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1. Organisation and planning of staff

One of the main functions of a Human Resources Department is to

organize the staff according to the needs and objectives of the
company. To this end, it will design the necessary jobs and will also
define the roles and responsibilities of each of them. So that you
can anticipate the professional profiles that the company requires in
the short, medium and long term. As well as their salaries, internal
promotion system, etc.
2. Recruitment of the company’s Human ResourcesIt

consists of the process being set in motion to attract

candidates with the skills and experience required by
each job. Recruitment can be an internal process, if
the candidates are already part of the company and are
in staff; or external, if they are outside the company
until then.
3. Selection of staff

If a company is to succeed, it must have a team of competent

professionals. To form this team and to elect its members, the
Human Resources Department is in charge of the selection
processes.In order to perform this important function correctly,
they must carry out a complete analysis of each candidate to
find out who best meets the needs of the company and what
each candidate could contribute. To this end, all candidates
must go through a series of selection tests.
4. Professional promotion within the company through career

A career plan is one of the benefits that the company offers to its
employees through training and training projects. These
programs enable employees to gain experience, overcome and
grow within the organization, while companies benefit from this
Thus, the staff is motivated and the professionals are prevented
from leaving the organization due to lack of motivation or
because they feel stacked and without the possibility of
ascending within the structure of the company.
5. Training

A properly trained workforce can adapt smoothly to changes in

their work routine in technological advances. In addition, you
will be up to date with the new trends that arise within your
sector, which is very interesting if you want to be an innovative
company that is ahead of competition.
6. Assessment of the establishment plan

The extra hours that each worker performs or the days on which
they do not attend work are monitored through the HHRR
Department. It is also responsible for assessing whether the
worker is complying with the skills and requirements of his job
and correcting any mismatches.
7. Good weather in the office

It is very important that they know the level of satisfaction that

each worker has within the organisation in order to correct in
time the reasons for their discontent and prevent their
abandonment. One of the factors most important to
professionals in determining whether they are well within a
business is the reconciliation between their professional and
family life.
8. Administrative procedures

Another of its functions is to manage all administrative

procedures related to the company's staff. We are talking
about the formalisation of contracts, the processing of social
insurance, payroll or any other administrative procedure
relating to workers.
9. Good employment relationship

It promotes smooth communication between the company

and its workers so that both sides feel listened to and
attended to by the other. This work is done through the
partners representing the workers (union representative, staff
delegate or union links). It is the workers' representatives
who are responsible for managing the collective conditions
of the workers of a company, resolving disputes and
negotiating agreements.
10. Prevention of occupational risks

Studying the conditions under which employees perform

their work and the risks that the performance of their duties
may have for the staff is another task of the Human
Resources Departments. They are responsible for
implementing the prevention and protection measures
necessary to preserve the health and well-being of the
people who work in the company.
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