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Kelompok Usia : 5 – 6 Tahun ( Kelas B )
Tema :Aku Sayang Binatang
Sub Tema : Binatang Peliharaan /Kucing
Semester / Minggu ke :I/4
Alokasi Waktu 180 : 180 Menit

Nama: Nidarman Halawa
NIM: 180930018
Nama: Nuraini
NIM : 1802102002/1414421192
A. Learning objectives and Basic Competencies

• The child is able to crawl like a cat

• Students are able to ask questions about the body parts of
• Learning recognize that the cat created by God
• The Child can group pictures
• Students learn to complete work without the help of
Activity Description Pets Subtheme the daily lesson plan for this
preschool contais scientific material, namely:
(Observasi) Children watching how a cat walks through the video.
(Questioning) The child is asked to ask questions about how to crawl.
(Gathering information) the child concludes how the cat walk.
(Reasoning) The child observes and determines the way the cat walks.
(Communicates) The child crawls to imitate the movement of the cat
With the scope of material : part of the cat’s body
Head, body, legs, body and tail.
Pet theme learning activities

Initial activity
Application of the opening SOP, greetings, reading prayers
before studying. 30 minutes of movement and songs,
watching various kinds of videos. Questions and answers
between children and teachers about loving and caring for
cats, Getting to know the activities and rules used to play.
Core activities
1. Crawling like a cat scientific
(Observing) the cild watches how the cat walks through the video.
(Questions) The child is asked to ask questions about how to crawl.
(Gathering information) The child concludes how the cat walks
(Reasoning) The child observes and determines how the cat walks
(Communicates) The child crawls imitating the cat walking.
2. Grouping pictures of saintific cat limbs
(Observasing) The child observes the picture of the cat
(Ask) The child is asked to ask questions about the names of the parts of the cat
(Gathering information) The child concludes the cats limbs.
(Reasoning) The child listens to the instructions given by the teacher in the videoand observer the picture on the LKPD,
then determines which picture is included the parts of the cats body
(Communicating) The child circles the picture that includes the cat body parts
3. Cat drawing
Science : Cats have four legs
Technology : Learning video about cats
Art : cats have many colors
Mathematic : counting the number of cats paws
End activities
Asking his feelings during the day 30 minutes of studying and
playing with the teacher and friends, Conversing what activities he
has played today, Closing with reading hamdalah and greetings,
Closing with reading hamdalah, greetings Informing activities for
tomorrow, Implementing closing SOPs
Assessment Plan for Animal Theme RPPH Example

• NAM know that cats are God’s creation

• Physical Motor able to crawl like a cat
• Cognitive able to group images.
• Social Emotional able to complete work without the help of others
• Language able to do questions and answers about the cat’s body
• The art of being able to draw a cat on paper
Media used

- Drawing paper
- videos
Drawing Paper
Drawing paper
Media video

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