Kl-1 Biodiversitas Dan Kerusakan Lingkungan - 2020

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MK Lingkungan & Kesehatan Global
FKM UI, 2020
Isu Lingkungan

 Lokal  Global
 Kekeringan  Pemanasan global
 Banjir  Penipisan lapisan ozon
 Longsor  Hujan asam
 Erosi pantai  Pertumbuhan populasi
 Intrusi air laut dunia
 Nasional
 Desertifikasi
 Kebakaran hutan
 Penurunan
keanekaragaman hayati
 Pencemaran minyak
lepas pantai
 Pencemaran limbah B3
 Biodiversitas = keanekaragaman hayati
 Biodiversity is the totality of genes, species and ecosystems in a region
 Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources,
including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the
ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity
within species, between species, and of ecosystems
 Biodiversity forms the foundation of the vast array of ecosystem services
that critically contribute to human well-being
 Biodiversity includes all ecosystems: managed or unmanaged
 Managed systems: plantations, farms, croplands, aquaculture sites,
rangelands, or even urban parks and urban ecosystems
 Unmanaged ecosystems: wildlands, nature preserves, or national parks
Types of Biodiversity
Genetic diversity: genetic variability or diversity
within a species, e.g. 5000 recorded varieties of mango

Species diversity: diversity between different species,

e.g. Felix tigris – Felix domestica

Ecosystem diversity: diversity within a region,

e.g. grassland - forrest
 Indonesia merupakan satu di antara 17 negara yang disebut sebagai negara
Mega Biodiversity
 Hutan tropis Indonesia, beserta Brazil dan Kongo, adalah wilayah dengan
keanekaragaman spesies darat tertinggi di dunia
Why Biodiversity is important?
Biodiversitas memiliki banyak banyak manfaat baik yang berwujud
maupun yang tidak berwujud, yaitu:
 Jasa ekosistem, seperti: air minum yang bersih, pembentukan dan
perlindungan tanah, penyimpanan dan daur hara, mengurangi dan
menyerap polusi, berkontribusi terhadap stabilitas iklim,
pemeliharaan ekosistem, dan penyerbukan tanaman
 Sumber daya hayati, seperti: makanan, obat-obatan, bahan baku
industri, tanaman hias, stok untuk pemuliaan dan penyimpanan
 Manfaat sosial, seperti: pendidikan, rekreasi, penelitian, serta
Threats to Biodiversity
 Deforestation and overgrazing
 Habitat destruction and fragmentation of the area
 Poaching and hunting for flesh, fur, skin, horn, nail, and recreation
 Forest fire including smoking in the woods
 Over-exploitation of the resources
 Natural calamities, e.g. floods, high wind velocities, earthquakes, etc
 Pollution of various kinds and release of toxic substances
 Soil erosion and loss of soil nutrients
 Population pressure and unequal distribution of the resources
 Agricultural expansion
 Spreading urbanization and establishment of industries
 Construction of hydro-electric power-projects
 Climate changes: depletion of ozone, global warming, etc
 Mining activities and quarrying
 Lack of awareness
Impact of Loss of Biodiversity
 Global warming and climate
 Increased pollution
 Soil erosion and loss of fertility
 Decomposition rate by microbes
is altered
 Nutrient cycling is altered
 Reduces gene pool – affect
 Food chain is altered
 Alteration in hydrologic cycle
 Pelestarian:
 reboisasi
 pencegahan kebakaran hutan
 manajemen yang baik dari upaya pengendalian
hama dan vektor penyakit
 pencegahan pencemaran
 dll dst
 Penegakan hukum

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