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Law Enforcement

Organization and Administration

An inter-agency Approach as Provided by CMO 5 s.2108

At the end of the discussion, you would be acquainted on the following:
 Evolvement of the word police
 Definition of the word police
 Effectiveness of policing system
 Distinction of Police from Law enforcement
 Powers and Function of Police as Pillar of Criminal Justice System
 Distinction of Police and Policeman
 Theories of police service
 Fundamental concept of police service
 Police Administration
 Police Organization
 Units of Police Organization
 Police organizational Structure
Evolvement of the word Police
Condition of a state, government and
Roman – politia

Greek – politeia Group of persons who governs a city

French – politia –
police Law Enforcer
What is police?

 Agency of a community or government

 Enforcement of laws
 Maintenance of peace and order
 Prevention as well as detecting crimes
On Effectiveness of Policing System

 Before
Considered effective on the number of arrested and jailed criminals
 Present
Considered as effective on zero crime activities

Because policing system at present is

not only directed towards criminals but
now involves Public Service.
Does the word Police same as Law
Enforcement Agency?
 No

Law enforcement in its broadest sense pertains to those

governmental agencies in charge with the execution or
enforcement of laws where Police is among them.
As Pillar of Criminal Justice System
(activities) PRASIP
 Prevention of Crimes;
 Repression or suppression of crime;
 Apprehension of offenders;
 Conduct Search and seizures;
 Investigation of crimes;
 Protection of lives and Property

Nota bene: For the complete list of the powers and

functions of the PNP, Refer to section 24 of the RA
Police Vs. Policeman

Police Policeman
 The agency  Personemployed in
the agency
 Juridical  Natural Person
Theories Of Police Service
Decision making by the Central Decision making is delegated among local
Government government


 Observed in countries which observed  Observed in countries which observed
centralized government decentralized government
 Policemen are considered servants of higher  Policemen are considered servants of the
authorities community
 People have little or no share at all in their  People depend on their effectiveness in the
duties performance of their duties
 This theory prevails among continental  This is practiced in England and in United
countries such as Spain, Italy France where States of America where governmental
the governmental structure follows the structure is decentralized.
centralized pattern.
What are the Fundamental Concepts of
Police Service?
Old Concept Modern Concept
 Community rate effectiveness of  Considers police as an organ of crime
policemen as to the number off prevention
arrested and incarcerated person  Public sees policemen as effective in the
 The yardstick of police efficiency is absence of crime
more arrest.

Police functions are no longer limited on

PNP at present is under the arresting or dealing with offender but
modern concept therefore included public service

 AUTHORITY- the supreme source of government for any   

  particular organization
- the right to exercise, to decide and to command  by
virtue of rank and position
 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY – an act of a person, higher in
authority, conferring of an amount of authority, power, duty or
responsibility to a lower-level position.
 ORGANIZING – The act of systematically arranging different
units in hierarchical order to perform specific functions in achieving
desired objectives.


Association of human Determination of Putting into action the
beings to attain objectives and policies and plans
specific goal or policies of an
objective organization

Both Management and Administration of

an organization are geared towards the
achievement of goals and objectives
Goals Objectives
 Broad  Narrow
 General intentions  Precise / specific
 Intangible  Tangible
 Abstract  Concrete
 Can not be validated  Can be validated
What is Police Administration?

 An organizational process concerned with the

determination of objectives and plans, and internal
operating efficiency of the police organization
 Itis the systematic structure of management of a
police organization.
What is Police Organization?

 Referringto a number of police units

systematically arranged for some purpose or

 POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY – the inherent responsibility of a

police organization to be answerable for misconducts committed by
its members.
 POLICE MANAGEMENT – the act of administering, controlling,
or handling various aspects of police organization.
 POLICE POWER – the inherent power of the government to
impose reasonable restrictions on the liberties of its citizens for the
maintenance of public order and safety.
Organizational Units of a Police
 Functional
 Line
 Geographical/territorial
Units of a Police Organization
 Functional Units
Bureau – largest organic functional unit which comprises of
numbers of divisions
 Division – primary subdivision of a bureau
i.e. investigation division
 Section – functional unit within a division that is necessary
for specialization
i.e. homicide section
 Unit– functional group within a section; or the smallest
functional group within an organization
Units of a Police Organization

 Line
Pertains to personnel who directly interact with
the public. i.e. patrol
Units of a Police Organization

 Geographical/territorial
Post – fixed location where an officer is assigned
for duty
Route – area designated for patrol purposes also
known as Line Beat
Beat – area assigned for patrol either by vehicle or
Units of a Police Organization

 Geographical/territorial continued..
Sector – an area which contains two or more beats,
routes or posts.
District – geographical subdivision of a city for
patrol purposes within its own station
Area – territorial subdivision of a large city each
comprise of designated districts
What are the different Type Of Police
Organizational Structure?
 Line type police Organization
 A straight
line organization which is often called the individual, military, or
departmental type organization, is the simplest and perhaps the oldest types;
 Creates a set of superior-subordinate relations in the hierarchy commonly called the
“chain off command”
 Quick decisions can be made because of the direct lines authority.
 Discipline is administered in this type of the organization.
 Responsibility for making decisions is well identified. Singleness of purpose is
What are the different Type Of Police
Organizational Structure?
 Line and staff police organization
 Combination of line units and staff (support) units so that services of personnel
performing special functions can be provided to police officer performing line
 It combines staff specialist such as the criminalists, the training officers, the
research and development specialists, etc. Channels of responsibility is to “think
and provide expertise” for the line units.
 The line supervisor must remember that he obtains advice from the staff
What are the different Type Of Police
Organizational Structure?
 Line and staff police organization
 In normal operations, the staff supervisor has line commands but with recognized
limitations such as coordination between line and staff personnel can be achieved without
undue friction.

 Failure to recognize these line and staff relationship is the greatest and most frequent
source of friction and a barrier to effective coordination.

 The advantage of this kind would be- it combines staff specialist or units with line
organization so that service of knowledge can be provided to line personnel by specialist..
What are the different Type Of Police
Organizational Structure?
 Line and staff police organization
 The Philippine National Police follows the line and staff kind of organizational
What are the different Type Of Police
Organizational Structure?
 Functional type
 Personnel have to serve several heads. multi-headed leadership
 Advantages
1. divides responsibility and authority between several specialists;
2. Functional responsibility is limited to a particular activity over which
he has control regardless of who performs the functions.

1. Coordination of effort becomes difficult;
2. Discipline is difficult to administer;
3. Conflict among the functional administrators.

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