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Demo- Type 1

These types of adverts explain and

demonstrate the main purpose of the
product long with its uses and the
benefit. The focus for the product is to be
promoted to the customers and persuade
them to buy the product. 
Show the problem- Type 2

This type of advert focus more on the

problem for the person that they have
trouble going through, for example
having a sore throat. This is made to
relate to their target audience and to
engage the customers in buying
something that would benefit them
in their lives. 
Symbolise the problem- Type 3

These adverts are in a way similar to the

‘show the problem’ adverts however
with this one it has something
to symbolise and to exaggerate
the persons problem. Usually, the
exaggerated graphic is a representation
of the product to understand the uses of
it and how effective it can be.
Comparison- type 4

These adverts are mostly seen in

cleaning adverts such as vanish because
they compare an average product
to their own to make it seem more
effective to the audience as it shows a
huge difference. They are presented to
be mor superior than the other to make
more customers give it a try.
Exemplary story- Type 5 

This is an advert that gives a narrative while

promoting their product. A lot of the time the
story doesn’t give much information or idea
to the audience on what they are promoting
until towards the end where they show the
product itself. 
Benefit causes story- Type 6 

Most of the time they use an exaggerated

storyline to draw the audience's attention. A
lot of the time it focuses less on the product
like ‘exemplary story’ and also shows the
product towards the
end. Usually, it influences the viewers to make
them want to be like that as well.
Testimonial- Type 7

   These adverts have more of a

softer approach and sound
more welcoming. A lot of the time
old people are used because it is
mostly benefitted for them so the
advert would most likely
be slowed and have
calming music, so they don’t miss
what they are talking about.
Usually involves a nice friend
telling them the impact.
Ongoing character/celebrity-
Type 8
   These adverts are very
common and are most likely
to involve a celebrity in
order to make the brand
more known. Customers are
more likely to buy the
product their favorite celebri
ty is associated with.
   Symbolise the benefit- Type 9

   This is similar to type 3 as

something is there
to symolise the product. The
product is demonstrated
through a symbol of some sort
or exaggerated graphics. 
Associated user imagery- Type 10

These adverts like to use someone who

us associated with their product for
example a mac make up advert would
use women because the product is for
the women. These type of adverts are
mostly used for beauty and cosmetics
Unique selling point- Type 11

Adverts like these are found in

cleaning product
advertisments such as vanish
or vaccum products. They like
to focus on something that
makes the product stand out
most and compare it to
another product.  
Parody/borrowed content- Type 12

Adverts in this catergory usually refer to tv

shows, films or other adverts. This is pursued
to create a sense of familiarity allowing the
audience to remain engaged as the parody is
usually based off content that was majorly
popular in the past. At times when adverts
replicate other adverts it is in spite to mock

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