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Reader’s Workshop

Thursday, November 4, 2021
The Rising Action
1. Introduction
Plot Diagram
2. Rising Action
3. Climax Falling Action
4. Conclusion Chapter
2. 17-20
Chapter 20
1. 14-16
Chapter 1 - 2
the fight between opposite forces in a
The Conflict
Conflict is another name for the protagonist’s
problem in the story.

What does the main character want?

What will the main character do to
get what they want?
CONFLICT... introduced in the rising action at the highest point at the climax
...begins to work itself out during the falling action resolved during the resolution
6 Main Conflicts in Literature
1. Person vs. Person

 conflict between two or more people

eg. two friends get in a fight and stop

talking to each other
2. Person vs. Nature

 a conflict between a person and

something from the natural world
eg. students get lost in a forest and have
to survive
eg. natural disasters
Video Clip
3. Person vs. Society
conflict between a person and the
laws or beliefs of a group

eg. person who protests against an

unjust law
4. Person vs. Machine
 conflict between a person and
some sort of machine/technology
5. Person vs. Supernatural
 conflict between a person and
supernatural forces such as
monsters, aliens, ghosts, etc.
6. Person vs. Self
a conflict within a person (in their mind)
eg. Batman: should I help others or should I
take care of myself
6. Person vs. Self

eg. Homer: should I eat the donut or should I

All the conflicts are EXTERNAL
(outside of person) except for
Person vs Self
 INTERNAL conflict

inside of person
Person vs Nature
Alex and Scott are out at sea on a small fishing
boat when a large storm hits. After their boat
flips over and sinks during the storm, Alex and
Scott struggle to make it back to the shore. Just
when they think that things can’t get any
worse, they see a shark fin circling them.
Person vs Supernatural
Tara and her friends accept a dare to sleepover
in the old abandoned house on the hill. They
acted brave at first, but when they started
seeing ghosts they tried to run. Trapped in the
haunted house, Tara and her friends struggle to
escape with their lives.
Person vs Nature
After years of saving money, John bought his dream
home. It was a two-story beach house in a secluded
area. John thought it was absolutely perfect, until he
noticed the termites. First there were just a few,
nibbling away at the back deck, but soon there were
thousands. This is the story of how John went to war
with the termites, a war that he eventually won, but one
that cost him his dream home.
Person vs Self
All the way to school, Nelson felt upset with
himself. “Why had he played video games all
night instead of studying for his math test?”
Person vs Society
Every time I walk into a store, all eyes are on
me,” Daquan thought. “I’m tired of people
thinking I am a criminal just because I am
young and black.”
What kind of conflict is the main
conflict in your novel?
How do you think the conflict will

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