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Product Strategy for Business Success

Assignment 4 – Disruptive Innovation For

Successful Product Strategy
Participant Name: Jayaprakash V
Question 1: Use your knowledge of Ansoff’s product-market expansion grid to create an
Ansoff’s matrix in the context of idea Forge case study. (~200 words)
Market Development Diversification
• Advertising & promotion of products
• Expand its products offering to different
• Communication on product can segment
• Single owners stores to strengthen its • Different segment increase IDEAFORGE
presence. MECHANICAL CHARGER accessibility to

different consumer

Market Penetration Product Development

• Expand Reach through new
geography • New product developments through

• No of outlets to be increased in retail Research & development

and wholesale market • Test marketing to test the product
• Digital Marketing • New Marketing approach for new products.

Existing New
Question 2: Use your learnings from this module to conduct a market opportunity analysis
for Linc Pen and Plastic case. (~200 words)
• Market expecting a
product with better
Can the product performance
• Premium range – profit convince Target • Consumer perception
margins better. customers? about LINC is innovative
• Due to higher unit price, • So customers will
top line can be increased convince on New product
Can the Target
• Employee cost, market will be • Distribution channel and
distribution cost, cost of Is it Profitable? reached with cost Market are same
effective Media – • Current Sales team with
funding will be lower due to
trade channels? training can be utilized
better returns.
• Current Marketing
agency can be utilized so
better rates can be
negotiated for Increase

• R & D lab and experienced

• Capability to develop team in product
cost competitive innovation.
products to benefit • Set channel to serve the
channel and customers Are the benefits Possess
better than resources to customer
better than copetition competitor? deliver benefits? • Sales team servicing same
• Manufacturing facility with
price leadership.
Question 3: Use your knowledge of growth strategy and strategic planning gaps to recommend
a growth strategy for UTV (Use the Strategic Planning Gap Theory). (~200 words)

Intensive Growth Integrative Growth Diversification Growth

• Innovative content creation

for a premium channels with • Foray into Post- • Diversify into software
premium charges. production services for
television software, • Open training institute in
• Games & Chat shows , media & entertainment
animation creation for for private producers &
advertisers overseas. related segment.
foreign channels with
premium range across high
margin markets. • Own TV channels &
movie production.
• Local content products for
Indians living in global

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