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Reader-Response Criticism

 Text have no meaning if there is no reader.

 Reader Response criticism is a disciplined theory requiring a careful

reading of the text.

 A successful Reader Response Critic does analyze his or own response and not
just respond to the text.

 Each reader will interact with the text differently, the text may have more than
one valid interpretation.
Subjective and Objective Response
 Subjective response of the text  Objective response is
has its emphasis on the uninfluenced by any external
attitudes, moods, and opinions changes that may affect the
of the reader. perspective to it including
Reader-Response Criticism offers a
subjective reading of the text.

 Examining, explaining, and defending your personal reaction to a text.

Your critical reading of a text asks you to explore:

 Explores why you like or dislike the text

 explain whether you agree or disagree with the author;
 identify the text’s purpose; and
 critique the text.
Structure of a Reader-Response

• Title of the work to which you are responding;

• The author; and

• The main thesis of the text.

Two beliefs of a Reader-Response Theorist
 The role of the reader cannot be omitted from our understand of

 Readers do not passively consume the meaning presented to them by

an objective literary text. Instead, readers actively make the meaning
they find in literature.
Five Types of Reader Response Theory
Reader-Response vs. Traditional
Reader-Response Traditional
 Enhanced Ideas  Less practice of mind

 Critical Thinking skills  Lesser interpretation

 Student Dependent  Teacher dependent

 Multiple interpretation of the Text

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