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Popular Culture
●Define and comprehend the concept of virality;
●Analyze how the concept of Virality managed to
integrate within the construct of the Philippine Pop
Culture; and
●Identify the role of media in the process of Virality

01 02
What is virality? How the virality is

03 04
Meme-ology Conclusion
“Humor is mankind’s
greatest blessing”

Mark Twain
• It is commonly known as "going viral," that
refers to a new video, tool, app, content, product,
software program, game or other online-based
items that generate up to thousands or millions of
views from people who use such products or
• The fact that these types of internet sensations can get
popular so quickly is why it's likened to a virus.
• The concept of internet virality originates from the
scientific study of spreading viruses, and it can be
calculated using the same mathematical formula that
scientists use to measure the spread of viruses.
How the
virality is
The following strategies can
help you create content with
higher odds of going viral:
Create original content

No matter the content you create, it should have an original and

creative approach to something that piques the audience's interests and
provokes a response.
Make the content
Making your content relatable can
increase the likelihood that your
viewers share it.
Address a common complaint
or interest
To get content to the point of virality, you
could also address a common complaint,
interest or question that continues to appear
in internet searches.
Create visually appealing
People are oftentimes more drawn to
visual images than they are to written
language, because visual
representations may be easier to
process than reading for information.
Discuss current events or popular trends

You can also center your content on current events or trends

that are popular among your target market. In the example of
a parenting blog, you could introduce popular products or
trending advice to your audience.
MEME-ology 101
What is “MEME/S”

• According to, an Internet

meme (pronounced as miːm) or more commonly referred
to as a meme, “often take the form of pictures, videos, or
other media containing cultural information that, rather
than mutating randomly, have been deliberately altered by
What is “MEME/S”
• Memes became more popular amongst netizens (internet citizens)
since the start of the pandemic.
• People began sharing COVID-related meme as a way to share their
feelings whilst interacting with others online, once thought of as a
‘Band-Aid solution’ to the physical isolation brought on by the
• With the global pandemic stretching for over a year, however, this
‘Band-Aid solution’ suddenly seemed like it is becoming a ‘new
What is the
point of
• A recent research published in the Psychology of Popular Media
established that meme viewing, especially those that helps meme
viewers relate to a highly stressful context, may have the potential of
supporting viewers with their coping efforts with the situation.
• While the results from the research did not support the reduction of
stress levels related to the pandemic, when compared with the non-
memes, memes helped increased positive emotions that assisted users in
coping with the pandemic.
• Humor has always been a big part of life.
• The Archanians is oldest surviving play produced in 425
B.C., also known as Greek Old Comedy.
• Even from a long time ago, people have acknowledged the
importance of having a good laugh.
• In Japan, Rakugo is a popular traditional Japanese comedy
featuring a storyteller playing the part of multiple
characters to convey an elaborately complex comical story. 
In a nutshell
● Since humor brings about laughter that triggers the release
of the feel-good endorphins, we should capitalize on the
positive effects of laughter by incorporating it into our
daily routine.
● From viewing and sharing funny memes with family and
friends to watching some funny videos on YouTube, there
are many ways of incorporating humor.
● Communication has evolved over time since the caveman
period to the internet age.
In a nutshell

● The younger generation have been growing up ⬆️with the

convenience of the internet 🌏, opting for GIFs, emojis 😊,
and the latest memes to better convey their thoughts and
feelings. 🤩😱😑😡

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