CHP 1 Intro and Basic Concepts

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Introduction and
Basic Concepts

•Data Communication
•Protocols and Standards
•Standard Organizations
Data Communication
 What is Data Communications?
 is the exchange of data between two devices via some form
of transmission medium such as wire cable.
 An effective data communications has 3 characteristics:
 Delivery

 Correct destination
 Receive by the intended device or user
 Accuracy
 Deliver data accurately
 Altered data unusable
 Timeliness
 Deliver data in a timely manner

 Real time transmission – deliver data as they are

produced, in the same order that they are produced,
without delay.
Components of a Data Comm.
Protocol- set of rules
that governs data
Message – information(data) Communication. Without
To be communicated. E.g.: protocol it may connected
Text, numbers, sound, or video, but not communicate.
Or any combination of these.

Medium - physical path by

Sender - device that sends which a message travel. Receiver - device that
the message. E.g.: E.g.: twisted pair, coaxial receives the message. E.g.:
Computer, cable, fiber optic cable, or Computer,
Workstation, radio waves (terrestrial or Workstation,
Telephone handset, satellite microwave)
Telephone handset,
TV, and so on. TV, and so on.

 IS a set of devices (nodes) connected by

communication links. Node (computer,
printer, or any other device capable of
sending and/or receiving data generated
by other nodes on the network)
 Categorized by geographic scope: LANs,
 Distributed processing
 security/encapsulation
 Limit interaction with the entire system. e.g.: ATM –
user access own account without accessing to the
bank’s entire database.
 security through redundancy
 Running the same program at the same time for
security purposes. Space shuttle system.
 distributed databases
 Information stored and manipulated anywhere on the
 collaborative processing
 Multiple computers and users interact on a task.
 faster problem-solving
• Measured by Measured by frequency of Protect data from
• transit time (amount of failure, time taken to unauthorized access
recover, network’s
time required for a
robustness in catastrophe.
message to travel from
one device to another )
• response time (elapsed
time between inquiry
and a response)
• No. of users, type of
transmission medium,
hardware’s capabilities,
software’s efficiency.
•A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communications.
•Protocol defines:
• What is communicated
• How it is communicated
• When it is communicated

•The key elements of a protocol are:

• syntax : structure/format of the data (the order in which they are presented).
• semantics : meaning of each section of bits (does an address identify the route
to be taken or the final destination of the message?)
• timing : when data should be sent and how fast they can be sent. Example
sender produces data at 100 Mbps but the receiver can process data at only 1
Mbps – thus the transmission will overload the receiver and data largely lost.

• provides a model for development that makes it possible for a

product to work regardless of the individual manufacturer.

Two categories of standards:

• NOT been approved by an organized •legislated by an officially recognized

body but have been adopted as standards body-- e.g. by committee
through widespread use. •RS232
•example. Hayes modem command set,
IBM PC bus

• Standards are supported by manufacturers and users to promote

interoperability of equipment.
• Open interface descriptions for ease of maintenance and support.
• Greater competition of products among manufacturers and resulting
lower costs for users.
• Standard tooling lowers manufacturing cost and increases their profit
• Standard interfaces allow fair comparison of performance among
competing products.
Five general concepts provide the basis to
understand the relationship between
communicating devices:
 Line configuration
 Topology
 Transmission mode
 Categories of networks
 Internetworks

• Methods are needed where channel-sharing can be enabled so that

stations can share a single physical channel and still maintain
• Line configuration defines the attachment of communication devices
to a link.


• Point-to-point line configuration

• Multipoint line configuration
Point-to-point line
•It is a line dedicated between two devices
Multipoint line configuration
 Also called as multidrop.
 More than two specific devices share [spatially
or temporally] a single link.
 Spatially shared: Several devices can use the
link simultaneously
 Timeshare: Users must take turns.

• Defines the physical or logical arrangement of

links in a network
•Physical meaning the actual physical layout of stations.
•Logical meaning an LAN architecture which defines
how signals actually travel over the network.


Mesh Star Tree Bus Ring Hybrid

Mesh topology
 Every device has a dedicated point to
point link to every other device.
 The link carries traffic only between those
2 devices.
 A fully connected mesh network has n(n-
1)/2 physical channels to n devices.
 Every device must have n-1 I/O ports.
 Best used in Backbone Networks.
Mesh Topology Advantages:
 Less traffic on each link.
 Very robust..if a link becomes unusable, there
are other links available to transport traffic.
 Very private and secure because of the
dedicated line.
 Easy to troubleshoot…you know exactly which
link is broken allowing you to bypass that link
until it is operational again.
Mesh Topology
 The amount of cabling.
 The number of I/O ports
 Installation and configuration is difficult.
 Dedicated lines are expensive.
 Hardware to connect links…the I/O ports
and cable are expensive.
 Heavy wiring requires extra support in
ceilings, walls, and support.
Star topology
 Star Topologies have
dedicated point to
point links only to a
central controller
usually called a hub.
 Doesn’t allow direct
traffic between
devices because the
hub/controller takes
care of sending traffic.
Star Topology Advantages

 Less expensive than a mesh.

 Only one I/O port required.
 Easy to install.
 Easy to troubleshoot broken links so it is
 Less cabling.
 Devices can be moved around quite easily.
Star Topology
 More cabling than with a linear bus.
 If the hub/controller dies….so does the
Tree Topology
 Variation of the Star.
 Nodes in the Tree are linked to a hub but
not every device plugs into the central hub.
 Most devices connect to a secondary hub
that in turn is connected to a central hub.
 Central hub in an active hub containing a
repeater to regenerate bit patterns.
 Secondary hubs can be active or passive.
Tree topology
Tree Topology Advantages
 Less expensive than a mesh.
 Only one I/O port required.
 Easy to install.
 Easy to troubleshoot broken links so it is ROBUST.
 Less cabling.
 Devices can be moved around quite easily.
Bus topology
 Multipoint: One cable acts as a
backbone to link all the devices in a
 Drop line: a connection running
between the device and main cable.
 Tap: a connector that either splices
into the main cable or punctures the
sheathing of the cable to create a
contact with the metallic core.
 Signal degrades due to energy
being transformed into heat. So,
there is limitation on the number of
taps allowed.
 Adv: easy to install, less cabling.
 Disadv: Limit on number of taps and
the distance between taps, difficult
to identify fault, signal degradation,
modification is difficult.
Ring topology
 Employs a dedicated
point to point line
configuration between
each device and the
device on its left and the
device on its right.
 A signal passes in one
direction over the entire
ring until it reaches a
 Each device has a
repeater to regenerate
the signal.
Ring Topology Advantages &
 Easy to Install and Reconfigure
 Device fault isolation is simplified because
signals circle all the time. When a device
doesn’t receive a signal, you can pinpoint
which device isn’t working.
 Link faults are more difficult to troubleshoot.
One break brings down the whole network.
Hybrid topology
• Network combines several topologies as subnetworks linked
together in a larger topology.
• Example one department may decided to use a bus topology
while another department has a ring.
• The two can be connected to each other via a central
controller in a star topology.
Transmission Modes
 Simplex: unidirectional…one-way street.
 Half-Duplex: Each can transmit and receive but not at
the same time….walkie-talkies.
 Full-Duplex: Both stations can transmit and receive and
the same time…you and the telemarketer as you try to
interrupt him/her in the middle of their little speech trying
to sell you something. Another example…a 2 lane
highway with traffic in both directions.
Privately owned.
Connection within one building, limited to few kilometers.
Designed to allow resource sharing
Transmission media: normally only one type.
Topology: bus, ring and star are the most common.
Designed to extent over entire city.
Maybe wholly owned or provided by a public company.

long distance transmission, over large geographical area.
May utilize public, leased, or private communication
May be wholly owned or publicly owned


• When 2 or more networks are connected, they become an

internetwork, or internet.

• Individual networks are joined into internetworks by the use of

internetworking devices

• Do not confuse internet and Internet.

• internet = an interconnection of networks

• Internet = specific worldwide network

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