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MOW (Medical

Oprative Women)
Tubectomy and IUD
From Group 3 :
1. Fahmidia Zumala Dewi Ariani (200550004)
2. Irfina (200550006)
3. Novia Shinta Putri (200550011)
Definition of IUD

(IUD, English: intrauterine device, IUD), also called spiral or coil is

a small contraceptive device, often 'T'-shaped, containing copper or
levonorgestrel, which inserted into the uterus. This tool is a form of
long-term reversible contraception which is a method of most
effective birth control. IUD is a method the most recommended
pregnancy delay for prevent pregnancy, especially to keep the
distance between pregnancy.
The types of IUD installation
There are two types of IUD installation, as follows :

1. IUDs Non-Hormonal or CopperAs the name implies, this type of downward spiral does
not contain hormones and made with copper and plastic. Copper prevent pregnancy by
acting as spermisida(substances that kill sperm), so it prevents spermaccomplish and
bear egg cells.

2. IUDs Hormonal KB spirals containing hormone progestin-estin-ropector levonorgestrel.

Progestin causes cervical mucusthickening and a layer of uterus are thinning. KB usage
this can prevent sperm from reaching and producing cellseggs.
kinds of flagship IUD Often used
a. IUD Flagship TCU 380 AThis type of IUD is also often called the term Copper T.Copper
content is able to prevent pregnancy with high effectiveness to 99.4%. Enough timethe tide
was able to protect up to 10 years. Friend's bodyit can come back quickly.
b. IUD Flagship Silverline 380 AgThis is the premium IUD product of Flagship. Core
contentsilver in IUD Silverline was able to increase effectivenesscontraception. Flexible
arms provides comfortwhen used and thread with more special materialsgentle. Silverline
380 Ag effectively protected up to 5 years.
c. IUD Flagship Silverline 200 AgOne more premium IUD from Flagship. Silver core
contentin IUD Silverline is able to increase effectiveness contraception. Flexible arms
provides comfort when used and have thread with special materials the softer one. Silver
line 200 Ag is effective for protecting until 3 years.
Continue . . .
d. Postpartus IUD Flagship TCU 380 AThis IUD is especially for post-
substantiated. Arminserter especially those who are made longer, made the
midwife or the doctor easily puts the IUD into the womb with out need to
touch IUD so that the installation process can be used more sterile.

e. IUD Flagship Sleek CU 375 Smaller size through out ± 3 cm, fit for uterus
short. This IUD was made of plastic wrapped in wire copper. Comfortable
and easy when installation because a ball-shaped edge. Effectiveness of
protection fromThe pregnancy remains high up to 5 years.
f. IUD Flagship TCU 380 A Safety DownloadSafe Loading is a tool to
facilitate the midwife or doctor fold your arms out to inserter. This tool is
additional make IUD more sterile because it minimizes contact with hand.
With IUD TCu 380 A, permanent protection periodoptimally up to 10
How to Work from IUD

IUD consists of 2 types, which is UD non-monal b. How Iud Hormonal Works IUD
and UDUDAL hormone. hormones work by releasing
a. How IUD Non-Hormonal worksNon-Hormonal progestin-estin hormone little by
Non-Hormonals have the twists of copper little every day. These hormones will
around them.Copper issued substances that thicken fluid in the neck of the
cause inflammationin side a womb that is able womb so that sperm is difficult to
to damage sperm cells and egg cells before enter into the womb. Even if it
both of them had met. successful fertilization, this hormone
will thin the layers The womb is so
that it is difficult for eggs to attach.
Definition of MOW
The definition of Female Surgery Medical School (MOW) of female Medical
(MOW) is action in both egg channels that result in people or couples
concerned will not receive off spring again. This contraception is for the long
term and is often called tubectomy or sterilization (Handayani, 2010). MOW
(Female Medical Operations) or can be called a steady method of
contraceptives to women is a Surgical procedure to stop the fertatory (a
woman's fertility by clogging or cutting over the two egg ducts (tuboph)
(Anggraini, 2011).The MOW program itself is divided into 2, namely :
a. Hospital program
1) Implementation of post-operative MOW which gave birth
2) Have a gynecologist disease
b. Regular: MOW can be done at interval times
The Technique of doing MOW
a. Phase of preparation implementation
1) Informants preliminary
2) Medical History/health
3) Laboratory Examination
4) Emptying the biologicalness of the pee, asep and the anti-ceptions of the abdominal
5) Anesthesiab.
Surgery, techniques used in MOW services include :
Minilaparotomi. This method is the previous laparotomi eclipse, only Small incision
requires about 3 cm) both in the lower abdominal area (suprapubik) and subumbilikal
13 (on the lower center circum ference). This action can be done on many clients,
relative is cheap, and can be done by doctors who get special training. The operation
is also safer and effective.
Various Konrasepsi Steadily

Types of steady contraception according to Handay (2010), which is :

a. LightingThis is a closing act carried out on both women's falopi results in the one
concerned not getting pregnant or no longer causing pregnancy.

b. Opertif According to Handayani (2010) operating methods have various kinds of ways,
such ways can be done by :

1) Ingnal of them Laparotomi, Mini-laparatomi, Leveropic

2) including Kolpotomi and Kuldoskopi

3) of them are Histereskopi and Without looking directly

Continue . . .
c. Mechanically blockages Tubal clip mechanical tuba is mounted
on isthimus tuba falopii, 2-3 cm from the clean, through
laparatomi, kolpotomi, dan kuldoskopi.

d.Chemical tuban blockageThe way it works is chemical substances

will get solid tissue so that the blockage is formed in the falopii
tuba (tissue adhesive tissue), chemicals will flushed falopii and
cysteal fibrosis (sclerosis)

Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s terribly
Thank You
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