, int endOffset,
String textBefore, String textAfter){ = name;
this.file = file;
this.startText = startText;
this.startTextOffset = startTextOffset;
this.endText = endText;
this.endTextOffset = endTextOffset;
this.textBefore = textBefore;
this.textAfter = textAfter;
this.identical = null;
Confusing/bad naming
 Methods with identical names and signatures
– but different capitalization of names
– could mean you don’t override method in
 Method name same as class name
– gets confused with constructor
Bad naming in jdk1.6.0-b29
/** @return a hash code value
*for the object.
public int hashcode() {
return basic_type.hashCode()^ dimensions;
Ignoring of return values
String s5 = n.getValues();
s5.replace("a", "x"); //This function returns a value.
//We don’t have to ignore this.

//This is the right method.

String s6 = s5.replace("a", "x");
 Open source static analysis tool for finding defects in
Java programs

 Analyzes class files

 Generates XML or text output

 can run in Netbeans/Swing/Eclipse/Ant/

 Total downloads from SourceForge: 274,291+

 Static analysis tool to find defects in Java code

 It is not a style checker

 Can find hundreds of defects in each of large apps such

as Sun's JDK, Bea WebLogic, IBM Websphere

 FindBugs was originally written by Bill Pugh

(He is currently a professor of computer science at the University of Maryland)

 Is this tool find all bugs?

 No, No, Never
FindBugs - Installation

 Requirements

 To use FindBugs, you need a runtime environment compatible

with Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.5 or later. FindBugs is
platform independent, and is known to run on GNU/Linux,
Windows, and MacOS X platforms.

 You should have at least 512 MB of memory to use FindBugs. To

analyze very large projects, more memory may be needed.
FindBugs - Installation

 Can be downloaded from


 Unzip the downloaded file. That’s all. You can double click the
findbugs.bat file from \findbugs-1.3.9\bin folder
Using the FindBugs GUI

Choose class’s
location here

Choose source
code’s location here
Using the FindBugs GUI
Using the FindBugs™ Eclipse
 Requirements
 To use the FindBugs Plugin for Eclipse, you need
Eclipse 3.3 or later, and JRE/JDK 1.5 or later.
 Goto Help->Software Updates (See next
 You can also manually download the plugin
and extract it in Eclipse's "plugins"
Using the FindBugs™ Eclipse
FindBugs command line
 findbugs -textui -xml rt.jar >rt.xml
FindBugs Annotations
 Annotations in Java is all about
adding meta-data facility to the Java
Elements. Like Classes, Interfaces or
Enums, Annotations define a type in
Java and they can be applied to
several Java Elements.

 FindBugs supports several

annotations to express the
developer's intent so that FindBugs
can issue warnings more
appropriately. You need to use Java
5 to use annotations, and must place
the annotations.jar and jsr305.jar
files in the classpath while compiling
your program.
Annotations - Example
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.CheckForNull;
public Patient getPatient(int flag) {
Patient p = null;
if (flag == 1) {
p = new Patient();
return p;
FindBugs Annotations
 edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.CheckForNull
 The annotated element might be null, and uses of the element should check for
null. When this annotation is applied to a method it applies to the method return
 edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.CheckReturnValue
 This annotation is used to denote a method whose return value should always be
checked after invoking the method.
 …..
Test, test, test...
 Many times FindBugs will identify bugs.
 So, is testing can be skip after executing FindBugs?
 Never
 Overall, testing is far more valuable than static analysis
 But no one writes code so good you don’t need to check that it does
the right thing

I’ve learned this from personal painful experience 
FindBugs Users
 As a conclusion I would strongly recommend
to do static analysis in the code and use
static analysis tools like FindBugs so that we
can reduce the number bug reported during
Similar other tools
 Jlint - Jlint will check your Java code and find
bugs, inconsistencies and synchronization
problems by doing data flow analysis
 PMD - PMD scans Java source code and
looks for potential problems
A comparison
 Live Demo of running find bugs in eclipse
source code.
Thank You

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