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What is polio
How virus infect someone
Poliomyelitis, often called polio or infantile paralysis,
is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. This
can occur over a few hours to a few days. The weakness
most often involves the legs but may less commonly
involve the muscles of the head, neck . Many people
fully recover. In those with muscle weakness about 2 to
5 percent of children and 15 to 30 percent of adults die.
  Another 25 percent of people have minor symptoms
such as fever and a sore throat, neck stiffness and
pains in the arms and legs.These people are usually
back to normal within one or two weeks. Poliovirus is
usually spread from person to person. It may also be
spread by food or water containing human feces.
Those who are infected may spread the disease for up
to six weeks even if no symptoms are present. The
disease only occurs naturally in humans. The disease is
preventable with the polio vaccine; however, multiple
doses are required for it to be effective. The US Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention recommends polio
vaccination boosters for travelers and those who live in
countries where the disease is occurring.
Non-paralytic polio
Signs and symptoms of non-paralytic polio can last from
one to 10 days. These signs and symptoms can be flu-like
and can include:
sore throat
Paralytic polio
Initial symptoms are similar to non-paralytic polio. But after a
week, more severe symptoms will appear. These symptoms
loss of reflexes
severe spasms and muscle pain
loose and floppy limbs, sometimes on just one side of the
sudden paralysis, temporary or permanent
deformed limbs, especially the hips, ankles, and feet
Post-polio syndrome
It’s possible for polio to return even after you’ve
recovered. This can occur after 15 to 40 years. Common
symptoms of post-polio syndrome (PPS) are:
continuing muscle and joint weakness
muscle pain that gets worse
becoming easily exhausted or fatigued
muscle wasting, also called muscle atrophy
trouble breathing and swallowing
sleep apnea, or sleep-related breathing problems
As a highly contagious virus, polio transmits
through contact with infected feces. Objects like
toys that have come near infected feces can
also transmit the virus. Sometimes it can
transmit through a sneeze or a cough, as the
virus lives in the throat and intestines. This is
less common.
People living in areas with limited access to
running water or flush toilets often contract polio
from drinking water contaminated by infected
human waste. According to the Mayo Clinic , the
virus is so contagious that anyone living with
someone who has the virus can catch it too.
Pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems —
such as those who are HIV-positive — and young children
are the most susceptible to the poliovirus. If you have not
been vaccinated, you can increase your risk of contracting
polio when you:
● travel to an area that has had a recent polio outbreak
● take care of or live with someone infected with polio
● handle a laboratory specimen of the virus
● have your tonsils removed
● have extreme stress or strenuous activity after exposure to
the virus
Your doctor will diagnose polio by looking at your
symptoms. They’ll perform a physical examination and
look for impaired reflexes, back and neck stiffness, or
difficulty lifting your head while lying flat. Labs will
also test a sample of your throat, stool, or
cerebrospinal fluid for the poliovirus.
Doctors can only treat the symptoms while the infection
runs its course. But since there’s no cure, the best way to
treat polio is to prevent it with vaccinations. The most
common supportive treatments include:
● bed rest
● painkillers
● antispasmodic drugs to relax muscles
● antibiotics for urinary tract infections
● portable ventilators to help with breathing
● physical therapy or corrective braces to help with walking.
● heating pads or warm towels to ease muscle aches and
● physical therapy to treat pain in the affected muscles
● physical therapy to address breathing and pulmonary
● pulmonary rehabilitation to increase lung endurance
In advanced cases of leg weakness, you may need a
wheelchair or other mobility devi
The best way to prevent polio is to get the vaccination.
Children should get polio shots according to the
vaccination schedule presented by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
CDC Vaccination Schedule
Age Doses
2 months One dose
4 months One dose
6 to 18 months One dose
4 to 6 years Booster dose
Adults in the United States aren’t at high risk for
contracting polio. The greatest risk is when traveling to
an area where polio is still common.Make sure to get a
series of shots before you travel
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