Digital Self: PPT By: CJ Lao

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PPT by: CJ Lao
The Self in the
Digital World
Self-presentation is the process of
controlling how one is perceived by other
people and is the key to relationship
inception and development.
Personal Identity is the interpersonal level
of self which differentiates the individual
as unique from others.

Social identity is the level of self whereby

the individual is identified by his/ her group
Oversharing happens when people become unaware of the
extent of information they share online. They forget to
delineate what can be shared online and what should not.

The phenomenon fear of missing out happens when people

would like to remain updated and they keep on sharing
themselves online because it adds a sense of confidence at
their end especially if others like and share their posts.

Disinhibition effect – the lack of face-to-face meeting,

together with feelings of anonymity and invisibility gives
people the freedom for self-disclosure but can also flame
others and may cause conflict sometimes.

People are more inclined to show their own personalities via

online channels.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Smart Sharing
Additional Guidelines

Always tell if you see

Stick to safer sites Guard your passwords Limit what you share strange/ bad behavior

Remember that
anything you put
Be choosy about your Do not embarrass
Be patient online is there forever,
online friends others online
even if you try to delete

• Alata, EJ., Caslib, BN., Serafica, JP., and Pawilen, RA (2018).

Understanding the Self. Rex Book Store. 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St.,
Sampaloc, Manila
  I. Express your thoughts in 3-5 sentences. 
II. Create 5 internet etiquette/ netiquette that you think should be practiced

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