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UI & UX (BTCS9605) - CAT 3

Presented By :
Vaibhab Kumar Yadav - 18scse1010301 / 18021011537
Elec. Sec - 6

The popularity of fitness tracking devices has increased significantly over

the past few years but the quality of OS perticullarly the UI is so poorly
implemented even by big manufacturers. Implementing health and fitness
features in a small and compact screen requires a lot of ui & ux work . It is a
small market but filled wth big players so the product needs to create its
own space with its unique features which seperates it from the others .

1. Activity tracking
2. Step Counter 
3. Logs of workout
4. Heart rate , BP , oxygen level monitoring
5. Accident detection
6. Goals & management 
7. Sleep record
8. Alert for notifications
9. Idle prompt notification

Activity tracking app designs should be built to respond to the specific

needs of the user. User experience design should always revolve
around getting to the core purpose of your app.
Some of the key components include :
- Responsiveness
- Providing relevent details in the homepage .
- predictable navigation
- Realtime & Relevent notification
- Visual Design

Designing the front page of a fitness

tracking app is the most important
criteria which effects its popularity
and user base. The representation of
important and relevent data upfront
is essential to keep user updated
with real time data rather than him
having to click a lot of buttons to get
the information he needs.

The visual storyboard depicts how

users will explore the features and
what are all the circumstances they
use in this app.

The following UI & UX

implementations along with on
device haptic feedback and
notifications gives the user a
complete and proper experience .
Alert & Nudge

Simple tracking and displaying the data in not enough in todays world . The main
reason behind buying a fitness tracking device and application is to keep oneshelf
motivated and continue the daily routine but people get bored or lazy after a
certain time . So we need to have a feature which reminds people to stay active
and stay healthy but mere notification sometimes does not serve the purpose .

We need to have a nudge or vibration mechanism to alert the user if he has been
inactive for a long period of time . This nudge wakes the user and give him a
reminder to stand and do something .
If we implement this properly this feature and be used for a lot of fitness related
notifications .

Based on these studies and presentation , a comprehensive fitness tracking UI & UX

can be created . It symbolizes the young people to use this app if it fits into their
lifestyle and schedule.
This project gives me an understanding that how difficult it is to introduce the small
new feature into an important field of fitness and health tracking . The touch points we
need to consider before changing a small button on a screen is huge in this field.
Small small features takes more time to adjust because it reports critical data related to
health and fitness .

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